Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my facebook page. Otherwise use my whatsapp number to contact is 1(405)706-2328. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it. This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Monday, August 27, 2012

What psionic types there are

  A psionicist force master psionic is a force user with -kinetic (channeler) or -kinesis (ability) at element name end using any one element, Jedi (spirit force controller) are with an idea and appended -master, Special force master with a -mancer (practitioner) and -mancy (master) at the end of the element name, the element can be summoned or formed into focus. These abilities fall under Magic or Psychokinesis for the mental ability of psychic mind and energy manipulation in practice, by Metarules of Affinity (likeness attraction), Thaumaturgy (like effects like any distance) and Mind over matter or Mind focus (focus of mind rules over objects and bodies).

  For with it, guard and regard to then effect//to understand how to use the element efficiently and then attempt with it, and how to make effects to appear along with speed improvements. The worth of this is the fields in this usage as they are different named. So far people use the terms of the four elements along with others for the elemental forces, like the element that excites you is what you could do. As it concurs that to focus on something will get you results as of reactions. These reactions allow you to also do something which does not excite you. But this is called negative working as cold stills and heat makes actions by excitement. The negative working is also a cold working because of this.

  Biokinetic is life interacting with objects and people that allows, for the reading of genetics or body type and races in people. Through looking at the soul aura with focused sight to percieve the colored aura pattern by brain interaction and by blinking your eyes. The aura can be seen as rendered perception of coloration in the original shape reveals what the aura is within the limitation of how the mind can see it. This will work in pitch black too. Anything of life manipulation by biokinesis is through reeiki as pk effects sent through a channel of energy as to the target by earth or a body channel by feel or voice to conjole the action intent by the wave molecules to enact a vibrational carrier wave through a medium of earth materials from the planck level.

 To control bodies is the effect if told in some manner to do the action and it will happen. Using the einstien law of gravity in simple terms to explain the wave effect, is if you move forward and then space moves around you by displacement particles or electrons. Your kept down by centrifugal force and the displacement happens from that of air molecules that look like waves that flow as you shift in movement and reallocation of weight that flows in movement from the centrifugal force.

 Beokinetic as pheromone control that makes you able to to control the body scents to speak or for feeling interpretation. The pheromones of the body are capable of being a totally different language in itself. This language can make what you say very understandable. The control of pheromones can make attractions possible. It can make you attractive to the other sex or to your sex. It can control within reasons, others as well. It is very easy to do by the quick way meditation.

  The quick way to doing this, using pheromones is to use intention of seeing aura for pheromones by feeling that you can from Dr.lehr, To blink your eyes and then sniff while expanding your consciousness to allow the brain pheromonal adjustment as your sniffing, activates your scent detection. See the scent by allowing your eyes to adjust to the persons aura or even food and then to sniff for the pheromones. After this, use the effective feel and watch idea, to adjust and see the reaction of others and the effort is easy as you feel the pheromones.

  The easy way of blocking out the scents your aware of and don't like smelling. Use the thought of active scent of that which is not desired. Then shrink your consciousness of it by visualizing a moment, this is the idea, and how it seems to you. Thus, ignore the result of its scent to dismiss it.

  What does this accomplish? Your subconsciously manipulated, through the meditation of your body to be able to control, pheromones by your will. Now, the scents of pheromones have different meanings.

  And its not as if you are of any effect as it is to not be counted as if in any fruit or food that was eaten before you scented it, as the fruit makes the body scented of the fruit.

