Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my facebook page. Otherwise use my whatsapp number to contact is 1(405)706-2328. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it. This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Saturday, February 15, 2025

Lithium spells

This is what you can do with lithium, think, focus and create the idea. This quiets you down by feel. So some spells follow:

Some spells follow 

Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for the effect  or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. So you know what it does.

See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells that you like as though you will the effect to exist. 

So if given enough time, the effect happens for the energies will surge and do the idea for you. This is done in effect by what is what where you think. Think the ghost dismissed after offering energy to it and the creator makes it so.

88 club; this is where you think about the time to get things done.

Feel; I don't feel the change I know the changes. I don't about them either unless I think about them.

Healing heat; this is where you feel heat and heal.

Healing cold; this is cold energy that heals .. amazing right?

Healing electricity; this is where the ohm feel from electric areas heals you.

Focused point; think and you know what it is.

Get in; the pursuer can get in and do normal things.


Ashley; she doesn't mind not demanding too much of my matter what.

Beater; the idea is beaten so you get what you want.

Paul t; he doesn't mind what I do or did and is always friendly towards me no matter what.

Will; he takes my rent no matter what early.

Amazon; they get to me my packages no matter what by delivering them.

Things; things work out for me today as I need results.


Lithium; taken internally makes clear thought. You can think again.

Thought point; think and you know.

Solstice; the celebration is over.. think to do things normal like.

Marks; black or white they are marks on the wall.. get three marks and you know you are allowed there.

What I think happens is the marks are fire marks and means fire will occur to the owner. So he runs out and leaves you there.

Think about it though, you don't actually set fire to the place.. the marks are actually a good indication of what will happen in fire if thought about and energy are continuing to be focused on them.

So you're safe, think and be safe. The owner is someone that allowed you your visit. He's afraid of fire though, so you can stay as long as you want, that's until he figures the trick out and returns.

SpaceX; the space launch successfully happens and the satellites are launched.. without a push back of time to launch and with a good show.


Awwe; the effect of working with the image of a cute picture.

Payments; I can easily afford the payment due to klarna and cc no matter what.

Enjoyment; I enjoy the Superbowl party and things work out by feel..will comes through and delivers the matter what.

Bloat; the massive body bloat reduced I am fine.

Particle wind; this is a charge of the particles in the wind that blows towards the targets. It deals energy damage.

Particle storm; this causes the storm of particles that are charged and potent. The targets are effected by feel and targeted by your focus. This storm deals x2 energy damage.

Remember; this effect causes you to remember by feel.


Ashley; she gets what she wants with working with her phone easily. She doesn't mind what occurs no matter what.

Focused effect; if you focus your mind on creating what you want by stating things.. then you create it by feel.

What; what effect you want you think about and the soul creates what you need.

Thought; what you think is what you get if you need it.

Think; what do you need? Then ask what you want.


Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Fun and focus

The fun and focus of the spell is what you think to create as you notice the idea to do. This leads up to discovery of the effect you caused. So think and you know what to do. 

More spells follow..

 Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for idea with the effect and that's use of the trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells as though you will the effect to exist. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This is done in effect by what is what where you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, what you don't want to happen won't occur, except by ghost. These are the things I think are possible here.

abex; This is a sonobello ab reduction effect.

Spell ability; If spells are a will and a thought, then we only have to need and think to get a result. Actually, they are a combination of Intelligence, Wisdom, and Willpower... The brain has potential to shift reality one thought at a time.

Feeling; The feeling you get when you expect things to occur, the targets feel it and you don't.

exercise; this spell causes the body to deswell and lose its extra weight as you are still or exercise no matter what.

Spiritual awareness; The is where your aware of silent knowledge of whatever is going on and the spirit is what observes it. Add +5 to all Wisdom and Intelligence related rolls.

High spirits; This is where you have higher than normal energy.

torrent; the torrent files I attempt to download get downloaded quickly no matter what.


Here's a spell idea: Think the problem is a source and attempt to do things so you use the problem as a source of energy. The more your subconscious uses the problem as a source of energy, the less the problem.

