Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my Discord chat page, if still up, that is also here if you need invite and here if you are already a member. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it.
This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Monday, March 2, 2020

The Muslim Magic Names

This is from a post in this site.

This list came from the rtf titled "The 99 names of Allah - Sacred Names".

1 - ARE-RAHMAN - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you can free yourself from depression.
Personal power you will gain: You will become more merciful towards others

2 - ARE-RAH-HEEM - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will gain the friendship of others. This will also protect you from harm
Personal power you will gain: You will become more giving.

3 - AL-MA-LEEK - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will gain financial abundance
Personal power you will gain: You will become more giving.

4 - AL-KOODS - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you can free yourself from depression and anxiety.
Personal power you will gain: You will gain inner sanctity

5 - AS-SA-LAM - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you can heal the sick
Personal power you will gain: You will gain inner peace

6 - AL-MOO-MEEN - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will be protected from all harm
Personal power you will gain: You will live in faith

7 - AL-MOO-HI-MEEN - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will gain holiness of Body, Mind and Spirit
Personal power you will gain: You will gain holiness

8 - AL-AZIZ - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will gain self sufficiency and independence from others
Personal power you will gain: You will gain inner motivation

9 - AL-JABAR - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will gain power over all circumstances in your life
Personal power you will gain: You will gain great inner strength

10 - AL-MOO-TAKA-BEER - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will gain the respect of others and success in all endeavors.
Personal power you will gain: You will gain charisma

11 - AL-KAH-LEAK - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will gain merits of heaven
Personal power you will gain: You will gain spiritual righteousness

12 - AL-BA-RI - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will attract order into your life
Personal power you will gain: You will gain orderliness and have the ability to endure chaotic events

13 - AL-MOOSA-WEER - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will cure infertility
Personal power you will gain: You will gain material manifestation abilities.

14 - AL-GA-FAR - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will be forgiven of your sins
Personal power you will gain: You will gain a forgiving disposition

15 - AL-KAH-HAR - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will liberate your mind from material things
Personal power you will gain: You will eradicate greed in you

16 - AL-WA-HAB - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will liberated from poverty.
Personal power you will gain: You will gain the ability to alleviate poverty in others.

17 - ARE-RA-ZAQ - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will never want for anything
Personal power you will gain: You will gain the ability to manifest

18 - AL-FA-TAH - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will open your heart
Personal power you will gain: You will gain the ability to be compassionate

19 - AL-ALEEM - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will discern divine secrets
Personal power you will gain: You will gain the ability to be channel of God

20 - AL-KA-BEED - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will never go hungry
Personal power you will gain: You will gain faith in divine providence

21 - AL-BA-SEAT - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will never need others to sustain you
Personal power you will gain: You will gain inner conviction and strength

22 - AL-KA-FEED - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will defeat those who are against you
Personal power you will gain: You will gain the ability to ward off enemies

23 - ARE-RA-FEE - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will gain status and recognition
Personal power you will gain: You will gain the ability to handle stress and status gracefully

24 - AL-MOO-EASE - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will become fearless
Personal power you will gain: You will gain courage in the face of all people and adversity

25 - AL-MOOD-HEAL - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will divert the evil energies of those who are envious of you
Personal power you will gain: You will eradicate jealousy in your heart

26 - AS-SAMMY - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will be able to manifest anything you ask of God
Personal power you will gain: You will be directly linked to God

27 - AL-BA-SEER - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will gain enlightenment
Personal power you will gain: You will be instilled with inner spiritual light

28 - AL-HA-KAM - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will learn the secrets of the Universe
Personal power you will gain: You will have the ability to teach the mysteries

29 - AL-ADILL - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will gain control over others
Personal power you will gain: You will have the ability to be persuasive

30 - AL-LA-TEEF - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will gain control over your life circumstances
Personal power you will gain: You will have the ability to come up with solutions to your problems

31 - AL-KAH-BEER - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will gain control over and eradicate your bad habits
Personal power you will gain: You will have willpower of steel

32 - AL-HA-LEAM - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will be protected from natural disasters
Personal power you will gain: You will have power to remove evil from everywhere that you go

33 - AL-AZEEM - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will be respected
Personal power you will gain: You will have power to draw people to you

