Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my facebook page. Otherwise use my whatsapp number to contact is 1(405)706-2328. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it. This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Sunday, November 24, 2013

More than one idea

  This is the thought of what is a point that is a seem idea, as if to use the considered point is your own you can use an idea to do. Think and things you do is what you think, as an end goal that is an end result that may be reachable and remembered is the idea. That you in thought in flight and in minded, as you thought used things of an area that interested you. Think in a thought as thought makes things, as if to pattern things that happen to create what is and you can use magic.

There and in here as here effect

  This is there as you think of the area, and here is where you are as you are you are. As if in a motion you are where things are able to create a form as this is from the manipulated energy in use by the inner energy being. Your use is thought and thought is energy as in use is in thought your ability is bled or healed in body as an ability is there to generate energy. This is by practical use as there in use is practice by in law by magic, in as suggested thought is use of mindmaster in use by purpose in life. As use this is a thought to do good, as good gets positive results. As what you wanna do you can do, thought is focus, use is to feel and the method is what is created on the spot. If the method is possible to recreate results, seem or be otherwise as to create a result from some thought to do. Think in thought, as possible it may get some actual manifest.

  As good is skill is in practical intelligent points as you are that to create what is used, think and make what is thought to seem useable or not. As nothing can seem to exist is as your will blocks the effort, this is to create before the moment as time creates for you by thought of time and use is spoken. As if otherwise, use is thought and directed energy, to make magic useful as enough energy is in the area. As if to create in a thought, and your use is a point in action.

  If no result, then nothing happens and nothing bad is possible, unless things are not as they seem. As you yourself use an energy as to think a source is what you think, as activity and create as you want by intention in a purpose that your use is their use and thought in use. As you act good, you can create where think as in a force is in a thought, and if your use is a thought to the subconscious then your thought is created. If you think and need to create some idea, this in focus as you drink a glass of water.

The dennis the menace effect

   This is where the thought 'clement' that are and once you are in use, this is clear in a thought in where a menace is then found, in and out and things are in a concept of time in a point to get a concept. As you are done, if you go back to your own time. As if the thought is done, you are aware and things are somewhere in the spacetime. This is where you found a problem, and do things that are bothersome as if to pester the idea of time to the person or group that is the trouble irrevocable, this is removed as if this is the idea and the unresolved issue is in resolution as the trouble until a ward is done to make the situations dissipate and you are unhurt. Don't do this if you don't need to.

Hell shot of insanity

   This is the hell 'shost' ball that are in an idea to direct as you think is best. This is the thought to do as you think hell ball, and collect all your insanity energy to think it into multiple elements in a ball of light that is thought shot forth as a light shot to go into the target. As this can seem useful energy, it can drive a person effected instantly insane as if hell were in directing the person. As this is in the area and use with this is that is outwardly no saner, that you act to lose your instant insanity in a point that is done. As you are no saner with energy, or not as directed by in thought in mind control with a thought to do no bade idea that you know will get you in a situation.

Generation z

   This is to create a generation x effect with 'time z universe energy or not', can go back or forth as you think the time and un z to make that effect that is thought to work with time imagination, and as you focus on the thought to do as to think to create an interesting result. As if an inward mind room to seem an outward result, and that is with an unusual ability. That done is what uses an admitted psychic ability, that makes use from what use there is as if energy were a information source and you knew what you do with what you have or not. This is supernatural ability, an to manipulate a ghost or other energy in and of things create an effect by your spirit.

   That is the idea set in the mind, and not set is a condition to do as if nothing is wrong from set off thought or energy and the x gene creates the effect you focus on and do to keep from wereing. To stop wereing is with this, use is the idea you point out and you realize this is to stop as what you do is with this. Return is this point with use, as you think what you do is thought and you feel a pull and what you do is a concept. So let go of the moment, and return as you wish to do things with some idea.

   The effect of this is to seem somewhere and be where you think, as if you are with the activated ability by a word of intent in the x gene. As though created from birth and thought ability activity, creates this ability to exist as if you were active in use. If in use, you use things to get use as if to use things your use is in a thought from or do things of others to use as if an instructor with an instructed student. That shows an use with a thought is a use to be seen if thought 'clairvoyance' in or thought is directed, to use by others and observed by the mind and otherwise you are not in as you are not seen or shown things as you aren't showing things to those. As to those that watch, they could lose attention as they are who watch avert their attention in to do something else. This is from a moments notice and statement in a redirect, their thought is an idea you stated as thats not what they think when they think.