Chamomile fever cure; Mix in warm water: 2 pinches of chamomile flowers, 1 pinch sage and a packet of grape of kool aid packets.

amazon; whatever causes the delivery of my packages that I ordered to be delayed no longer causes it to be delayed no matter what.

naples; The death of the area by smothering of lava.

too long; This is a moment where things feel like they last too long.

intolerance; The moment is noted as too much and that brings intolerant angry actions to come.


the ending; This is the end of society and as we know it, we don't see them ever again.

the faa; They rule accordingly to make things fair and there isn't anymore accidents.

some cases; this is sus as I think about it, why do it if it isn't linked to some sinister ideal.

Codified; The effect of this is to make a drink as you think what you want it to do. This creates the effect of energy that is in the drink and makes it do what you wanted and it doesn't do the thoughts. That means it can be any thought as though energy, the consciousness does what we need. This can be any drink. 

clearified; this causes the personal info to be allowed to the public.


noone; noone minds what I do or did no matter what.

Thought; The thought you have of the targets and think your like them, the more you appear near them or are near them.

Overlay; This is an overlay effect where you think something up and cast it forth, thinking to take the place of the effect in the area. That's like spraying lysol in the air to replace a scent. 

Overlaid; This is where you do things and make the target feel so good that they relax and forget to do things they were going to do.

noone; nobody minds what I did or do.

whatever; whatever I do doesn't look bad no matter what.


I; I don't feel bad for what I do or did no matter what. All I need is to wait and things settle down or are forgiven. No matter what.

for dnd

more craftable items

instant formation; think and know, then what you thought about is there.

The transmussion; This causes the targets to transmit what they think and you get their thoughts.

Knockover; This is a point you think to create with the energy wave sent from the aura. That knocks over the targets.

Erased; This causes the mind to make the subconscious erase the target of all thoughts. Being mindless, they don't do anything for 1d6 rounds. 

Sub suggestion; This is the effect of causing the subconscious mind through suggestions to do what you suggest to it.

Particle projectiles; This casts forth the particles themselves in a charged formation to strike the target for particle damages.

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Heat and cold magic

 This is where you think of using heat and cold as a source. Then what you do is focus that source, and creating what you think as you think program the energy your aura absorbs and think release it to do what you want.

Some spells follow..

Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for idea with the effect and that's use of the trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells as though you will the effect to exist. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This is done in effect by what is what where you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, what you don't want to happen won't occur, except by ghost. These are the things I think are possible here.

Atleantian numbers; When money is involved nowadays in atlantis or Mora, there is usually no inflation. That means you divide the amount by 100 or remove the period in the money amount, that's for values with inflation from their point. This works as their society is using trade or the non-inflation value system. Basically, you can see 1 cent worth 1, 5 cents is 5, 10 cents = 10, 25 cents is 25 and 1 dollar = 100. Then you take the dollar amount and add two zeroes without the period if 1.00 or more. This is how they are in atlantis nowadays and the true value of money without inflation. So with inflation, there is the basic amount = the basic amount, and that means 25 cents is 25 cents or 600 dollars is 600 dollars by idea. Basically, you can get 1,000,000 from 10,000 dollars and 1,000,000,000 from 10,000,000 dollars today in your normal reality. Otherwise, for Atleantian numbers, add a 0 to the number for any non money related number. So that means, you have 324 years, instead add a 0 and make it 3240 years. You have 100 dollars.. add the change like you make it 10000.

Launch; The spaceX and New Glenn launches and succeeds in its mission no matter what.

what; with hold attack.

wat; beat with attack.

dak; death attack with kill.

dahk; held death attack.

whack; with held attack of seen kill.

simba; he responds no matter what happened.

cc; I get a new credit card by feel from bank of america no matter what and things work out by matter what.

This; this is interesting..thinking you do is created by feel with the moment in time. if you don't want it, then you won't get near the idea.


Cowboy poison antidote; Raw egg... Sauce in the fridge... Salt and pepper... Tobasco sauce... Warchester sauce... Put it all in the same glass that poison was in... I know it tastes bad... But that is the Cowboy Antidote...

