Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my facebook page. Otherwise use my whatsapp number to contact is 1(405)706-2328. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it. This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Thursday, February 27, 2020

Sound cloud magic

If you listen to the music that is manifest or miracle youtube music, then you can get a good result with the music you intend to use.

Some spells; the left side of = or ; means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the effect and look to read mentally the definition. See that's how this works, if you think abou the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This effect is what you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need.

rewriting history or time; think of the moment, then imagine the idea and your subconscious makes what you imagine where you think to notice it with timelines being noticed by what is there.

rewriting history; think of the moment and imagine the time to change and then the third eye changes the moment.

this is it; the point you think then state is what is created by the soul and the spirit is what knows the point a few seconds or years before its formed.
fat; the fat of the body disperses like energy and the energy is restored as though fat were a source of energy.

think; think of the moment before the moment and that is the moment that is there. you are restored as of a moment in idea, also the point is done as though you were relaxing.

Think; the effect is done, if necessary and possible. So think about the words and its like a prayer.

cu pidmy = cure pandemic. pronounced [piddle-my].

al gi ri = all given is right; now is right, the point you think is the point you know. This is a given right by idea.

n = The en is done if right.This is where you state something, then add an end (n) and  make the point end. This happens sometime if in the point at the end, however there may be no end in sight.

cell world activity; cell world knowledge is instantly known. think about the point and you observe or direct by your body energy. If you think to shift, your body representive will be in another cell. This is a point in the past.

instant transfer; This is where you think of the moment, then the cell absorbs the source or cell type energy into itself. So if you wanted to lose weight, you could have your cell world aborb the fat energy. This is an interesting idea indeed, that's done by tracing an inward spiral on the stomach..eight side..

Flatter stomach; the stomach is pulled taught, the body fat reduces. So think and realize the cell world absorbed your belly fat that you are aware of by feel. What happens before, this is where is starts to draw itself inward and you are suddenly less mass of body. Interesting, right?

kep loan ovi es bij enif ez = keep lowering excessive weight by enough lbs (in atleantian), pronounced [keep low-ah-n oh-vid ee-s by-j ee-n-life ee-z].

es les = weigh less, pronounced [ee-s leade].

ser ugulovin khel ky'kiya a a mzulst szith khel ky'kiya. = drow for: keep lowering body weight by at least 10 lbs.

k'lararl ussta mziln khel ky'kiya ulu l'thiin. = drow for: pass my extra body weight to animals.

ori'gato jalbyr gain ussta ky'kiya. = drow for: let another gain my weight.

ori'gato jalbyr inbau ussta ky'kiya, t'sek.  = drow for: let another get my weight, instead..

ji, Usstan cal n'nehr t'sek. = drow for: so, I eat less instead.

spun ingful spe lank = create successful space launch. pronounced as [spoon ing-full sped lank].

Wintry mix; this does not cause inability to come to Palo Duro.

program; the program does not cause me to buy things.

/ or \ - this is the end point mark.

payback; people that owe me pay me back. This is a point of idea. That's done without stress.

The mind; the mind is a concept, this is just the ego talking.

The brain; The brain is a point in life where you think of things.

The heart; This is where you create with feel and the feeling you get is what directs you.

The feet; the feet is a concept where you create by what you do.

The hands; The hands are doing things.

The eyes; The eyes are directed by the body and the brain activity that you need things you get the point.

The illusion; This is a vision, flashback or created moment in your dream. The point you think is what is perceived by altered brainwaves projected by the aura.

The dream; This is a fantasy that you work through by feel. If your asleep, then think wake up and you create the point you need. This is a power dream, so think of the moment and you create with projected or expressed thought. This is done by feel and intention is known with what you consider..

