Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my facebook page. Otherwise use my whatsapp number to contact is 1(405)706-2328. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it. This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Thursday, May 30, 2024

The end idea

 This is the ending of an idea, think of the point and you get fate to do what you intend. This works no matter what you think, so think and know what you do. That is the point in regard, that is oftentimes ignored. Think and you know what to do.

Some spells follow..

Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for idea with the effect and that's use of the trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells as though you will the effect to exist. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This is done in effect by what is what where you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, what you don't want to happen won't occur, except by ghost. These are the things I think are possible here.

will; he gives in and refills the keurig kiosk no matter what quickly.

concept; will no longer proves resistant to my suggestions no matter the point.

will II; he no longer excuses his need to refill the kiosk. no matter what.

arbitration; suing cases that should not be gotten out of won't be gotten out of.

Paul t; he doesn't unfriend me and always remains my friend no matter what.


Paul t; he doesn't get terse with me and always remains friendly no matter what. I don't get an arguement.\

for dnd

virtual reality; the reality is perception and perception is what we perceive. this spell causes the targets to create a new reality in their minds with suggestion to themselves, what they want to see is seen by their minds. so instead they are fooling themselves into behaving and not wanting to fight.

Doppler shift; this shifts the targets or what you don't like into another dimension. Roll a 1d100+luck to determine what occurs.. if you get a 50 or above result you succeeded or if you got a 10 and above on a focus check you succeed. 

Weightlessness; this makes your weight seem to be 1d10 lbs.

The shield; The point is done as a "shield me" and your spirit uses your soul as a guide to create a shield combo.. you cause yourself to be "mirrored" by showing 1d6 of you with one real you. This is for levels 1-9. 1d8 of you for levels 10-19. 1d10 of you for levels 20-29. 1d12 of you for levels 30-. 

The rest are mirrored illusion images, that disappear on a hit and can do what you do as they share your stats. Also, you create with your own aura a shield effect, that then allows you to not be effected from hits by feel. The aura shifts the damage and what you don't want to go to another planet or dimension that uses it as energy. 


Invisibility shield; It exists to make you unseen by bending light and creating no sight of yourself if your a target. It hides all your body including clothes except for the items you hold. This weighs 5 lbs. This shield extends from top to bottom, 6 feet in length and covers your entire body.

Knockout darts; This is fired by a dart gun and instantly knocks out the target. There is a constitution check made for natural tolerance.

Kill darts; This causes on the dart hit to kill the target with spasms. by a deadly toxin, that reaches the heart and kills the victim..there is a constitution check made for natural tolerance.

spells for game:

Focus IV; Focus energy into your aura and think cast it to effect the targets.. this causes the effect of energy shooting forth from your aura as you need it to "hit" the targets. This includes shooting forth void balls or void energy beams in idea.

Energy circles; These circles can create by circling in an area and absorbing energy from the ground to shoot it forth as an energy beam and it also provides protection. This protected point protects you from being effected by anything you don't want effecting you. That  ends with a moment and the thought that the circle disappears. The thought continues to control the moment in time until otherwise dismissed.

Lightning stack; Think to cause energy strikes that the creator makes fall upon or streak near the head of the targets. The higher the level, the more stacks you have and things you stack are dealing more damages. This means 2 stacks deal double damages, and etc.. So with levels 1-9 you have 1 stack of normal damage. Levels 10-19 you have 2 stacks of 2x the damages. Levels 20-29 you have 3 stacks of 3x the damages. Levels 30- you have 4 stacks of 4x the damages.

Element stack; This is where you think about the energy forming the element as it changes into the element and falls upon the head of the targets. The higher the level, the more stacks you have and things you stack are dealing more damages. This means 2 stacks deal double damages, and etc.. So with levels 1-9 you have 1 stack of normal damage. Levels 10-19 you have 2 stacks of 2x the damages. Levels 20-29 you have 3 stacks of 3x the damages. Levels 30- you have 4 stacks of 4x the damages. 

Geisting; Ghosting a place isn't that hard. All you need to do is think of the place and need to project yourself to be felt there spiritually. Some geisting is not allowed. As, this has a spooking effect, that causes the targets in the area to leave frightened.

Ethanol spell; This is a spell based around the chemical formula for the stuff. Chemical formula spells. Its C2H5OH AKA Ethanol. That is the stuff some people choose to drink. Watch out for their nasty cousins Methanol and Propan-2-ol. You get a -5 to your rolls by using them. So for using ethanol you have a x2 damage or healing and +5 to all rolls. You can cast whatever you need to cast by thinking about the point, tell the dm/gm that your character did ethanol and what you want to manifest is manifested.


Ethanol bottle; Its C2H5OH AKA Ethanol. As a central nervous system depressant, ethanol is one of the most commonly consumed psychoactive drugs. Despite alcohol's psychoactive, addictive, and carcinogenic properties, it is readily available and legal for sale in most countries. You get x7 damages and a +7 to all rolls while under its influence.

yet more dnd spells:

Mark and recall; You mark the mark spell by carving a sigil or written letter or writing at your favorite spot, then recall to it any time by thinking about the mark you made and needing to be there.

Mark and shift; This is where you mark the idea onto something and shift your body to other places, that the mark is about in resemblance.

