This is using a point that created interest, think and you will know what you can do. Think of what you need and you create by the spirit, using the soul that directs the point and you create what you need.
Diseased; the diseases that the diseased have dissipate away and they no longer have the disease. The disease disappears.
The robbery; this doesn't happen, this is just losing things. The idea is recovered by what is done.
Think; the point is with PayPal, the idea is transaction, this is negotiations with the fee.
Think and work; think about what you need and work towards the point you consider is important. This is the way of work.
Space-x; the conditions are right, they launch and create sucessfully the release of satellites.
Mail; today the mail brings the check of Donovan and my mail otherwise very quickly without stress.
Donovan; he makes it to the bank in time, with enough time to cache his check.
He doesn't mind me for what I do. So I think and know what is done or about.
He doesn't mind me for what I do. So I think and know what is done or about.
Joyce; she brings donovan to the arvest bank. If she doesn't, then someone else will.
People; they don't mind what I do and I create with no stress.
Corona virus; this virus cures itself. So if treatment is given, the coronavirus dissipates into energy.
Weight; the weight of the body is reduced below 164 lbs. This is down by 5 lbs.
I am well.
Mgr; meager: the body weight doesn't reach the point to quit your management position. Instead it or touched upon idea, the weight goes down.
Think and do; this is a point you think and do what is needed at the moment. This happens without stress about relaxing.
Dentist; I am seen as early as possible for partial fitting. This happens without stress. There is no rushing.
Regeneration; turmeric, basil or oregano causes body regeneration that causes the body to heal rapidly with no stress. Add vanilla extract to cause relaxation.
Sir Antwaine; he gets to bring me to the store today, and this is done when possible. This happens without stress.
Mail today; the mail arrives early delivering Donovan's, paul's and my mail including Donovan's and paul's check.
Payment; I make enough for covering the cost of what I pay, so I regain double or triple what I pay or give away in money.
Mail; I still get the Bluetooth earpiece on Thursday and the tips on Friday.
Mad; they get over it by feel. He doesn't suspect me. He finds it.
Stealing; the stealing away of something and lying about it stops and things work out in the end.
Hunger; if hungry, then you are no longer hungry by feel. This works even with no stress.
Think; think and things work out by the point that is done. This allows you to create as you need and make with what is possible. This happens without stress. Ciou and farewell, good-bye.
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