Drugs; The drugs are the power of the mind. You can appear anywhere, if you have the right amount of drugs.

dimension; if the dimension brings you back then it can demise you too. think it does and it will. this happens without stress.

donovan's flip phone; he finds his flip phone and makes the device work for him.

cyr ues ita = restore lost item; pronounced [c-ir oo-es mite-ahn].

inner cell world; we each have a world in our cells. Whatever is done, is in thought and known if needed. Think of what you need and the cellular world is what creates a manifestation outside itself through things done that are within the cell world. This is done by the aura energy creating what you want and the soul is what guides the moment with the spirit knowing what is created. The soul allows you to realize what is done by thought insights of what the spirit knows before the moment and as the point its created. This happens without stress.

AL-KA-YOOM - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will avoid misfortune
Personal power you will gain: You will have the ability to attract only good things to your life

AL-KA-DEER - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will manifest your heart's desire
Personal power you will gain: You will be a powerful manifester

DOOL-JA-LA-LEE-WAL-IKRAM - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will gain wealth beyond belief
Personal power you will gain: You will be a powerful manifester of money

AL-MOOK-SEAT - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will banish all evil spirits
Personal power you will gain: You will be able to control and repel evil entities

AL-JAH-MEE - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will find any lost object
Personal power you will gain: You will never be absent minded again

AD-DAR - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will have tranquility in your life
Personal power you will gain: You will always attract harmonious situations in your life

AL-HADI - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will be free of all wants and needs
Personal power you will gain: You will always be provided for

AR-RASHEED - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will always know how to proceed in your endeavors
Personal power you will gain: You will always be decisive

AL-SABOOR - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will always get out of a bind
Personal power you will gain: You will always find a way out of your ruts

Ar-Ekeem; create abundance by doing.

en-ar-ri; expose the point if needed. the ghosts that are there are exposed.
personal power: expose the concept or with things.

in-ri-en; the point is a concept that's believed.

ar-ri-en; arrangements by spirit are made with light energy.
personal power: you get out of war.

ri-onn-ke; the end point if needed is done.
personal power: The end idea is achieved if you need it done, even if old, immobile and cannot move..

an-en-ar-ri; create with a point, the ending is friendship restored.

erni-are; earning point or by point that you use idea to gain what is desired. so whatever you use, you earn it back.
personal power: you regain what is used or given away by 2 or 3 times with a point in idea.

enn-mo; the end point is spectacular, think the end and you get a desire.
personal power: this is where an interesting point happens.

en-ri-ag; the point is done with silver in mind.

ann-ri; announce what you will, this is a point that is done if intended to occur.

ann-en-ri; announced at the end is what is thought. this ends a cycle.
personal power: the personal power you get with this idea, that is a concept you think and reflects in a moment as you create with what is there.

en-our-ri; this ends your right. so your finem this is done. think a point and you work with the idea.
personal power: you can end the right to do things.

fid = find things.

fid em; think to find things and you do.

fid en; find by feel or create with what is done.
personal power: you create with life and find what you want.

en-on-idea; the end on the idea and things are rationally discussed.
personal power: this can end jobs and you find another.

-2 = death energy focus that can kill the character.

-3; its an animal that is dead.

elgg jivvin iwaotc tir = drow for: kill play acted person off.

inbau sinrinsin. = Drow:for: get wealthy.

inbau alur = Drow for: get better.

inbau alur wun ul'hyrr. = Drow for: get better in idea.

l'xuz zhah l'klez udos xun. = Drow for: the end is the thing we do.

nindol zhah l'xuz Usstan kyor. Aluve. = Drow for: this is the end I saw. Farewell.

Usstan inbau sinrinsin, dos xun ichl. Nindol zhah vel'bol Usstan kyor. = Drow for: I get wealthy, you do too. This is what I saw.

nwalma selma kamu-imma = pain will reduce itself.

