Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my facebook page. Otherwise use my whatsapp number to contact is 1(405)706-2328. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it. This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Monday, October 14, 2024

Exchange effect

 Exchanges: These ideal are where you make use of materials and otherwise things to create something in return. What you think about exchanging, you get something in return. You can even smash a few bugs to get a fly or something you say, like "kill 2 bugs for getting 1 fly." This is doing an idea in effect. So think about it, if you could exchange 1 bug by killing it, and get 2000 dollars in return. Then that would be worth it..right? Well normally you'd get another living thing to replace the killed thing. So I think if you want to exchange 1 dollar for 2000 dollars, then state "I give 1 dollar for 2000 dollars." Then do it by giving a dollar. 

This is said to the creator by stating it to empty air itself. Don't give me credit for it if it fails I am not to be blamed. That's if you try it. Don't forget you can use any element with tobacco to get the blessing, that you want and that includes getting something in return. So throw some in the air, dunk it into water, throw it on plants, or even just smoke it. When you do, you get in return a blessing of some effect or item you receive. Think and it can be done.

Here are some exchanges..

5 cent blessing; Each gram of tobacco offered to the Creator by using it up gives 1 faith and removes curses and sometimes blesses the object. The five cent blessing. It also wards bugs away.

3 things; Any 3 things offered of something to the Creator gets one thing to manifest in return.

2 things; Any 2 things offered of something to the Creator gets one thing in return.

Any 1 thing; Give or give up any 1 thing for getting another thing. This could even be a prayer for an item or items.

Exchange II; This is where you notice 1 thing and get another. If you willed the display, then your not unlike a god. So I think you could fix nearly anything by thinking about the idea, and needing it fixed. That's as you think about it, the subconscious creates it by feel. So think about it as you need it and you create it by the feeling you notice or lack of feeling. If there is coldness in the room, then you can realize heat was used to create what you needed. This is what can be done if necessary. Interesting, right? Well, this is what I call a will exchange. I causes one thing to desist and another thing to exist. Think about it, it could be created. Well, see you around.. ciou.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Completion magic

This type of magic is a point you think about things and complete your thought. Think about it and you summon the idea you need to happen or handle the situation with the idea you think. You suddenly can handle what you want to do or some such.

Some spells follow 

Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for the effect  or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. So you know what it does.

See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells that you like as though you will the effect to exist. 

So if given enough time, the effect happens for the energies will surge and do the idea for you. This is done in effect by what is what where you think. Think the ghost dismissed and the creator makes it so.

Theory; the theory goes where you think about it and the thought occurs as you do things.

Thought; the thought you speak, it creates what you want. It doesn't effect those that don't want to be effected.

Thinking; thinking about things causes your time to end.

Conclusion; don't always assume something for the act. This is where you think about the idea and do what is right or required.

Idea; the point is done if needed.. think about it and it will be good.


Think; this is the end.. think and you know what to do.

Jennifer; she calms down no matter what and talks to me no matter what.

Focus; the focus you have is creating with life.. think about it and it will work or stop.

Think; Jennifer moves out of the main room and goes back to her own room no matter what and quickly.

Ashley; she doesn't get kicked out by feel.


Sleep; where I need to sleep I easily sleep no matter what.

Andrew; he feels like chatting and doing things so I can keep working with idea. No matter what as soon as possible he reacts better.

Focus; think and do..if necessary.

Inspection; from this point on.. I am not ignored..and Cody does my inspection no matter what.

Cats litter; they don't miss the litter box no matter what. This is an improvement to the litter box.


Andrew; he gets back online and finishes his game with me no matter what.. quickly.

Sanguis; she doesn't mind me talking to her. she gets back to talking to me about things and not ignoring me no matter what quickly.

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Compulsive behavior

Compulsive behavior is where you feel good about doing things over and over until it ends. This is a point of reliving the feeling of doing things so think and not repeat and you don't burn out of the need.

Some spells follow 

Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for idea with the effect and that's use of the trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells as though you will the effect to exist. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This is done in effect by what is what where you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, what you don't want to happen won't occur, except by ghost. These are the things I think are possible here.

Tumult; Top secret things are known, so beware what is exposed as it could haunt you.

Congruence; I am no longer disastified of what I do or did. no matter what.

Tired; I am no longer tired, no matter what.