  The burnt scent means anger.
  A citrus or pomengranate scent is to make aware for easy scents and mental ability.
  A flower or fresh scent means happiness.
  The nasty body scent means disgust.
  A body odor or dissimiliar scent means attraction.
  The body waste smell means distracted.
  A perfume scent means wonderment.
  The control yourself scent is the smell of sulphur.
  A burning candle or feces scent means lying.intent or a trying effort.
  Judiciousness, Expert or Judgemental is the baking or pigment color scent.
  Tiredness is the scent of rubber.
  Burnt rubber or putrid gas is the scent of burnout or octane.
  Cleaning solution is the signature smell for changing events or changing moods.
  Serious intent is the scent of annoying perfume.
  Flowery or Pine scent is the scent for understanding and clarification.
  Sex is a scent of unwashed body, masculinity or femininity or an onion scent.
  Barbeque or Mesquite charcoal is the scent for hunger and eating.
  Mental disorder or dispute is a burning coal scent.
  Addiction is fresh charcoal scent.
  Sweat scent means not believing.
  Boredom is a scent of wood or wooden.
  Tangerine is a immaturity, concern or concent.
  Potential energy is potato or potato peel
  Charged or Inert energy is orange scent or orange spice.
  Energy usage or focus is cleanliness or undeniable stench.
  Intelligence or Interest is the scent of flower, fairy flower(any) or primrose that the stronger the flower the more it, the interest.
  Stupidity is the scent of unwashed leather, muave perfume, unwashed body or pig.
  Ash or Compost is the scent for death.
  Sweet orange is the scent of determination and discernment.
  High or Drugs is the scent of sour grape for betaphetamines (mental or brain drugs).
  Old shoes or mildew for cocaine or cocaine likeness except weed.
  Medicine scent for herbal usage.
  Rotting dirty shirt is for weed.
  Moldy mancheuser cheese, incense or mold for abuse and overdose.
  Curative of drugs is the scent of old moldy calcutta and mint.
  Healing is the scent of mint herbal flower.
  Love or Strong interest is the scent of roses.
  Attraction is the scent of something sweet or lotus.
  Rotting fruit is the scent of an edict(speech) or reprimand.
  Dissent or Ridding of things is the scent of keylime pie or pearl aroma.
  Hate is the scent of liquorice or bad candy.
  Distance is the scent of pollen or people sneezing.
  Bad disease or bad nature is the scent of skunk or bad antiseptic.
  Plants is the scent for planting or season change.
  Decaying matter or pungeancy is the scent of undeath or dying.
  Desire is the scent of green wood, pine scent or something new.

  Geokinetic as earth where these are healers by feel or seeing brown molecules in a scrubbing motion to scrub out the disease while thinking of the disease, manipulators by pk movement or restorers by destruction or repair of objects and bodies, Along with shaping ability and dimensional effects as your forcing the earth to shape by pk movement with thinking of the effect and seeing the brown earth molecules rubbing together, Some would say this falls under the lines of pk as your moving earth as a energy. They have a limited ability to control lava as in control its flow until its positioned right and as you the controller work with the effect, the objects touched by manipulation cool down only if you the worker see the brown molecules stop rubbing. Earth is considered healing because its condensed into a form of energy called gaia energy, it will cause rapid healing if applied or rapid disruption if over applied or applied by negative or means to negative. Thus it suites as a medium of our will that is sometimes to heal.

  Liquentkinetic or Magmakinetic that allows for lava control (liquentis control) and can control volcanoes along with emotion in general because the emotion is used to control volcanoes. Similar to geomancy yet this offers more control over lava as it is lava specialization and where the earth is brown, emotion is purple or pink and lava is reddish brown. The lava manipulator can control the emotion by inciting the pink or purple molecules, like love or hate along with other emotion in most people including themselves. The liquent master can cool down or heat up lava with a will to move the molecules slower and not get burns easily unless not done right. They can control the flow of lava as well as geokinetic. With a linguistic type control of language that is progressed by or with a lavatic control.

  Pyrokinetic for fire masters that are emotional and sometimes capable of loving destructions along with tricks, their control on fire can be able to make or unmake it at will. They can excite any fire particle of heat (red dots or tachyons) to some destructive force and little excess. These people are not needing their hands to make psiballs unless they desire to.

  Hydrokinetic is linked to electro magnetic who use water from air and other water source manipulations to get their result, they can see and breath water well enough to effect form it anywhere including in people, and dry things up by removal; See the light blue or aquamarine colored molecules and attempt to incite them by making the particles vibrate and rub together while you feel the result or think on a result you desire on a focus at the object or area.

  Cyrokinetic for ice and cold to freeze or unfreeze objects at will, they excite or compress any cold particle (blue particles) for the effect. including water, fire (putting it out) or air, leaving a excess of energy.

  Aerokinetic controls air by use of neutral energy to move wind and to get readings psychicly through reading a concious of most work or universal conscious of most time, they have omnipotency, force form barriers and air walls as in efficient barriers of air, along with support for mental control for or mental with mind. State the rule to get the effect. This is a more advanced version of psychokinetics as it is as the psychic nature or psychokinetic part of the element of air itself. So think of the effect and feel it occur an imagine the scene as if roleplaying as it may or may not happen. One thing, Air Forcecraft is use of wind energy; moving itself. So the aerokinetic and the air forcecraft could be confused.