The charges; the payment due isn't from the setting up of a needed payment. Its due to a concept of a citrine ring, otherwise known as a luck ring. This ring creates wealth.

concept mantle; the mantle effect causes the condition to disappear, then you have free energy of the body and work that's possible is done as your exercising and reducing the weight. This is a point in the past by feel. The effect was energy or source energy going to the mantle, then the point was done by ejecting and emanating to the area you were in. However the mantle exists things. The activity of the mantle is what powers this effect. The effect turns into energy and the source you don't want disappears. This is a thought to you, rthat was ead by the third eye and perceived by the mind's eye pinneal gland.  So basically, the mantle of the planet is useful in curing the conditions of the body and thinking a point creates by what you may need. So if you think energy of a source goes to the mantle or lava, then you create a more amplified energy source. The energy is deprogrammed from what it was intended and that is what the soul does, this end is what is done. When its done and you deprogrammed the energy, the effect of the energy fades away except to heighten the feel or make idea that you have in mind. Such as this one. There you go, this is a psychic effect done by the third eye pinneal gland. So think energy or blood flows in your brain to the pinneal gland then its active, think the blood flows off the pinneal gland then its "off". See with the pinneal you feel euphoria and create with an idea that you think. The point is done as an effect and what you think is achievable.

geodon = a weightloss and anti-psychotic. This works well with what is there.

Think; the point is done by creating with no hit to the soul, this is a point by feel sorta thing. If you don't want it, need to feel and care. Then you are released of what you don't need and very likely to exist as you need to exist.

Flat stomach; This is where your stomach gets flat and you trade in your flat tire and extra body weight for thinness. Think you except your items and you except for item weight. This works with no stress.

the caution; if you check the point, you will notice a large bill, think to pay what you can.

the point; this is where you think to spend, if you do things think to not spend money. even now you think to get things. Don't and you won't be out of money.

drinking; think of what you need and drink something, then you will notice what you intended to get is there to find what you need exists.The liquid is a source of energy, so what you think and need is manifested by the energy of the fluid.

think; The things I ask for are given unless not possible, if necessary and plausible then its a given. However, I don't give things out of guilt.

think en; the thought you think is not you, so think en and you end the situation by what is done.

source; the source is what you think it is, think and create with the soul what you want, need and you create with a point. If you use a diseaes or dirt, then the source is the disease or dirt that disappears as its a point that uses it up.

Think en; the point you think is the point you end with by feel, this creates a point of idea and energy bursts that create what you need.

the end; we don't have to eat or drink anything, the silver reality sphere sustains our conscious mind. This is an effect of the subconscious which may or may not exist things. This is a known effect, etc.

Things; This is an idea and nothing else. So don't mind me and I won't mind you.

The end en; this is a point that creates with a point. So the body is what is illusion. This is a sign of things to come. I can wait for the reality to reform, this is basically fun by the point and use is the soul to make what is needed by feel and as you can see, this is an illusion reality presented by the silver sphere. Think and you close your eyes to see what is there. He isn't going to ask me for more. This is a point where you know what to do. Think to warm things up. Realize the point by soul insight, then you know what I know. That the nothing energy of the silver sphere or god particle, the point is done so think and you realize what is good. This is where or en you know things and create with the idea. So think of something and you create with a source. How I know this is true, thinking about the point of things reverting to their natural state. I realized that things break down. The point of things disappearing, that proves the item can disappear and revert to nothingnesss again. So the nothing that is there, this is what really exists. Its kinda scary when things revert to nothing, things stop working and people stop responding. I usually have to imagine or think to make something happen, then things start working and people will respond. Enjoy your day, see you around and all, good-bye.

writing stuff

Think and know; the soul provides the point and the idea is what is achieved by feel. If you think about the point or consider the area you can trick the brain to not destroy things using suggestions. Then you may revert back if by feel.

I think this is fun, think of a moment and make the idea as you can. So that means making the thought that isn't you and creating the point by suggestion or idea that you do or consider important.
This is where you think about the point and create a thought by magic or with use of words, that creates with the soul creating what you want by the subconscious mind. The ida is a point or moment, the action is a point in regard by idea that you "hear" and make if you consider the point important. This is the power of words at its best. So if you can think of the thing you want, then you make what you have with what is available. This is usage of acts of idea and some kindness creates the point you need, think and you know what to do.
The point is done, think and you can recover the funds or resource, as its only a little bit needed to get what you want.
This is the end.