Unholy water; Unholy water is made by holding a cup of water and saying dirge. It will help with shadow work.

Auratic chi power;  This is where you focus your body energy to create energy effects. As you focus the body energy, you can see psychically what your energy is in idea. Where you can see inches, the aura is what shows the energy level. So when you focus your energy, the aura shows your chi level..the food and drink you intake empowers this idea.
1 inch shown in the aura is power enough to make easier manifest
2 - inches is easy manifest
3-inches is demigod level.
4-inches is angelic power
5-inches and beyond is God level where the body is immortal
It's felt not really seen. 

Laptop; the laptop OS loads perfectly no mater what or I do the right things to fix it.

Andrew mcdowell; he doesn't mind what I do or matter what he responds nicely.

Crown tap; A tap to the crown chakra will initiate buddy nature; which makes them fight for you with the inability to cause the caster any harm. When the effect fades the soul flees the body to the afterlife leaving a corpse behind, but that isn't the full story.

Lay on hands; If you touch an ungloved palm to one of their seven chakras it is called Lay on Hands; the miracle. This cures the body by feel.

water energy; Shake water to add energy to it.

Lucid dream; If you find a computer in dream land, remember to take the cover off and look inside to lucid dream.

Statement; Iran quits supporting the russians with weapons for matter what.

Magic; Magic is suggested and the soul creates it if you need it created by intention. So think of the idea and you can focus and create the idea. This means you can make almost anything come into existence. However, if contested or countered, it will cease to exist. 

writing stuff 

How to Use Charged Images:

I - You can resize the image (however the broadcast distance and quality will slightly dwindle)

II - You don't have to look at the image, just open it in background

III - You can print it (preferably in color)

IV - You can tell the image certain intentions to focus on

V - You can open the image in Multiple Image Viewers (Should multiply the effects of the broadcast

for dnd

Remove the curse with Holy Water and bless it with tobacco.

Curse return; The curse is returned to the caster or target 3 times worse.

Alistair's Intoxication; It turns brains into alcohol by causing the targets the need to drink it. This distracts the targets for 1d6 rounds.

Trog's Hand; Gives Magic Resistance and HP regen of 3d10+Con mod additional health restored.

Mephitic Cloud; This is a Venom Mage staple for the giant bees and giant insects of the dungeon. If you know Ignite Poison; they synergize and can even be cast around the Venomous to transmute a lesser element poison into a greater element fire. Dealing x2 the poison fire damage.

Cloth Belt of Summon Skeleton; Backpack full of these and you have a skeleton army instantly. THat's where they have 50% health and your stats otherwise. Summon 1 skeleton per belt to do your daring.

Directive fire; Point a finger and fire energy flows from it to form a path of dark lines on a surface. This can be a psychic symbol you draw. Any symbol you fire draw, acts upon the target target that you desire to effect.

Air chisel; This is where you focus air energy to "chisel" out the area you point to by feel. You can even chisel out a white pattern. Which can act as a sigil or empowered picture..that effects anyone you want including whole groups.

Fill in; This is where you chisel out an area or fill in with composite material the area that is a depression in the material you see.

Necromutation; This makes the castor undead. So they no longer need to eat or drink anything. It wears off in case you want to eat and drink. This came from the Necronomicon.

Haunt; This is a Necromancy/Summoning spell that surrounds an enemy with powerful ghosts. It comes from the Necronomicon.

Mass invisibility; This is where you and your party gain improved invisibility. That lasts until you no longer need it. Improved invisibility allows you to not be detected even if you move or make noise.

Energy beam; Think of energy beaming from your 3rd eye, then imagine what effects it has upon hit of target.

Scream at 693 decibels; This causes anything that is near the targets to crack and break including weapons so they can't attack with them. Credit goes to John Tyler Lezer for recreating the Banshee.

Do Not Push Button; This materializes a big red button, that appears in the hands of the targets or yourself. You or your targets just push it and the DM/GM makes something bad happen to the targets. They can never resist pushing the button.

Ionic healing; Think of positive idea and project it negatively or think of negative thoughts and project them positively, thinking to cause healing of x2 the normal healing. 

Internal combustion; The targets turn into ash.

Infernal combustion; This uses hellfire to turn the targets into ash.

Purgetory Fire; The hottest flames to burn the soul for purification. Pray for release of it.