  Tachyakinetic allows small red particles (tachyons, active energy subparticle) used in pyrokineticism or waves (lekton, gravity or light waves) manipulation used in biokinesis along with their interaction to form magnetic fields. This earth air is the particles of subatomic level as it supports magic and psionic ability separately because at the base level, the planck level of quantum physics that forms the sublayer foundation of energy manipulation. These people can control time and events to make what they want happen. They don't need their hands to create psiballs that are concentrated psi energy or psi effects. All thats really needed is the voice or focus to get the effect in place with intent.

  Necrokinetic who controls spirits and death by different means of kung fu and ritual where chaos and demons are their key idea in working effects including death or mental propiety itself; For the necrokinetic think of death particles as bone white. To cause death just incite by feel the death particle of bone white which is to rub or vibrate. and incite the particle to uncause death by causing the vibrating death particle to stop or see the particle rubbing together and then stop the rub by feel. The reason for this is to stop death instead of causing it.

  Aekinokinetic is the ability from aekinothestics, the study of light energy conversion involving contigency effects ae probability to generating electricity and energy or channeling it; To incite it the current, feel energy sparks to occur in the area and then incite the sparks by feeling the spark flare. Then shift to normal vision to see the results unless its not near.

  Atheokinetic is also Alakinetic the effect of depicting a scene by description, drawing, acting or talking. The depicted event will happen through energy, psi or pk enactment from subconscious manipulation. This is Spelukin enactment with energy and magic effect added in. The material is what it needs as in psimaterial that you infuse with energy as its worked with or is of a psiball combined to the object or item. As you work with the item infused its instructed by speaking, feeling or seeing the event and making a portrayal on what you want, Such as in laymans terms, paint the scene while feeling its alive and the energy transferred from you in small bits creates the psiart from depiction and a psiball effect. Due note: the red dots of tachyonic energy can be used to infuse the objects without touching it.

  Psychokinetic the usage of most elements in mental schools, They tend to use most elements as they are influencing the other elements or provoking the effect by the law of invoking gray magic or mind effects by use of the universal conscious of many minds. This makes the person aware of most troubles and events without being told by omnipotency. To do this think of silver or gray particles for most elements that are incited with a feeling of the particle vibrating or rubbing together or alternatively, feel or think on the element or feel energy. Then shift your frame of mind to the normal idea of your own and speak the result, see the result or think of the result.

  Ethekinetic is the same as Etherio is Ethe is Ether and derives spirit and most negative efforts including death and void manipulation to happen with very little effort. These are short and long distance efforts that occur as a dream after the spirit-that-goes-through-everything obliges. The people act shamanic that are using this spirit as they gain what they can of wisdom by knowing it and knowing people by it. The ether user can derive drinks and drugs from air or spirit. The shaping ability of spirits and formation of body to other forms as well is possible. With ether manipulation one can make spirit essences in the formation as one desires.

  There is a key to the effort to help the effort along and idea to occur, its the color ghost white that allows the effort to occur with an exciting of the particle, by adjusting your frame of mind and see the particle excited or rubbing together with the color of ether. To get the result you only have to excite the particle, speak or feel the effort you desire and when finished the occurences can be stopped by unexciting the ghost white energy. Then unadjust your frame of mind to normal view. But, if you find yourself in a dream vision as these visions are prescientific in nature and range from any time point including in the past, then the only way out before it turns bad or worse than ever, is not to fight the vision but manipulate it through actions until it, the vision ends. Feel free to use lucid dreaming to control this vision.

  A vision can end through thinking it ended, die in the vision, sleep or unexcite the black particle. If you die in the vision you lose the memory of what occurs in it. Within the vision the rules are to have fun and make the vision of your dreams once you gain control of it, the vision that I described. Due note: people within can act if given permission outside it, call them troops if you want as they will try to protect you unless they were attacking you. All thats needed is to deny their permission to being there.

  Redeokinetic Is the darkmatter manifestation. It is said that unseen darkmatter is 98% of the universe. You can easily use darkmatter, with skill and manifest of any element you want. You can manifest solid objects, with a small concentrated effort. This is done by thinking of nothingness, as nothing is a hollow energy of love that may make itself appearant through thinking it is there. Focus your mind on what you need and imagine it appearing there. This is where you want it. Stating what you want works by inciting darkmatter to create the effect. This is the point where you get results and they are only noticed by yourself and those who are psychic, as they are results that are actually unusual. Dark matter creates by making the effect manifest from nothingness itself.