I saw that today, so I think it works best if you rush the moment, if you don't then they could say no and stick with it. This only seems to happen if you rush them and point out what you want. So there could be better ways to doing this tact. That is done, so its without rushing and creating with a point that you do, this is a known effect of the desperate. If you didn't want to do the act, then you won't have done anything so that is all there is to this tactic.

If it doesn't work, then I think it could be dealt with as the results are just a "no" and you create with the point as they create with the point. This is well done effect by working with words and creating with the point creatively. Think about the result and speak and you create what you need in effect. This is how things work with some. But, beware this could work against you too. So be wary of the tactic and don't suggest something that will "be needed" as it will jus be you giving in. So the point is done, think of the idea and work with the idea as a concept is the words define what is done. Then there is an answer, the idea is sometimes done, the point is dismissed. This is a point in expression. Think of the idea to deny, then you stop their act and preserve your own resources. This is a concept in life I experienced with a concept to get the idea in effect. Basically, I created with words and made the idea as an effect with the soul. This is an point in the past. Oh, before I go, if you don't intend to do anything then you won't do things. That is all for the moment I saw. Whether it happened or not, doesn't matter. If it was illusion presented to the senses by the spirit manipulated aura, then I think I will count my blessings. This is a point done by feel. So your safe if your not near the person. This is so they can't manipulate you. Think and you know what to do.

An interesting thought, right?

Another interesting thought, if you focus your idea with words and treat the point as if intention. Then, you can create the point by mentioning the idea to others. State things calmly and you create the desired result.

the matrix of life

mass understanding
think of the planet and think its consciousness will spread word or idea of what you think or speak that you want others to know. that's the way the point of idea intended to be known works. modification, think the idea and need the point to be known..think the planetary consciousness spreads the info to those interested. there you go.

will over matter; I can change my genes and purify the genes. think of the change, then work with understanding the need as intent and speak the change you intend. then the body will shimmer and modify itself. you know this works, when you sense a blue aura. the change is done when the blue aura becomes something else. oh yea the cleanser part is where time allows you to focus your death and decaying cell energy outside the body. now its finished. this sending by thinking your decay and corruption energy outside the body causes the body to appear more youthful. interesting, right?

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Focus magic revision

This is what creates by feel, think and know then you created by feeling with the point that exists.

FBI; they stop the bad phone calls, anyway I think the lawsuit is avoided.

Paul t; he responds to his door knocking. This happens without stress. He does not lock me out.

Fixed; They fix my partials. I get to take them home. Case closed.

5 dollars; this is 5 or more dollars a day, think and you know this is possible. This happens without stress.

Effect bomb; this is where you relax and pose good, then bring up something that causes a lowered feel. Otherwise known as a downer. This effects worser opinion and makes you need things or you feel better. So this works by released feelings and on the moment response to check if it works.

Focused idea; the focus is the idea, think and realize what you may do. Then if your focus is enough, you seem to react thinner, this is done at least in body reactions and you know what you can do. Also, this happens without stress.

Tardis; the tardis does what I need or want. This is done by feel with no stress.

Sheila; she gets money and she needs me to goto the store. This is done without stress.

Globe life; they accept me as an applicant with no question quickly enough.

Inet; the internet reconnects and stays connected by feel. This works even in cold.

Mail; the mail comes early. Ups comes early unless I am not here. The ups truck comes sooner than usual. So whatever causes the mail not to come, no longer holds the mail from arrival.

Internet; the internet reconnects and stays connected longer than five minutes. Whatever kicks the connection offline no longer kicks the connection offline.

Internet; the connection self-fixes itself. The computer fixes itself. This works without stress.