Light phase shift; This is where you think to be somewhere, that's as you step into a lightbeam and you teleport there instantly. You will know if its safe or not by the soul's intuition.

Energy pulse; THis is costing 10% energy that's forming an advanced energy beam, that goes out in waves lasting 1d6 rounds. That's focusing energy to go out from your aura, think and that effects the targets with energy damage.

Psionic blast; This costs 10% energy. That effects the targets by sending out a pulsed wave of mental energy through the auratic energy waves, that's thinking to effect the targets and get them for x2 the mind energy damage.

Mind blast; This effects the target you think to effect. It hits them with mental energy cast forth from the 3rd eye.

Mind scorcher; This is where the mind sends out a scorching ray of fire through the 3rd eye to effect the target you had in mind.

Dynamite; This effects by generating a dynamite effect the target area with all your targets, that get x3 the fire damage to their bodies. This costs 15% energy to cast.

c2; This spell costs 20% energy. What it does is causes an explosion near the targets that effects them all and deals x4 fire damages.

c4; This spell costs 30% energy. Think to effect the targets and the subconscious causes a deadly explosion near them. That means it makes them recieve x6 fire damages.

Monday, September 30, 2024

Theory of effects

The theory goes, if you think about it and need it, the subconscious causes it and it will exist by feel. Where your spirit senses it and your soul makes you realize it by insight. So you create by feel and make what you intend, that's done by ideal you observe or sense. The idea is done if you think it is, so think and you know what to do.

Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for the effect  or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. So you know what it does.

See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells that you like as though you will the effect to exist. 

So if given enough time, the effect happens for the energies will surge and do the idea for you. This is done in effect by what is what where you think. Think the ghost dismissed and the creator makes it so.

Singing; any horrible singing or suggestions does not happen by feel.

Food; the food is delivered and quickly too.

En; the end of the day is the best time to do things. Think and you are aware.

Of aware; the bugs die quickly no matter what.

Singed; the idea is not to be singed, so move away from the pad. Thank you.


Blood lava balls; this is where you focus your blood energy to call down lava balls. That roll around in a spiral and boils the targets, they get near for double the damages.

Bitchy; I avoid drawing that bitchy side no matter what.

Think; think and it is done.

Kk; ok ok .. or negative wise kill kill

K; ok or negative wise is kill


Unthicc; null the matter what. This causes you to appear thin by feel and appearance.

Disrupt; this effect sends forth energy that is programmed by you, thinking to disrupt the targets of yourself from casting spells at you.

Focus fist; focus energy to your fist, then you wave it forward to cast it forth. The targets are "hit" by the element of choice.

Delivery; the delivery guy finishes the Walmart delivery no matter what.

Thicc; this effects the targets with strengthened muscles and a thicker body.

Think; I can finish up my 8000 steps no matter what.. that I walk.

Sonobello; this is where you change your belly to be slender by slimming it as your willing it.


Then; the idea is done, if you want the idea and need it to happen.

Democrats; the Democrats win the debate by feel. No matter what.

Bedbugs; they cease to have children and die quickly no matter what.

Bites; the bites of bugs no longer matter what.

Done; I am done with this matter what.

This; this is things you need so you know what to do with the things you use.


Energy; this is where you take in charged water and feel awake. That's when you felt tired before this.

Rebate; the orgonite supplier gets to me my money back no matter what occurs. That's as quickly as possible.

Focus; this effect is where you think about the energy of the world and tell what it does.

Judy; she is able to buy my stuff for Paul t no matter what.

Thought; the things you do are able to get good results and matter what.


See; the things you see are what you get if you do certain things.. know and you can get what you want.

Kamala; she wins the debate with Trump no matter what.

Focus; Trump's bad acts are remembered no matter what.

Trump; he loses support and the matter what.

Think; this is doing an effect done by the idea if necessary.


Turn the page; the idea moves on no matter what if needed by necessity.

Kamala II; she wins the debate easily.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Overdose effects

They that do things and overdo the moment. Think about it, you can do what you want yet don't overdo it. Think and know, if you overdo things you can cause incapacitated or not focusing upon the idea you want to do.

Some spells follow

Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for the effect  or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. So you know what it does.

See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells that you like as though you will the effect to exist.

So if given enough time, the effect happens for the energies will surge and do the idea for you. This is done in effect by what is what where you think. Think the ghost dismissed and the creator makes it so.