  Black, Purple red or Violet red particles (This is more purple less redness) represent dark matter and can be incited by focusing your mind on them and thinking energy to it, as you see them and imagine them rubbing together. This creates a darkmatter manifest of whatever you thought about or need, at the time of inciting. To unexcite the dark matter, imagine the particles stopping their rub and dissipating. This removes the effect and can drain some energy from you, so be careful. The darkmatter particles themselves can't be seen, except personally. Even then, the onlooker won't but notice their effect.

Saturday, August 25, 2012


Omniscience is in a knowing before the moment from any time in the future or past. This is an omnipotent science or omnipotency thats a natural skill enhanced by machines and crystals. This is the thing, it derives its enhancement by reading something or needing to know and the machine is powered up to cause the effect. If its off, then the enhancement can come from crystals. This is enhanced prescience at its best. Its activated by telling the crystal or machine by thought or spoken voice to 'grant me the clairavoyant power of omniscience.' When it ever works, it startles you at first and by the effort of working an effect, then you are aware ever after. Abuse of this can create the machine to have faults or the crystal to crack a bit. Faulty machinery can be replaced, crystals can be restored by regenesis. Regenesis happens when the energy of life is put through the crystal. Its ended up restoring the crystal by thoughts of life. The life energy is a catalyst by thoughts of understanding and 'restore' at the crystal.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

The key of magic

   The key to magic is practicing. Practicing magick is when your finding every opportunity you can to practice. You should try to find a way to integrate it into your everyday life. Walk into a store to buy something, see if you can cast a spell of luck or getting magical goods. You might find it in the form of a discount, or cash on the floor...

   Even meeting an old friend who asks to buy you dinner. Or just imagine
the feeling of being lucky. You would feel it as a sort of fluttery happy feeling. To the point where you feel like good things are going to happen. Feeling it is by far the most effective method. Because if you can literally feel the magick, you know you're doing it right. As opposed to saying "today i'm gonna have good things happen" and then not understanding why you still feel depressed. Makes it good for emotional control as well.

   A few other things that are possible, is make things better. Stating or thinking 'make things better' when problems happen, will make them be better. Other things, are causing good memory by willing or thinking energy to the brain. Causing better movement, by putting energy to the body part or muscles and tissue. Also, the making of a shield. However you do it, try to feel and think of energy swirling down around you and forming as you want. This can be a hard shell or loose energy.

   The shield energy can be an element. Fire is best for some demon defense, holy fire is good for tough hard to get rid of demons. Water is good for energy flow and allowing events to manifest. Air is good for psychic nature, and psychic protection. Earth is good for defense and absorbing energy, sometimes into you. Lava is good for raising energy, working with it and breaking down barriers. Ice is good for freezing things and stopping actions. A combo of those can be used to form new elements. The combined element can be their separate parts but are with those combined effects, the property being formed from the elements you use.

   When you finish up doing things, even making a shield, see if you can leave it alone. And when you wake up tomorrow, see if it's still there. It's kinda a practice with seeing how effective your magick is. The better you can do it, the longer the effect will linger before it disperses or fades.

   If you can learn to wait for things, unless unnecesary, you anticipate without knowing when it's gonna happen or how close to it you are, you'll essentially gain the power to change anything you want at any time without any kind of negative backlash. Most of your power is there when you accept what you are. Break your fears by facing them and proving your point. Choose your moments.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Energy management

  Energy management is the act of balancing your energy out and working with how you feel. To manage your energy, try to work with the energy and note how your physically feeling. Then, you do actions to balance it out and try to get the best for things done. I mean by balance as do 3 positive actions for every negative action. Don't use all the energy you have on one task, reserve some for other things. This leaves you less tired or not tired after your done. Then, if you are unclean, clean your body. And, your energy is clean as though it were good. Taking a bath or washing off can ground you and you get clean energy.