At&t repair; the repairs are made, so the connection works. The internet is restored.

Donovan; he calms down and works with others. He stays off illegal drugs and marijuana. He stays calm and relaxed anyway.

At&t tech; he comes and when Leah or Gloria is here. He figures out what is wrong and fixes the connection. This happens without stress.

Donovan; he doesn't mind me for what I do. He is relaxed and stays relaxed. He is willing to chat nicely with me.

Virginia launch; the launch of ng-13 succeeds to lift off by feel, the conditions are right for launch today.

Nso; they get their grant, that allows them the coded doors. This happens without stress.

12th dimension; my extra weight passes off to the 2th dimension. This happens without stress.

The wall dragon; the fire in the wall is extinguished. The energy that comes from this is absorbed into the void.

Coronavirus; this disease is handled by energy making it cease. This is now a self-curing disease.

Hype; the hyper moment of energy.

Leah; she has time for me with my questions. This happens without stress.

Thought; the point that's made is allowance by feel. Think and you know what to do.

Rejected; rejection is not felt, the idea is used as energy instead. This means things are better and the point is not actually made if rejection in feeling.

Feel; the feel of the moment is sometimes correct in idea. Think and you create better by knowledge that you think to realized points.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Ikram moment- atlantian disctionary is where this came from, also if you need alt links then use this:

This language sometimes uses the indicative case. The indicative case is a point you use words to create meaning with a word that may temporarily be the indicated thing. This is all depending on the usage and this is used in the idea to work with by feel. So by feel, the word means what you think. This is all in a word and usage is what you make of things. So I think this is a point to the use.   Search for a word to get better results. If you want to speed up a search for a word, then place either a "= " before the search term, a 'term' or a " =" after the word. Otherwise a "," can go after the word. Otherwise you can search for a term like this, that is where the search term is with a space, " term", "term ", " term " or " term:", otherwise use a ; after the searchword like "search;" or " search;" and then you can use () in some manner like "(searchword)". This is done if you need to do so, that is also done where you get no actual results. 

For the unabridged atleantian dictionary look at The unabridged text version or think to download the text version pdf here and view the PDF here.

If you want the dictionary in a pdf form, look here and view this here.

-Nx- Index; ndx -Nx-

-Na- Prefix 1 introduction; prefixiel en -Na-
-Nb- The creator; T Creox -o- Nayn -Nb-

-I- Atleantian philosophy *perfection in use; Atlan Uvala -I-

-a- Occlusionist philosophy *Occultisms; Okleeniex -a-
-b- Void philosophy by Warwick; Meditu Plato -b-
-c- Philosophy of Materialism; Orea-O-Pobe -c-
-d- Manipulation or Power; Manip Pua -d-
-e- The peer group, minigang or group; Pergrup miiga-o-grup -e-
-f- Sacred geometry; Sere gamury -f-
-g- Scientific Cult; Sci Cult -g-
-h- The service, "neoholy"; Sava-o-Atlan -h-
-I_i- Diet plans, things to do; Uouo plie -I_i-
-j- Some necromancy, this is done in case you need it; Su Nuocy -j-
-k- Objective vs Subjective reality; Obj vae Subj rely -k-
-l- Alternative states of the mind; Alt Stax -o- t ego -l-
-m- Spiritual warfare techniques; Esper ykym taniux -m-
-o- Energy point with the elements; Jul av e t ele -o-

-IIa- Basic words and structure; Bsxw wodix-n-struu -IIa-
-IIb- Pronounciation Key; Praonce Ke -IIb-

-III- Letter replacements and words creation; Laa relen-e-wode ea -III-

-IV- Number system; Nsys -IV-
-IVb- banking; aao nhi -IVb-
-IVc- Judgement; cri -IVc-