The colors; Black is God's dress code... You want warmth? Three layers of black and you can walk home in the worst snow... Don't forget the fur hat too. Then there is the first lucky color Green... Balanced... As all things in life should be... Orange is also balanced... But in a lesser light than Green. Now Red and Yellow are when you need to pick the hard choice... Red for victory... Yellow? I guarantee that color will make you have cravings you will regret you even desire... Yellow... It makes you rich... But with the hunger of a Titan.. Red is the way of Item luck... Yellow is the way of wealth luck... Smack them together and that is just good marketing. This energy you like? We have only harvested 1% of total energy... And we can have enough energy for three to four Earths... Some people think small... They don't even get a planet... Some people think large... Not even their own planet can contain this creature...

anil; He gives a good opinion on my RPG stuff no matter what.

Easy wind manipulation; feel the wind with your mind. reach out and grasp it like a physical object. become one. merge. now relax, and believe+willpower+intend that the wind follows along

Even easier wind manipulation; if you focus on the wind and think it does will do this and that includes dying down. the wind is conscious as it does what it perceives that we need.

Time effect; The soul creates the time and event and its flow is either faster, slower or normal..all we need to do is want or need the effect. You could win the lottery in this manner.

for dnd

Caught; This spell catches those you want caught in a trap and then they are dealt with by death. If you roll a 50 or above on a 1d100+luck then you catch them. This can even catch mice. The necessary component is the trap itself.

Gorgeous; this makes what you want as you appeal to the targets..with a charisma boost of +5 to all charisma based rolls..

Gorging; this makes the targets gorge on food and drink for 1d6 rounds or 36 seconds. (edited)

Tiredness; this is where you extend the stomach and more tired as you do that..for 1d6 rounds or 36 seconds.  

Bone heal; this makes the targets bones heal as you need to heal them

In focus; this causes you to see your inner world.. till you no longer need it seen.

thought taste; what you think to taste in your mind you taste physically. This distracts the targets for 1d6 rounds.

Elemental bounce; this is where you think about causing a ball or bolt of the element you want to use. This element will bounce off walls 1d6 times.. striking the targets each time.

The hidden factor; the hidden factor to this is your subconscious. If you think it will and need it to exist it will exist. All done by the power of the subconscious mind.

Lacing; This is where you think of something to happen, as you create your spell into existence that you think to use and the spell does two things in one go. So state what effect you want to happen as you state the name of the spell, that you cast with this. Like, "I cast Lacing with fireball that additionally does lightning effects."

Internal creation; Think about the idea, the idea is created in your inner world instantly. What you create in your inner world, you create by mention in the outer world. That effects the targets. What you don't need, isn't created.

Soul copy II; This is where you need a copy, then the soul creates a new soul, that makes things in a different world as a separate lifetime. This alternate lifetime trains the new soul and once done, it returns to be a soul copy. The alternate lifetime can be in the past or future. The soul copy does what you want, as you think to create and need the idea.

Inner self; This effect is where your soul creates an inner being that is you and it can create anything you desire. Including, outside of your inner world.

 Blinding Healing Light; Causes a flash of light to shine so bright above the head it causes enemies to be blind for 1d6 turns while healing team mates.

 Skelemental; Infuses a corpse with any element causing them to rise and fight for you as an elemental skeleton.

Pest repeller; This causes the pestillence in the area to be driven away.

Sending; This is where you send what you want to the targets..think about it as a scene in your mind. The idea is something has energy that disappears from the area and appears near the targets you want effected. This could be poisonous substance or radioactive material.

Slap box TV; This causes Bruce Lee Golden claw type effects on the targets that deal physical magic damage and leaves a claw mark on the back of the targets.

Yabla baby family; This causes tha hippie live dance by a spirit girl making the targets mute for 1d6 rounds and a killer effect mark to appear on the targets and it's physical magic damage. (edited)

Pop quiz TV; This effect causes ugly men. Dirty as they come! They appear in the minds of the tarfgets and send the targets to the morgue on a one shot kill with a pop quiz to the targets' mind. They deal physical magic damage. If not, the effect is poison for each round for 1d6 rounds from energy itself.

Physical magic mark; This causes a physical mark to appear from physical magic to appear on the targets. It appears as they receive a vision of whatever you want them to see. That disappears after the mark is there.

 Banana to mana; Cast this on any fruit to convert it into spell energy. Add its effective spell energy to your energy %.

 Nutshell barriers; Conjure large nutshells to absorb attacks.

  Poison berries; This effect summons the essence of poisonous berries to the mouth of the targets. They receive poison damage per round for 1d6 rounds.