34 - AL-GA-FOOR - BENEFIT: If you are sick and have a headache, this name will help you
Personal power you will gain: You will have power to heal yourself

35 - ASH-SHA-KOOR - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, all your financial problems will go away
Personal power you will gain: You will have power to have what it takes to make money in this world

36 - AL-ALI - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will gain respect and success in your endeavors
Personal power you will gain: You will have power to attract your desires

37 - AL-KA-BEER - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will win in games of chance or in politics
Personal power you will gain: You will have power to attract good luck

38 - AL-HA-FEES - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will be protected from harm
Personal power you will gain: You will have power to attract good fortune

39 - AL-MOO-KEET - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, your children will be obedient
Personal power you will gain: You will have power to calm people

40 - AL-HA-SEEB - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, your problems will resolve in your favor
Personal power you will gain: You will have power to go communicate directly with God

41 - AL-JA-LEEL - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will be well liked by others
Personal power you will gain: You will have natural social abilities

42 - AL-KA-REEM - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will achieve spiritual esteem
Personal power you will gain: You will have spiritual peace in your heart

43 - AL-RA-KEEB - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will gain divine protection from all bad things
Personal power you will gain: You will have power to avert crisis

44 - AL-MOO-JEEB - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will have all your prayers answered be careful what you ask for
Personal power you will gain: You will have powerful prayers

45 - AL-WA-SEE - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will find it easy to get a job
Personal power you will gain: You will have inner harmony with material success.

46 - AL-HA-KEEM - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will gain true wisdom
Personal power you will gain: You will have the power to reach peoples and help them spiritually

47 - AL-WA-DUDE - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will reconcile with your significant other
Personal power you will gain: You will have the power to achieve harmonious relationships

48 - AL-MA-JEED - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will gain glory in life
Personal power you will gain: You will glow with power and glory. People will notice you.

49 - AL-BA-IT - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will become God fearing
Personal power you will gain: You will have a humble spirit

50 - ASH-SHA-HEED - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will attract harmony in your relationships
Personal power you will gain: You will have the power to help people reach a state of equilibrium emotionally

51 - AL-HUK - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will find lost objects
Personal power you will gain: You will gain more dependability in your life

52 - AL-WA-KEEL - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will be protected from bodily harm
Personal power you will gain: You will gain the power and strength to save people from harm

53 - AL-KA-WEE - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will be free from those who want to harm you
Personal power you will gain: You will gain the inner resources you need to stand up for yourself

54 - AL-MA-TEEN - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will have no worries in this life
Personal power you will gain: You will gain the inner strength to endure any hardship

55 - AL-WA-LEE - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will gain divine favor
Personal power you will gain: You will gain the Midas touch

56 - AL-HA-MEED - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will be loved by all
Personal power you will gain: You will gain charm and influential abilities

57 - AL-MOOH-SEE - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will gain heaven
Personal power you will gain: You will gain righteousness

58 - AL-MOOB-DEE - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will have a child
Personal power you will gain: You will gain powers to bestow fertility on yourself and others

59 - AL-MOO-EED - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will be protected in your travels
Personal power you will gain: You will have your prayers answered

60 - AL-MOO-HAYA - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will be relieved of your burdens
Personal power you will gain: You will have the power to relieve the suffering of others

61 - AL-MOO-MEET - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will destroy your enemies (Use With Caution)
Personal power you will gain: You will have the power to repel your enemies

62 - AL-HY - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will achieve longevity
Personal power you will gain: You will have the habits to lead a healthy life

63 - AL-KA-YOOM - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will avoid misfortune
Personal power you will gain: You will have the ability to attract only good things to your life

64 - AL-WA-JEED - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will have a joyous heart
Personal power you will gain: You will have the ability to live a joyous life.