 Thus, you won't end up feeling sick from too much energy. Energy can be any other color until too much, which is when it turns black. This is when you get sick to the stomach and must give your excess energy to the planet. This is by saying or thinking, "I give my extra excess back to the planet."  This causes the blackness to go away. Then, you can feel better afterwards. Have an actual sickness? See the sick energy as though black and give all the sickness energy to the planet. Then, the sickness should alleviate itself, at least temporarily. Otherwise, work with what you get and eat healthier things, like fruit and non sugary foods and drink. If you eat fried food, drink warm water before and after the meal. This makes the food break down its oily content easier.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Balance of energy

  There is a natural balance of energy in anything you do. This energy, when somewhat unrestricted by no use of restrictive words, will do anything you want and need. This allows easier control by a free flow. The free flow is where the need is expressed and the energy does it. When no actual control words are used, then the need you feel materializes easier. This is where the need is thought about and general directive words are your intention. Then the subconscious does it with the body and other energy it chooses to use. A general directive word is your words spoken and a release of energy that follows. This could be, 'done' or 'Make it better'. You can use any directive word phrase, as long as its not longer than 4 words. A wish is allowed, since its a constructive natural ritual. This is the exception to the rule.

  The balance is where there's no restraint of energy that is gained by using no psychic letters and such psychic scripts. Its just the need thats felt and decided to be done with intent and energy. the natural balance of energy. This is where you get effects that work and the effect is non-restricted. This is from casting an effect by using intent or using general or nonspecific terms in the cast by voicing your need and feeling your energy surge to achieve it, unless you are targeting a group or person. Then, you can get specific. The letter or script can restrict it to not being effective, as it allows for very little except for whats written. Thus, there's a chance it won't happen from being too restrictive. When all the variables don't line up and there's no green light to go on, then it won't happen to occur things.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Dark Demon

  Dark demon, A demon considered arkciva or dark reaver, a demon born of dark matter in man and they become dark when they lock their soul in iron. The dark demon is a black being that  is very neutral and hardly felt, except when they do things. They get what they want when they want it, by soul manipulation. With excess energy, they can manipulate souls. They use many means of which they manipulate by. Mostly, they stay trusted by being good in appearance. Otherwise, they do dark deeds to get what results they want. When they get it, they use what energy there by link to get spiritually strong. They do tend to die whence the object is destroyed, unless they cause the life force to shift to a new object or dissolve the link. But, they come back to life again, immediately using the life force of the destroyer.

  Unless, they were the destroyer, then they use another object energy source. They get what they want, then use it. The more they use the object, the weaker it gets by energy amount and the more likely it becomes breakable. The moment the person dies, is the moment that the dark demon exists freely. The darker the demon gets things by serving darkness, the more they get whiny and disrespectful. They tend to kill the monster that is the man that bears the demon. They also tend to use death and life energy easily. The soul reading ability comes when they gain enough energy. They risk insanity, as their soul is with insanity from iron. They get nasty with iron, as their mood changes and so does their attitudes. Lava defeats them by causing their dissolvation. Call lava by thinking it there in you, it materializes as a spiritual force. Or, imagine yourself going into lava and the dark matter becoming lava.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Protoplasmic goo

 Protoplasmic goo is the essence remains thats collectable of spirits. That essence can be used to trace the person. The spirit often leaves a frequency thats thought to be an essence behind. That essence acts like protoplasmic goo. Its the base property of many things with presence. Thus, you can feel the presence of things even after the thing leaves the area. Its not observable except by feel. When you feel it, there is only a limited window of time that it remains. Then, it dissipates. However, the stronger the spirit force the longer the feel remains.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

All about demons

   General Info

   Demons start as part of souls that are young and yet they aren't daemons. They are actually not that experienced. The old souls either don't have need of them and withstand the demon and ignore it, use it or kill it where it is. They tend to die and remain demonic when they go bad on themselves, due to demonic influence. When they are truly demonic, they are released from the body. If the body dies during that time, they are the demon they formed in the body, yet they appear like the person. They mostly start to form by thinking of a need an go evil having an ego trip and thinking evil things. The young souls are likely to act out what they most dislike with their demon in control. They only give over control when they don't realize it and think greedily. Otherwise, they control themselves. Young souls have a tendency to want power and get results quickly. With their demon, they seek power and get what they desire, by dark magic. They tend to collect things to substantiate their demonic need. They feed off death and events very easily. They're afraid of real weapons.

  After they are fully formed by dark deeds, such as killing things and they can feed off of human blood as energy is the blood essence and killing idea they dislike, or not as the modern progress is a concept as the young soul tends to think possessively. Then, you can call it an inner demon that does exactly what they want, benevolently. As the young soul gets older, and some demonic souls mature. They tend to become wiser and either lose their demon on death or end up with a truly hideous looking demon that tends to be very powerful. Use love and forgive with white fire thought at it to defeat the demon. Once defeated, they turn to the light and do better for themselves. They tend to go on purification quests to clear the taint and odor of the demon. Love can transform the demon, when you love someone or love to do things. Master your lust and greed with discipline and you control the demon.

