The fun and focus of the spell is what you think to create as you notice the idea to do. This leads up to discovery of the effect you caused. So think and you know what to do.
More spells follow..
Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for idea with the effect and that's use of the trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells as though you will the effect to exist. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This is done in effect by what is what where you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, what you don't want to happen won't occur, except by ghost. These are the things I think are possible here.
abex; This is a sonobello ab reduction effect.
Spell ability; If spells are a will and a thought, then we only have to need and think to get a result. Actually, they are a combination of Intelligence, Wisdom, and Willpower... The brain has potential to shift reality one thought at a time.
Feeling; The feeling you get when you expect things to occur, the targets feel it and you don't.
exercise; this spell causes the body to deswell and lose its extra weight as you are still or exercise no matter what.
Spiritual awareness; The is where your aware of silent knowledge of whatever is going on and the spirit is what observes it. Add +5 to all Wisdom and Intelligence related rolls.
High spirits; This is where you have higher than normal energy.
torrent; the torrent files I attempt to download get downloaded quickly no matter what.
Here's a spell idea: Think the problem is a source and attempt to do things so you use the problem as a source of energy. The more your subconscious uses the problem as a source of energy, the less the problem.
Chamomile fever cure; Mix in warm water: 2 pinches of chamomile flowers, 1 pinch sage and a packet of grape of kool aid packets.
amazon; whatever causes the delivery of my packages that I ordered to be delayed no longer causes it to be delayed no matter what.
naples; The death of the area by smothering of lava.
too long; This is a moment where things feel like they last too long.
intolerance; The moment is noted as too much and that brings intolerant angry actions to come.
the ending; This is the end of society and as we know it, we don't see them ever again.
the faa; They rule accordingly to make things fair and there isn't anymore accidents.
some cases; this is sus as I think about it, why do it if it isn't linked to some sinister ideal.
Codified; The effect of this is to make a drink as you think what you want it to do. This creates the effect of energy that is in the drink and makes it do what you wanted and it doesn't do the thoughts. That means it can be any thought as though energy, the consciousness does what we need. This can be any drink.
clearified; this causes the personal info to be allowed to the public.
noone; noone minds what I do or did no matter what.
Thought; The thought you have of the targets and think your like them, the more you appear near them or are near them.
Overlay; This is an overlay effect where you think something up and cast it forth, thinking to take the place of the effect in the area. That's like spraying lysol in the air to replace a scent.
Overlaid; This is where you do things and make the target feel so good that they relax and forget to do things they were going to do.
noone; nobody minds what I did or do.
whatever; whatever I do doesn't look bad no matter what.
I; I don't feel bad for what I do or did no matter what. All I need is to wait and things settle down or are forgiven. No matter what.
for dnd
more craftable items
instant formation; think and know, then what you thought about is there.
The transmussion; This causes the targets to transmit what they think and you get their thoughts.
Knockover; This is a point you think to create with the energy wave sent from the aura. That knocks over the targets.
Erased; This causes the mind to make the subconscious erase the target of all thoughts. Being mindless, they don't do anything for 1d6 rounds.
Sub suggestion; This is the effect of causing the subconscious mind through suggestions to do what you suggest to it.
Particle projectiles; This casts forth the particles themselves in a charged formation to strike the target for particle damages.
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