65 - AL-MA-JEED - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will attain divine revelation
Personal power you will gain: You will have the ability to commune with angels

66 - AL-WA-HEED - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will be free of fear
Personal power you will gain: You will be fearless

67 - AL-AH-HAD - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will glean universal secrets
Personal power you will gain: You will be a conduit of divine knowledge

68 - AL-SA-MAD - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will have people looking to you for guidance
Personal power you will gain: You will be a conduit of knowledge that will help others

69 - AL-KA-DEER - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will manifest your heart's desire
Personal power you will gain: You will be a powerful manifester

70 - AL-MOOK-TA-DEER - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will know the truth about everything
Personal power you will gain: You will be a discerner of the truth

71 - AL-MOOK-AH-DEEM - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, if you are in the military, this name will protect you
Personal power you will gain: You will always have protective energy about you

72 - AL-MOOK-KA-HEAR - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you love of God will be complete
Personal power you will gain: You will always have divine energy emanating from your heart

73 - AL-AWAL - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will banish infertility
Personal power you will gain: You will always have creative energy

74 - AL-ACHIR - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will lead a fulfilled life
Personal power you will gain: You will always have good luck energy around you

75 - AZ-ZAHEER - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will be given divine light
Personal power you will gain: You will always have divine energy around you and people will be drawn to you

76 - AL-BA-TEEN - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will never be in the dark about anything
Personal power you will gain: You will always have the upper hand in your affairs

77 - AL-WA-LEE - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will bring protective energies in your house
Personal power you will gain: You will always feel safe

78 - AL-MOOT-ALI - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will have God benevolence
Personal power you will gain: You will have God energy about you

79 - AL-BAR - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will insure your children will be successful
Personal power you will gain: You can will yourself into having healthy and happy children at the moment of conception

80 - AL-TA-WAB - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, your sins will be forgiven
Personal power you will gain: You will always be introduced to events that will increase our spirituality

81 - AL-MOON-TAKIM - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, your enemies will fall away
Personal power you will gain: You will always have good luck in competitions or business

82 - AL-AFOO - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, your sins will be forgiven
Personal power you will gain: You will always be introduced to events that will increase our spirituality

83 - AL-RA-OOF - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will always be blessed
Personal power you will gain: You will always be blessed and it will emanate from you.

84 - MALIK-UL-MOOLK - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will gain esteem amongst your peers
Personal power you will gain: You will always exude confidence

85 - DOOL-JA-LA-LEE-WAL-IKRAM - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will gain wealth beyond belief
Personal power you will gain: You will be a powerful manifester of money

86 - AL-MOOK-SEAT - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will banish all evil spirits
Personal power you will gain: You will be able to control and repel evil entities

87 - AL-JAH-MEE - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will find any lost object
Personal power you will gain: You will never be absent minded again

88 - AL-GA-HANI - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will never feel envy and jealousy again
Personal power you will gain: You will always be content with life

89 - AL-MUG-HANI - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will never need anyone else help
Personal power you will gain: You will always be self sufficient

90 - AL-MANI - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will have a happy family life
Personal power you will gain: You will always attract harmonious relationship with your family

91 - AD-DAR - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will have tranquility in your life
Personal power you will gain: You will always attract harmonious situations in your life

92 - AN-NA-FEE - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, before an endeavor, you will be successful
Personal power you will gain: You will always attract success in your endeavors and projects

93 - AN-NOOR - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will gain inner light
Personal power you will gain: You will always be illuminated

94 - AL-HADI - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will be free of all wants and needs
Personal power you will gain: You will always be provided for

95 - AL-BA-DEE - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will be free of distressing events
Personal power you will gain: You will always be in beneficial situations

96 - AL-BA-KEY - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will be guided to do good deeds
Personal power you will gain: You will always be in state of generosity of spirit

97 - AL-WA-REET - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will be cure of depression
Personal power you will gain: You will always be able to shift more positive mindset

98 - AR-RASHEED - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will always know how to proceed in your endeavors
Personal power you will gain: You will always be decisive

99 - AL-SABOOR - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will always get out of a bind
Personal power you will gain: You will always find a way out of your ruts

Since a sacred name is a name you intend, think about things to create the point as you think about the idea as intention. These are several sacred names I made or created:

AL-HA-HEEM - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will cause the area you think about to be protected from natural disasters
Personal power you will gain: You will have power to remove evil from everywhere that you go, your ability then is to call a number or the psalm itself so your assured to create with Psalms.