  Mostly church goers and religions like christianity foster their demon, and sometimes love it. There have been other cases set in history. The demon tends to cause the thing they want to do to not actually happen. It may appear to occur and do things for you, as though it were a power for you. Yet you never truly get what you want, due to onset stupidity and impatience. Often caused by the stress of holding a demon. So beat up or not, its best to forgive your demon, and kill it with love of fire or imagined white fire that enters the body and kills it as you forgive it. You will know a demon of someone else or a loose demon is near you when you sense something bad and there's no actual source. These demons feed off guilt and also negative energy that comes from bad emotion or positive feelings. Then, they use positive to digest the problem and use the energy to fuel their actions. Demons despise forgiveness and love that is real. So, it could drive them out of you and the area.

   Demons and lower planar beings lose their effect on a person when the persons energy raises in vibration, as the demons influence can use a chosen person of chaos to use a fear or their influence is through the blood or the energy. Through a portal is communication by feel as if this can make, with some higher being or use of higher dimensional energy by what use you think. This is not unlike a point or safe like the 5th or 9th dimension. The use of higher dimensional energy is simple, think of the number of the dimension and possibly the dimensional name. Then, attempt to do something positive with love, thinking of the energy of said dimension. Otherwise, think of the higher dimensional being and then ask it for an energy infusion. Such a being could be your higher self, spirit guide or the creator. To call the creator, think the creator and talk to him. Prayers aren't necessary.

  To some, the term "daemon" by definition as it relates back to ancient japan and other spiritually advanced/developed cultures, are actually wise and experienced spirits, ones which have discovered power and thus have developed themselves to the point where they have discovered enlightenment and wisdom, and have thus carried these qualities over to the hereafter. As with human beings, meeting with a daemon should at all costs be treated with discretion, as one would meet a human, and even more so as you can't always see what lingers nearby and following.

  Except, they aren't demons and most demons do smell where daemons hardly do. They are actually VERY good and try to be benevolent, though misunderstanding puts them off as evil, so they get shunned or pushed away or even killed blindly without anyone realizing the effect of what they might actually be hurting when it just wanted to be of assistance to the one who accepted it for what it was. Most of us are guilty of something similar because of our own insecurities and inability to accept that part of ourselves as well.

  That may be true for the past. But isn't so true for what they allow. As it relates to the persons need and blindness. That blindness leads the person to act greedily and stupid. The demon would always do whats asked. However, there's no guarantee that the thing asked for gets completion. However, their are some unlike demons but similar. They are the exceptions called beings.

  The thing is that ultimately people can only protect themselves from them because it's your choice to feed them. You got to stay on top of things or they drive you insane and make you kill yourself. To protect yourself, think of white fire spreading through the area. After, imagine a white fire barrier surrounding the area. Think to the barrier 'keep there and keep demons out'.

    Dark Demon

  Dark demon, this is a demon considered arkciva or dark reaver, a demon born of dark matter in man and they become dark when they lock their soul in iron. The dark demon is a black being that is very neutral and hardly felt, except when they do things. They get what they want when they want it, by soul manipulation. With excess energy, they can manipulate souls. They use many means of which they manipulate by. Mostly, they stay trusted by being good in appearance. Otherwise, they do dark deeds to get what results they want. When they get it, they use what energy there by link to get spiritually strong. They do tend to die whence the object is destroyed, unless they cause the life force to shift to a new object or dissolve the link. But, they come back to life again, immediately using the life force of the destroyer.

   Unless, they were the destroyer, then they use another object energy source. They get what they want, then use it. The more they use the object, the weaker it gets by energy amount and the more likely it becomes breakable. The moment the person dies, is the moment that the dark demon exists freely. The darker the demon gets things by serving darkness, the more they get whiny and disrespectful. They tend to kill the monster that is the man that bears the demon. They also tend to use death and life energy easily. The soul reading ability comes when they gain enough energy. They risk insanity, as their soul is with insanity from iron. They get nasty with iron, as their mood changes and so does their attitudes. Lava defeats them by causing their dissolvation. Call lava by thinking it there in you, it materializes as a spiritual force. Or, imagine yourself going into lava and the dark matter becoming lava.