-V- Colors; Cooix -V-

-VI- Personal pronouns A of my; Pasay equayx -VI-

-VII- Symbols and association; Symbe-e-assan -VII-
-VIIa- Directions; Dix -VIIa-

-VIII- Measuring amt; ammo -VIII-

-IX- Kitchen Utility; Kyk Utl -IX-

-X- Baking; Bayn -X-

-XI- Drink; Drik -XI-

-XII- Fruit and food; Frut-e-fud -XII-

-XIII- Seasonings; Sesanix -XIII-

-XIV- Candys; Cidyx -XIV-

-XV- Desserts; Deatix -XV-

-XVI- Gods, Angels and demigods; Godd-Tesie-e-demigoddix -XVI-
-XVII- Creatures and some angels; Cretux-e-SuTesie-XVII-

-XVIII- Human endocrine and body system; Hum docri -n- bod sys -XVIII-

-XIX- Diseases; Ilpix -XIX-

-XX- Weapon; Wepa -XX-

-XXI- World scape, and city; A Geo sca an-via -XXI-
-XXIa- New area section; nulan-e-sec -XXIa-

-XXII- The nouns, pronouns and verbs p1; Nonix praone-e-vabix p1 -XXII-

-XXIII- The nouns, pronouns and verbs p2; Nonix praone-e-vabix p2 -XXIII-

-XXIV- Allixes, Groups of consonants; Ylixix Grupe-o-casaatix -XXIV-
-XXIVa- The nouns, pronouns and verbs p3: B-L; Nonix praone-e-vabix p3: BtuL -XXIVa-
-XXIVb- The nouns, pronouns and verbs p3: M-Z; Nonix praone-e-vabix p3: MtuZ -XXIVb-

-XXV- Drugs and chemicals; Druix a br nr -XXV-

-XXVI- Psychological types; Psyk typix -XXVI-

-XXVII- Number Conjugation; N cajuae -XXVII-

-XXVIII- Number Bondage; Ne bad -XXVIII-

-XXIX- Number Meanings; N menanix -XXIX-

-XXX- Power sources; Pua ynge -XXX-

-XXXI- Ranks and positions; Cuhe-N-Pose -XXXI-

-XXXII- Changer section; Kaga sect -XXXII-

-XXXIII- Combiner mark; Binda meka -XXXIII-

-XXXIV- Expressions; Xpreex -XXXIV-

-XXXV- Prefixes; Praefix -XXXV-

-XXXVI- Suffixes; Suixix -XXXVI-

-XXXVII- Affixes; Afixix -XXXVII-

-XXXVIII- Intent words; Nitrogenix Ntntfrasix -XXXVIII-

-XXXIX- Argument words; Arg frasix -XXXIX-

-XL- The netherese section; Nether sect -XL-

-XLI- Martial Law skills: MetiyLa skix -XLI-

-XLII- Dragon lore and associated element; Dra color-e-ass ele -XLII-

-XLIII- Card magic; Cad juue -XLIII-

-XLIV- Card divination; Oyt epe -XLIV-

-XLIV- The numbers and their repetitions; T nume-n-Th rouyee -XLV-

-XLVI- The elements section; T Ele Secte -XLVI-

-XLVII- The angellic use of numbers; Th'Igeu'o-Amo -XLVII-

-XLVIII- The Colony aftermath; T En Sect -XLVIII-
If you think to search for a term, just use the browsers find (in page) feature on the page you intend to search for the term.

Monday, February 17, 2020

loved effects

Some idea in effect that I noted down and what you can make use of by things that are done. Enjoy yourself and seeya until later good-bye and ciou.