   Psix; This in concept is a spell by what you think, to say or do as nothing energy is used for what is acceptable as an intent to create as if easier with no or an ability that the subconscious creates on a spot on moment. The point of idea and this is where psychic progress an is made by physical motions, and in use if in is thought as long as your psychic mind in use is intended for a good purpose set by you. As you are enabled, you are able and this can be done by the effect. As this is by maturbo matario or other such as yourself and thinking maturneo with the ability in thought, can create what the purpose is in intent or not, as assumed repose is focusing your mind and just feeling to create as you do makes.

  As this focuses in the mind what energy you use and as you are doing things for a better idea, to achieve as a goal you create by trance. This is to use things such as the power trance, to think now or feel the original idea in use, with like use is to get a feel that is of the purpose that you can use as use is the ability and ability is use with no abuse. Think as you will, create as this is a purpose and thought is able to make. Then the point is breathe in and out as you summon energy as this is to think energy rises and as you are correct this is where there, is no bade view that isn't unacceptable and this comes from the lorebook in mind.

   One idea is overuse, out and in use as though thought as this is where the body is weak, or something is leaking is in body use and you stop doing things till rested or your able to recover from energy use. Rest or something else can can cause you to think to restore as you feel the energy and drawn in is the energy to meditatively or rhythmically correct your body as it is used in an idea. This is the thought and the idea, as that is to be done is what the aura uses to repair itself by as if by drawn in fire by the spirit with your focus. This can be as though thought directs itself from as this is the 'z-meta' influence of gravity, there where there is use is the gravity of the moment that is by what you do and how you act makes things charged.

   As if how things react to how you act, you can burst a circuit, lightbulb or not as this is where there is no irratic or really focused thought on the usage of something that are in as energy comes from within via fire drawn to use. This is with a thought to in use, and things happen if as thought this is if by things being done in by themselves if any point suggestion acts on them. What you need to do after this, is think of tin and core use the energy with the idea as materia. This is to create the energy, as if in the area as if drawn in by the area. If use this draws in heat, from a source as if with no lava and think as you do as you do and as if you do you achieve an end result. The idea is to use this time to wait, and let in the heat energy to replenish as the energy itself comes to a more sensible level.

Generation x

   This is where you are to think, focus and activate an ability that comes to you with use in life. Z-energy can can seem a use if you are or use the concept. This is where you use a concept and your use is thought your observed or not . Otherwise, you observe or not your aren't actually effected if you use this safely. To use an idea is to focus, and use is thought or comes to you. Think as if you must, but you can do an effect that should'nt be done unless your spirit or mind disallows. As if this is where you are able minded, and you are in an able mindset you don't use things as it doesn't quite fit you. Beware eating too much, as you use energy as if magic as choice is psi in use you can get headaches that are indefinite or relieved by pleasure food. As eating too much can occur, your high metabolism is not unnecessary if use is not to overindulge.

A few spells for choice to use for this is this..

   The ex cace; The x concept the full concept is the idea, this is an idea in use that explains itself as you knew what it was before the effort was done as if you were told by your spirit if in a form that is a materialization. As if in a concept, you can ward away the effort by being a were in use and showing what it can do. As a concept is in use in the body, you were able to in use of the concept as an ability to use things in the body is more usable and as if a point you can use as if you werein of a use for what is of use in things. Think of your need and your use is there, as if une were were in a use as use is some area that is where the actual use is and you in observation think your own use to get energy from a source thats your own or their use as if you directed a charged energy to do amazing things with zero-point in force.

Hiding skill

   The hiding skill is the idea that is to induce to cause in a creation, to make a point and sense a point that is what is in a point of thought. This is a point to use a moment to seem somewhere else, and as you think to seem and sense things out and as if you are what you think you keep what is your mind in thought identity in by what is right as in per each your own view. In this, as your idea is to be useful as in if your use is a moment to view, and use the identity you see as if to use things and then trust them to seem you as you are then are able to shapeshift into them. As if you were them, think things in use and do in a moment as if you were a thought you can be whatever shape that is intended.

  They get the sighting of when someone looks for you and as you think, pick and choose you can go as if to use the energy of the street an things will never be detected of you. As if you are what you think and those that look see someone else, if you think to look as though them at anytime in the time area that you are in as though thought of chaos in a space 'clementi'. As this is not always working, you can do something else and as your aura is what you use to make the illusion you are in a thought as energy to manipulate at will.

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