    Demonic art

  To use demons is to use indecisiveness in action. When you are weak and indecisive you tend to summon demons to solve the possible problem you perceive. When you decide to do things with acceptance or forgiveness and attempt to do them with love and understanding, then the demon disappears. You are not weak, till you decide to be.

   The voice of demon

  The voice of demons can control anything and manipulate it into existence here. The voice actually effects on a lower plane of existence that effects here and causes what they control to do what they want. Except for the higher in vibrational energy people and beings. The voice doesn't control them. This voice is the ultimate tool in their arsenol that can be useful anytime they want to use it.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Blocking and removing a link of spirit energy

   Blocking the link is very simple to do. This allows one to remain unaffected by the imposing mind. Imagine the link becoming thinner and thinner, till it disappears and feel a knot form and be there several times against the imposing mind. Then just rip it. I mention shielding the link – because this will stop the energy from flowing, it should block the link successfully. Beside this, blocking the link is simple - stop focusing on it. Stop thinking in any way, negative or positive, about the person you’re linked to – this will recharge the link, making it active again. By not thinking about the subject of the link, the energy does not flow and with time, the link might get so weak that it will almost disappear or you can rip it out. Again, if you will recharge it by thinking about it. There is a lot that can be done. But you have to feel it. You have to want it. Doesn't matter how much energy is being tossed at you, it is the thought alone. This is the very thought. People fail when they get lazy and egotistical.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Magical Icies

 This is the equivalent of a milkshake except your using fruit juice and ice. Maybe adding peanut butter to make it even better as a special energy boost. The fruit juice can come from something like crystal light drink mix packets. Add chocolate to the mix and you get a treat.

 The magical effect of these icies is the energy you put into the icy as its made, mostly by thinking the energy into the icy for a minute or more. The icy is to boost energy and sustain that energy level for hours. Peanut butter adds a few more hours to the duration.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Philosophy of Materialism

This is an interesting piece of information.. for your pleasure.

  Materialism be the newer idea and philosophy of Atlantis. The materialistic view is to gain what goods you can. And prosper with an effects at hand approach. There are a few rules, to materialism:

  1. Always gain the item, for the sake of idea and motion.
  2. Look for guidance, on the importance, of the idea.
  3. Don't let things stop you from achieving your goal, but remember goals can change.
  4. Get ye handle on the moment, by focus and expression, then you can calm down and get out the emotion.
  5. On a moments notice, there may be blockages to the idea, you want to make occur, so try another way and make the ideom, 'never give up, never give in, unless need be or forced to.'
  6. Always be willing to trade, as the value seems fair or greater, for the trade-off.
  7. Don't take yoursef too seriously, be willing to laugh at yourself.
  8. Materials are energy and energy is what can manifest things easier.
  9. Materials are what are solid and truly are existant in this world.
  10. Immaterial objects are what energy items that exist here from the spirit realms.
  11. Don't be greedy. If there's a true need for it, then you can get it.

  Always remember this, be on guard for fakers, people that fake the moment, item, or idea to get something greater, in return. Consider stopping when you can, an make exceptions to rules, as you consider the realism of the moment. Be open-minded, as to the idea and value of the item to be traded, for your self-made purpose. Be fair in your assessment and always consider the personal reason, until you deem it not worth it. As, everything's related to the material or the object, in some manner.

  Now to the idea of which they, who follow materialism, will follow as a guideline. 'Rule out the idea and through point of considerance by consequence, that is unnecessary. And, do what you feel is right. Feel free to use whatever intuition and instinct, or instinct guided by intuition, that you like. Follow the pattern set, otherwise in contact, for greater elucidation or knowledge. Thinking things through situations, as you do.' And thats about it.

  Thinking and needing objects from the unseen spiritual planes to be here makes immaterial objects come and materialize. You can sense the object by feeling its presence. These items  can do the same things as material objects, except spiritually, and often hold powers that  the mind can utilize.

  Now, if you wish to follow this materialism philosophy movement, always try to remember the listed rules as a guideline. Follow them, without worry, and you will gain from the idea you try. And, if you find the idea hard to follow, focus your idea, and try to acknowledge the result as being your own. Then you will personally own the idea, as your own, that occurred it. And then you follow more easily what it could mean. As you explore the point, of your
idea, learn to live and love and you will know peace.

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