AL-LI-GNO - BENEFIT: This is knowing an experience. You will experience something then the idea will slip your mind and the effect will be gone.
Personal power that you gain: If nothing doesn't happen, then nothing yet will occur. So you can know the moment will come, the insight of the realized idea will occur to you and that will be that.

AL-LA-HEAM - BENEFIT: You get a weight loss effect from this. The weight loss is noted in this as you state the name for effect.
Personal power you gain from this: All law hears you out and in effect supports you, you could get a won hearing. This similar to saying AL-KEAM.

AL-LI-HEAM - BENEFIT: You gain an alliance with those that can help you out. All your needs are understood.
Personal power you gain from this: Your more in tune with the creator and can direct by thinking or suggestion the living memory that we are now.

AL-HABI - BENEFIT: You gain a similar result. Although you might have to contend with someone so think about this.
Personal power you gain from this: You lose bad habits, sometimes on focus of the habit.

AL-HABI-IN - BENEFIT: You gain a surprise that you would like.
Personal power you gain from this: Any intensity disappears and intentions that you need are granted by the creator.

AD-ADD-KEVAN - BENEFIT: This is where you get what you want or need otherwise wanted by feel.
Personal power you gain from this: The strength of mind is there, you can persevere through almost anything.

AS-ADI - BENEFIT: This makes people considerate.
Personal power you gain from this: You win with what you think, you get to work with what you consider is important. This is similar to saying AL-ADI with similar results.

Al-RI - Benefit: This makes things all right.
Personal power you gain from this: You will get what you need if you think to use the name.

AL-RE - BENEFIT: This makes what you need again.
Personal power you gain from this: You get the desire if necessary as you again think and right, yet you know what is correct.

Ar-RI - BENEFIT: The point is made so things are okay. This name of god creates finance from the point that is done.
Personal power you gain from this: You always know a good deal and when the deal will happen.

AN-RI - BENEFIT: The dead parents or spirits, they are what creates better from nothing. Otherwise bad things that would happen will no longer occur in real life. No matter what the fantasy is in life.
Personal power you gain from this: The point you have is what you think. This is a point in regard done by the parents. You have spiritual command to create what you want except for worser things.

En-Ri - BENEFIT: You will cure conditions and anger moments by what is done.
Personal power you gain from this: The point is done by feel, if you think to get better then you will get better by idea. Sometimes things won't happen, if you think the idea is a bad one mainly because the person responsible for this is not allowing the effect of manifest.

En-Mo - BENEFIT: This is a point you think that creates what the person needs and then if not possible it won't be thought about.
Personal power you gain from this: You can create that point you desire and what you want by need and feel is there.

Ne-Mo - BENEFIT: You won't feel anything from this, but know that you get what you want by doing what you think is right. So if you think the point is done then the idea doesn't happen. This cancels out anything by the point that is a moment. So if you put a space between something, then it will stop something.
Personal power you gain from this: This is oblivious nature magic that you have and that allows you the moment to stop the point you no longer need.

AN-EN-MO - BENEFIT: If you need something just ask, then its given by feel. so the idea and point you have things is at an end with more to get if necessary, this can cancel out what you don't need and what you won't want doesn't happen.
Personal power you gain from this: The personal power that you get from things is energy that you create with, and then what you want will happen.

EN-AN - BENEFIT: At the end of things you create what you need with the right things done at the right time or otherwise you end the point. So no more is given or needed.
Personal power you gain from this: Think and you can end whatever you don't like anymore.

AN-EN - BENEFIT: The point is the effect, this is where you think of the ending and you get the idea as an end result.
Personal power you gain from this: You can get an ending you like.

In-An-En - BENEFIT: The point is using an idea where you are into something and otherwise in something, then think of an end point and get that idea as a result.
Personal power you gain from this: Think and you get the point of anything you work with by feel or need.

AN-EN-RI - BENEFIT: The soul creates what you want, you may use suggestion or self-suggestion. This is done as you need or think about the idea, and you get the idea as a point or end result. Then if you want to know, the spirit knows and your soul creates awareness or insight by what the spirit observed. That means your soul is suddenly aware of things with shared consciousness a few minutes or some length of time, this happens before you actually experience the point.
Personal power you gain from this: You can control any aspect with life by your moment from life. This is a point you think and do what you want.

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