Some spells; the left side of = or ; means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the effect and look to read mentally the definition. See that's how this works, if you think abou the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This effect is what you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need.

fat grow; the growing fat table is a point you think about and work with. file alocation table is the point it does by doing. this a point you regard things and make sure they work. fat32 is an advanced fat table. so exfat is a point of fat64 if you think of the idea as that. this is the three stages of the fat. if you need the term for overweight, then work with this idea of obese. the obesity level of the america is amazing, plenty of food and working with people leaves a lack of exercise and hunger pangs. so I expect the point to be unobese and working with what is there. see ya around. just remember, there is no human fat, there is obese or slenderness.

connection; the internet is available and is there by feel. the network modem connects to make the internet or reconnects solidly and stays connected. So whatever is wrong with the connection fixes itself. This happens without stress.

say or do; this is a point you say things no more if you don't want to be annoying. this happens without stress.

inet filet iesix = internet network connects, pronounced [eye-neat file-eat eye-ess-pike-x].

inet filet stex iesan = internet network stays connected, pronounced [eye-neat file-eat steed-x eye-ess-ain't].

The windows ce; the sylvania device works by feel or idea. This happens without stress.

think; try this suggestion spell: milk vlbs rbcd. just glance at it and think it effects. then you won't forget inner peace.

The matrix of energy; this is what you think.

enough; this is enough to satisfy the point. Think and you know what to do.

recipes and potions

red velvet; mix stevia with fruit punch in water, add pumpkin spice. Whala! It's done and drink and enjoy as you think to drink a delicious drink with or without tea.

red velvet chocolate; this is a point used by idea and created with love.

Friday, February 14, 2020

thought made idea spells

These are some thoughts made real by seeming points and seem what you need at the moment. This is where time is not needed and things work by the moment in idea that seem to be there. This is a point in idea and nothing much else. So enjoy yourself and do what you need, this is where I farewell and go ciou and good-bye.

Some spells; the left side of = or ; means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the effect and look to read mentally the definition. See that's how this works, if you think abou the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This effect is what you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need.

mas raian ej = mass energy retention removal, pronounced [mase ray-i-an ee-j]

en uil amb = then you will walk; pronounced [ee-n w-sigh-l amb]

liev e mafe ui beta buier = make better behavior; this reinforces the idea you can create better for better idea, so it's pronounced [lie-eh-v ee may-f-eh oo-ih bee-tank boo-hi-er]

e dome = energy shield; pronounced [ee dome-eh]

drop e lem nuv ale enu = drip energy weight off unless enough; pronounced [drope ee leem new-v ale-eh ee-new]

om rig shyt = this is atleantian for eat the right things, think in terms what you want to eat for in goals and you do. pronounced [om right shit]

drop may e our g = drop disease and act good. pronounced [drope may-ee our g].

drop e line = drop things and create with a point of lineage. pronounced [drope ee line-eh].

uruz = creative work.

gating; think the gate open, then as a line and this line opens up to become a portal to some place you think to see. When closed, this is where you think the gate is closed and imagine it closing. The area will be peaceful, yet a storm will come upon the area. When closed, its as though the area you saw with your third eye is without your presence. This happens without stress.

end is here

writing stuff

creating point; This is a point you think and create by what you need that is created into existence by feel or what we consider is there. This is how the silver sphere works.

working; the silver sphere or cretor sphere god particle, will create what is there if we think the creator created things with the idea. So we can create nearly anything by what we consider is made by the spirit and created with guidance from the soul. (That means the soul creates using the creator as we are memories now that seem living and made into existence by the creator himself.

en; the entry into a place is like a created area of a person's harmony and things created are what is thought. Using the pwer of the god particle. This is an interesting thought, that's all this really is by now. This is an interesting thought. Let's see if it happens.

con = 180, the higher the con is the higher the constitution and the less weight that is actually is there until a point you decide to not lose anymore and you keep the weight off. so the higher the number, the lesser the weight.

weight = 154 lbs. however it can increase after a point is reached or stay off.

strength = 20, the idea is done by feel. if you think you ca do things then you ca. you ca gain in strength and lose weight, though I wonder how it's done without sugar.

mass = lesser mass and the point is a con boost. this is where "con = mass reduction" as though shrinking inward. mind over matter is the rules of the day.

then I'd say; this is the end of excessive weight. so think and the con boost is what reduces weight enough so you are thin unless you don't need thinness. then you don't receive the con boost.

then is the point; The point is a concept and what you do is what you get. Think about it for a bit and the subconscious isn't bored. so stop eating as though you ate as much as you needed. this is a point in from the past.