Defense; think about the idea and create whatever you want by the idea being manifested with the soul or spirit creating what you need.

Pen click; think about the idea you need and click the pen. Then the subconscious is making it exist.

Polaris dawn; this launches successfully with no further push back or delay of its matter what.

Ghost; I have ghost abilities no matter what.

Think; the point is done, so if you're not needing it, it's gone.


Democrats; I will not stop in needing Democrats to win..

Aquatic Camouflage; this is waterproof paints to make you not noticed in water.

Moss camouflage; this is where you think about using moss to keep you from being noticed.

Swallowing; what you do is swallow and easily get a result.

Revenge; the idea isn't done so think and you can get what you want.


Heat pressure; the heat pressure is no longer overbearing no matter what.

Aura shield; the energy of the moment empowers the aura to protect from overheating and overbearing heat pressure. No matter what I am no longer overwhelmed.

Nothing; nothing much matters so I guess I will go now.. ciou.

Delivery; Amazon delivers my packages to me and I get the delivery no matter what.

Inspection; I pass my upcoming inspection by matter what.


Ashley; she calms down by feel no matter what occurs and remains calm for the rest of her life.

Whatever; whatever you do you don't get large in size.

Focus; what you do empowers your aura, so you focus on your need and the aura energy influence or consciousness of energy creates it.

Conjunction; this is where you conjure things as you need to block someone or some results.

Ww3; ww3 will not occur no matter what no matter the point.


Repair; they come replace my blinds quickly and I pass the inspection on the 30th.

Focus; trump loses.. no matter what.

Unholy water; Unholy water is made by holding a cup of water and saying dirge. It will help with shadow work.

No fight; no fight moment.

Give; it's give or take..

Think; meals on wheels, they come to deliver the food no matter what.

The garage; the mysterious lady doesn't mind me no matter what I do or did.

No matter; I don't mind what she did or does no matter what.

Winning; I win no matter how she fights me.

Focus; you don't eat more or overeat no matter what if fat.

Fat; fat no longer, think and things are done.

Alright; think its alright and it is.


Finishing; this is a finishing school.

Think; the idea comes to you no matter what if you need any idea.

Elon; Elon musk will succeed in SpaceX no matter what.

Focus effect; hold your hands together, then you create a flow of energy. Focus your hand palm in the direction of the targets, then you think release an energy effect towards the targets in mind.

Frightening; whatever is frightening is no longer frightening no matter what.


Remembering; I remember things no matter what.

Linux update; the Linux update on both devices complete successfully no matter what.

Andrew m; he gets better and finishes faster his DND character. No matter what.

Focus; think about it, you know what is true, so it's a point in regard.

In em emm; the end of the effect.

Schizo; the effect that ends as soon as it begins. You don't have it as the brain cures itself of it quickly.


Righteous; think about it and you are right about the idea.

Right; you are correct and doing good.

Wrong; think about it and it will come clear with the idea.

Long lights; no matter what lights are not long on red.

No matter; the point is made.. you get what you want I get what I need.. that is all. Win win situation.

Luck; I manage to win the 100 dollars gift matter what.

Influence orbs; this orb can be any size.. yet the larger it is the more energy it absorbed. This means you can direct it to create what you want.
Think to create with time what you want with that.

It can create anything.This causes black outs of the area to create with your energy to make what you want. The energy it absorbed is from the targets. This is doing things with thought in it.

A ok; this statement will cause things done to be accomplished or acceptable.

Energy; this causes the spirit that goes through everything to spiritually rub or slap the targets, and absorb energy from them. All to create results upon the targets you want to effect. This costs 20% energy to cast.

Piezoelectricity; this effect uses the body energy to produce a zap that comes from you contacting the target. This zap is felt by the target and creates a release of anything or anyone holding you by feel.

Amazon; delivers quickly my package and I get my package no matter what.

Amazon; a few more deliveries turn into your next in deliveries from Amazon to me very soon. No matter what.

Help; if you need help then my subconscious will do it and give you the help that you need.

Grateful; think about it and you know what you can do.

Weight; I manage to lose 10 lbs in 1 week.

The Dr.; he sees me quickly and I am not blamed for matter what.

Consuming; no more consumption of porn and excessive food. No matter what.


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