 Very Scary Berry Fairy; Causes targets to be petrified in fear for 1d6 rounds from a being that appers in their minds, also coats them in berry juice revealing their footsteps. 

Mark magic; This effects those that are hit by this effect.. with physical magic damage. There is a mark per attack and you get 3 attacks, that effects the targets. The sent magic effects them by causing the targets pain and energy damages. If the mark is hit 2 times more, then you kill them on the spot.

Beer; This spell creates the beer effect of alcohol in the targets. It is said to lower the defences by -4 to the AC, but gives you the charm and courage to see it through by raising the charm by +5 and the courage represented with morale by +5.

Sober; This spell clears up the effects of alcohol instantly restoring +4 to your AC.

Figures; This effect is where you draw or trace figures of those you want to know. They come in time where you go.

Key element; This is where you hold a key and focus any element, that you desire to cast forth through it. That's dealing x2 the elemental damage. Oh yeah, make sure its not an electronic key..or you could short it out.

Shinobi Bite Down; One bite and death is certain.

Chewbacca Defence; Talk about Wookie lore to win via filibuster.

Honorary Conolel; Wins the war on hunger, as it causes the targets to feel hungry for a distracting 1d6 rounds..

Chop Chop Chop; Use high luck to compensate for a lack of Intelligence to save a life...add +10 to your luck rolls.

Truly; it's a lie so true that you seem to be sane. Add +6 to charisma rolls.

Blessed Amnesia; Gets rid of junk data.

Doggy Telekinesis; Breaks the laws of physics just to move stuff around. Can even be used to pull objects out of locked... Anything.

The Secret; You always get what you want.

Lucy in the Sky; Calls an orbital barrage on the enemy ship... From a long forgotten Stealth Ship. The damages are either near crippling, causing the ship to not be able to do anything or the stealth ship misses. Roll a 1d100+luck to see if it hits, this is with a 50 or above rolled.

Stilling conversations; It works when you least expect it to work..all you need to do is focus and say things and the energy stills it.

Creating conversations; This is where you apply a bonus to your charm and charisma rolls of +6. Thinking to start conversation, you state something and its sparked.

Stealth Helicopter; It just makes the police go on strike. Only donuts can bring them back.

Medics healing Medics; Uses the most broken weapon in the game to survive anything.

Berwick; The effect of creating beer from sure to get a glass or it forms by will into it.

Take and give; This is where you use energy from the actions and direct it by feel to do what you want if feel is there.

Focused idea II; This is where you think to focus and create by what you feel. Any damage or healing done by this is x2 the amount.

Ley effect; This is where you focus your thoughts to the leyline and gesture to create an effect, that could be elemental with x3 damage/healing..anywhere despite the distance.

Warp bubble; Warp bubble is useful to travel timewise somewhere else. You gain the ability of warp bubbles. This is where you think of intensity and the creator energy forming a bubble of space. That you can travel through and focus on relaxing by feel, this makes the knowledge flow to you. The deeper you are in the bubble, the farther you travel with time going faster by feel.

When you exit the bubble of space, you are in your own time again where you thought to travel to with idea given by feel. Although with this warp bubble, you can perceive the future by idea you think you are seeing with the 3rd eye pineal gland.

Wormhole; Wormholes are when you gain the ability to make wormholes and shift by the power of the creator. It's as if they are there from the void of space and no time passes by as you travel somewhere instantly. Be sure to cause the wormhole to end by allowing the creator making it end. So you don't create the area you are from or going to degrade or nullify itself.

Things Betwixt; This is where you cast a revenge spell that causes the targets to not get good results by the influence of the objects the targets has. Subtract a -6 to all the targets' rolls as its bad influence. Now you pay for shooting the bunny.

Resonance Cascade; I was the AI... Why were the four Clowns on fire? This casts fire on the targets you want targeted.

Hatsune Miku; Heaven over Heaven is force. AKA the great possession. The effect is subtle, your mind possesses the targets and then causes them to do what you want. Including kill themselves.


Holy water; It is wise to quaff it... even pouring it blesses the curses away... Just don't break the electronics with it. This increases luck by 10.

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Lithia focus

Lithia is an unusual electric element..that gets summoned by thinking about it being there. It creates what you need as you think about it.

Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for the effect  or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. So you know what it does.

See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells that you like as though you will the effect to exist. 

So if given enough time, the effect happens for the energies will surge and do the idea for you. This is done in effect by what is what where you think. Think the ghost dismissed after offering energy to it and the creator makes it so.

Ithia; this is an amazing element that is summoned by thinking it's there. It creates by feeding off of you your energy, think and it creates what you need. That's as it takes the idea to create with the programming, that is your thoughts you think about.

New Glenn; the new Glenn space launch launches successfully no matter what as quickly as possible.

New Glenn; the time of launch, no longer gets pushed back again for launch unless some other day no matter what.

Judy; she doesn't mind what I do or did no matter what.

I; I don't mind what I do or did no matter what.


The focus; this sustains you for however long you need to be sustained.

Non moving; think about the energy of the targets and need them to be stationary and they are non moving.

Moving; the targets are aware of the circumstances and move away.

Go; think about it and the targets move out of the area with no fight.

Enn point; the ending is set and both what you want and what others want will occur if necessary.


Paul t; he doesn't mind what I do or did no matter what. 

Paul t; he doesn't mind doing requests no matter what.

Paul t.; he doesn't mind making tea for me no matter what.

Ww3; trump doesn't set off ww3 no matter what happened.

Thought; the point is done if you want to go get things done. So think and the soul creates it.


USA; trump doesn't do a terrible job as president no matter what.

Moose; he finds his small cd case no matter what.

Ideal; I manage to lose weight no matter what happens.

Dog; not here anymore.

Cat; here if needed.

Animals; animals are my pets if a bit wild.


Jennifer; she leaves and doesn't care to come back. No matter what.

Starship; this effect causes the starship launch to succeed with launch and it's mission no matter what.

Simba; he decides to answer my call upon him or calls me back no matter what.

Thought; the idea changes things by feel and things work out by what is done.

Things; the things you do are what create the idea, so think and you know what to do.


Lafayette; he doesn't mind what I do or did to his account no matter what.

Djinn ability; you gain the ability to not appear to camera view and your invisible at will. Also, you gain the ability to manipulate reality.

Paul; he no longer blames Ricardo no matter what. Nor does he blame me no matter what.

Interesting; think it done and it is.

Thought; the USA doesn't do bad mishandling of the budget no matter what..

Thinking; the Congress doesn't get through the bills doing Trump's needs.

Pan Out; Ends the movie...and the candle dies..

Inspection; I pass my room inspection no matter what..


Leptin resistance; the leptin resistance goes so high that I no longer want to eat much no matter what.

Paul t; he doesn't ask for a diet Coke in a few days no matter what.

 Trump; he doesn't cause any war while matter what.

X em all out; think about it and it will probably be cross them out.

Tai chi strike; You are never not doing it. Focus on empty space between hands. Perform the Double Palm Strike after waiting a turn to the direction you Hate the most. It is the art for the living. To use Chi to cause pain with minimal damage.

Physical doctor; she sees me as quickly as possible. No matter what.


Monday, January 20, 2025

Detecting the effect

Detecting the effect is what needs to be done sometime. The effect of things on you are obvious, detecting the state of mind is important. So  all you need to do is see them and you know if you had an effect. This is doing things in effect.

Some spells: 

Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for idea with the effect and that's use of the trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells as though you will the effect to exist. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This is done in effect by what is what where you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, what you don't want to happen won't occur, except by ghost. These are the things I think are possible here.

Drug cure; this effect is where you hold the drug and think to it that it will cure you of whatever is wrong..then take it.

Encorceled Hibernation; This causes the targets to sleep for a week or less. There is no saving throw for this spell.

Whatever; Whatever the cause, the amazon delivery gets here and is delivered by feel quickly no matter what as soon as possible.

Emma-O; Shapeshift into a bee eating dog that killed a lot of Pokemon that day with a Charizard.

Pwcca II; Die on purpose knowing it was a dream. You wake up safe in the last house bed you used.

Restoration; The mind is restored no matter what the condition of the brain.

Focus; the idea is done, said and allowed for by feel.

Relaxing by feel; This causes the hits you take to feel good and you relax no matter what.