So think; This is where you think and the point not wanted is disregarded. This I think will work for any, so farewell till later.

Monday, February 10, 2020

think and know magic

This is using a point that created interest, think and you will know what you can do. Think of what you need and you create by the spirit, using the soul that directs the point and you create what you need.

Diseased; the diseases that the diseased have dissipate away and they no longer have the disease. The disease disappears.

The robbery; this doesn't happen, this is just losing things. The idea is recovered by what is done.

Think; the point is with PayPal, the idea is transaction, this is negotiations with the fee.

Think and work; think about what you need and work towards the point you consider is important. This is the way of work.

Space-x; the conditions are right, they launch and create sucessfully the release of satellites.

Mail; today the mail brings the check of Donovan and my mail otherwise very quickly without stress.

Donovan; he makes it to the bank in time, with enough time to cache his check.
He doesn't mind me for what I do. So I think and know what is done or about.

Joyce; she brings donovan to the arvest bank. If she doesn't, then someone else will.

People; they don't mind what I do and I create with no stress.

Corona virus; this virus cures itself. So if treatment is given, the coronavirus dissipates into energy.

Weight; the weight of the body is reduced below 164 lbs. This is down by 5 lbs.

I am well.

Mgr; meager: the body weight doesn't reach the point to quit your management position. Instead it or touched upon idea, the weight goes down.

Think and do; this is a point you think and do what is needed at the moment. This happens without stress about relaxing.

Dentist; I am seen as early as possible for partial fitting. This happens without stress. There is no rushing.

Regeneration; turmeric, basil or oregano causes body regeneration that causes the body to heal rapidly with no stress. Add vanilla extract to cause relaxation.

Sir Antwaine; he gets to bring me to the store today, and this is done when possible. This happens without stress.

Mail today; the mail arrives early delivering Donovan's, paul's and my mail including Donovan's and paul's check.

Payment; I make enough for covering the cost of what I pay, so I regain double or triple what I pay or give away in money.

Mail; I still get the Bluetooth earpiece on Thursday and the tips on Friday.

Mad; they get over it by feel. He doesn't suspect me. He finds it.

Stealing; the stealing away of something and lying about it stops and things work out in the end.

Hunger; if hungry, then you are no longer hungry by feel. This works even with no stress.

Think; think and things work out by the point that is done. This allows you to create as you need and make with what is possible. This happens without stress. Ciou and farewell, good-bye.

Friday, February 7, 2020

Think and do II

This is where you think and do things, that is done to the point of idea. So think and you know what you can do. This is a reminder of what will come. I think I know what will happen. The president doesn't get re-elected and he gets to be dealt with fully otherwise. This is a point in action. So think I realize what you need. This is a need to know idea. The point is done, think and you know what to do. Still I think the idea is achievable. If you you think it's possible, then it is as you think positively. So think about that and work with what is to come. Ciou and farewell, good-bye.

Monday, February 3, 2020

Think and realize by feel

This is where you think and realize things by feel. The point is a concept, the concept is done by the third eye. Think and you know the effect by what is done. This is third eye pinneal gland magic by what you do with the third eye. This is done as your relaxing. So I will go now and do what I need. Ciou and farewell, seeya and good-bye.

This is what you can do with this effect:

Statements; the statement is done with the third eye pinneal gland. This is achieved by what you consider, when the idea is pertinent or needed by feel.

The idea; the idea you have, then if you need the point you can state the result as a final result. The spirit or soul does what you need have done.

The concept; the concept is done easily, if you know what you are doing. So think to study and things get easier.

These are things you can do with this effect, I hope you enjoyed the list and you can do what you need. This is a point of rememberance with the idea using the concept of the third eye pinneal gland.

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