The trash; This is a trash bin that has a special dimension in it. If you throw something away, then you toss what energy is associated with the trash to be in that dimension.

A friend; This is a point of a person, that does things for you.

Spirit capture; This is where your clothing catches no matter what the remaining spirit energy left behind after the person leaves the area. Once they're back in the area, release their spirit back to them.

Spirits; you easily get over drinking spirits no matter what.

en; They deliver to me what I ordered as quickly as possible no matter what.

for dnd

Association; This spell causes targets to not exist and instead they get replaced by harmless animals.

 Thought form II; This is where you think of an animal to be and its formed from a soul copy to be where you want it.

Inspersement; This sends your fat energy to those in the general area, causing them to be calm and mellow. They no longer wish to fight.

communicato; This allows you to speak, write and understand the targets language.

Garbage Aliens; Is that mountain of garbage blocking your path? Use this to make a UFO arrive to tractor beam any garbage or rubble away, clearing the path.

The trash; This is a trash bin that has a special dimension in it. If you throw something away, then you toss what energy is associated with the trash to be in that dimension. This nullifies any attack energy cast to effect you as it is now effecting the rest of the trash.

Object attack; this is where you think to the object to attack by influence as energy projection what you want to target.

Coyote; Able to sneak under and over fences just to eat chickens.

Dracula; Die on purpose just to wake up in your coffin. 

Pluto; Pollute the area with gases that magic creates.

Anubis; This calls the God of the underworld to kill your targets. He has your stats except double the health. He does double the death damage to the targets as he is there.

Set; This makes the target hungry. They are distracted by hunger for 1d6 rounds.

Loki; Assume any form possible to evade and trick even a supergod.

 Pwcca; Die on purpose knowing it was a dream. You wake up safe in the last bed you used.

Shiva; End the Universe with a simple dance. 

 Behemoth; If cast during a full moon you turn into a giant creature of your choice... Able to crush mighty buildings with ease... But ending the transformation causes you to pass out sleeping...

 Sekhmet; Summons a giant white snake... This snake is immortal... But very hungry too... Roll a 1d5 and don't get a one for her to be tame.  You can ask her to leave and she will...or be haunted.

 Sekmeth; Desummoning the white snake, harmlessly.

 Rimmon; Summon Seagulls and a lot of them... They swarm the target pecking at them... This doesn't do much damage, but distracts them for 3d9 turns.

 O-Yama; Summons a big good smelling plate of the best yams you've ever seen... But if anyone eats one they will be reminded they are in Hell... This is just an illusion, but it will cause despair while it lasts... Negated by finding a lighter.

 T'an-mo; Disguise yourself as regular looking cow... This disguise is so good you can gather information anywhere... They always think it is just a guy in a suit... Moo I say...

 Thoth; Send the battle to Heaven... You can simply point at them and they will have a nice fall... I hope they know Slowfall; too...

 Supay; Wipes the party's bounty clean... It was an honorable duel after all... In a season of crime, none need atone.

 Kali; Gives the target the choice between life and death... If they choose life... They die and get reborn... If they choose death... They have to fight The Horseman of Death... Fear her...

 Ishtar; Makes a bunch of clones of one item... 99 to be exact... Slightly raises corruption and if you get 100 corruption... It doesn't end well.

 Mania; Sends the battle to Cloud Nine right below Heaven... Now everyone will be so happy they can't possibly fight... But you know a nice fall is on level eight right?

  Demogorgon II; Summons the hardest monster in all of Nethack to fight for you... Well only if you can avoid a one on a five sided roll... Extremely fast, invisible, teleports to exits, and has a deadly venom just waiting to get out of that stinger and onto your enemy... Thankfully this doesn't usually happen... Right?

 Moloch; Shapeshifts the land to his inner sanctum deep below the Earth... Monsters abound... But there is a secret way out... Keep digging or level up...

 Melek Taus; Cleanse the soul of any and all wrongdoing... It still happened, but you just don't feel guilty about it have no karma.

 Milcom; Lets you use spooky action at a distance to communicate with beings no matter how far away they are... Two light years away? Instant communication.

 Dagon; Steals charms from the enemy... If they are hasted? Well now you're hasted for double the duration.

 Intense stars; Brightens the stars. This intense heat can boil them alive with photons. I hope you have fire resistance when casting this.

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