Mark and go; Thisis where you mark something down and cause it to be done by either you or the target you had in mind.

Mark and do; This is where you mark the idea with some intention to be done, then your soul or spirit does the deed you wanted.

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Thought idea and creative approach

The creative approach is the thought you would have to create what you want. This is magic in the making. However you look at it, it's a point done to create better life. So think about the idea and use creative approach to make what you desire.

More spells coming soon.g

Monday, May 20, 2024

Agja magic

This is where you do your own magic.. the spell is based upon the subconscious creating what you suggest to it. So think it's possible and state what you want to do. This uses the soul to make with its energy to create what you need and desire.

Some spells follow 
Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for the effect  or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. So you know what it does.

See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells that you like as though you will the effect to exist. So if given enough time, the effect happens for the energies will surge and do the idea for you. This is done in effect by what is what where you think.

Jamie; she gets forced out by Sam no matter what.

Weight loss; I lose weight no matter what occurs.

Creating points; creating points of interest I came up on this idea.. make things better instead of worse. So think about it, if you need it you can make use of it. That is all. Bye now.

Think; the multiple creation process doesn't get messy and no overuse is done.


The shield; the point is done as a "shield me" and your spirit uses your soul as a guide to create a shield combo.. you cause yourself to be "mirrored" by showing 1d6 of you with one real you. The rest are mirrored images. Also, you create with your own aura a shield effect, that allows you to not be effected from hits. The aura shifts the damage to another planet or dimension that uses it as energy.

Palo duro; the nso approves the fix of the a/c unit no matter what.

Weight; my weight lessens itself by 90 lbs quickly no matter what it stays off.

Belly; I lose that Belly no matter what.

Focus fix; this is where you think about the idea and the weight drops away.

Whatever; whatever causes my belly to get larger no longer causes me to grow my belly no matter what.

Whatever; whatever causes me to get a larger chin or double chin no longer causes a larger or double chin no matter what.

Whatever worries me no longer worries me no matter what.

Your; when someone says your soul is mine I retain my soul.

Focus; focus energy into your aura and think cast it to effect the targets.. this causes the effect of energy shooting forth from your aura as you need it to "hit" the targets. This includes shooting forth void balls or beams.

Energy circles; these circles can create by circling and absorbing energy to shoot it forth as an energy beam and it also provides protection.
This protected point ends with a thought and the circle disappears.

Lightning stack; think to cause energy strikes that the creator makes fall upon or streak near the head of the targets.

Element stack; this is where you think about the energy forming the element as it changes into the element and falls upon the head of the targets.

Focus; what you need for life is given by feel.. you get what you want.

Think; the effect is where you think to watch something and you do get to watch no matter what.

Geisting; Ghosting a place isn't that hard. All you need to do is think of the place and need to project yourself to be felt there spiritually. Some geisting is not allowed.

Leave taking; this is where you leave something here and it's taken by someone else.

Trade idea; for givance you get something in exchange.. that's good.

Deja vue; this is where you think about the moment as though you lived through it before and know what to expect.

Discardent; non discardent 

Circle summoning; this is where you think about what you want and focus on the thought. That's as you think and need the idea as an effect. Then, go around in a circle. As you focus on creating the effect, the movement in a circle causes the planet consciousness to do the idea. Change your mind or thoughts and you create that by summoning it with the planet instead to exist.

Focus; the focus is good for what you need.. think about the energy to cast it out and you cause what you want to occur. The thought you have is what guides the effect. You get what you desire in the end.

Need; the need is met.

Again; not again 
Feel; think about something else.
That; that's a point you think or know.
Is; what is is

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Follower magic

Follower magic is where you gain a follower and their subconscious mind is what aids you in doing what you must to get results done .

Some spells coming later..

Friday, May 10, 2024

abcess magic

Abcess magic is where your releasing body energy and deflating yourself to the point of release. This lowers your weight temporarily and you get to weigh less no matter what happens. As well as this, after the fact the weight comes back on by feel. This is abscess magic at work. So expect results and do what you want.

Some spells follow 

Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for idea with the effect and that's use of the trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells as though you will the effect to exist. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This is done in effect by what is what where you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, what you don't want to happen won't occur, except by ghost. These are the things I think are possible here.

en; the ending is this, you get what you wanted.

focus; think to know and you realize what is necessary.

time travel; think of the idea, imagine the scene and what you need..then your subconscious causes a soul copy to appear in the time you wanted to be in doing what you needed. as you drive a car or vehicle the speed of the car causes a time shift and you are seeing yourself sometime else. the theory is you can become whatever shape you want to be in, thought or of whenever you want as you imagined you become.

thought; the point you think, plunder glut doesn't matter what.

^7 = like a sigil honoring fox spirits or kitsune. If you draw it your situation improves. It is a combination of mountain and seven.

kittymoo; he manages to get to me the donation he planned to give to me quicker than usual no matter what.

kittymoo; he manages to come over today or tomorrow and hand me the 50 matter what without stress.

meeting; the town hall goes off without a hitch and I am not blamed for matter what.

shae; he plays good no matter the point no matter how well he is proven.

poison; The substance within the bug causes them to die off by feel as though the correct poison no matter what.


Cncept; This effect is done, I get my packages today..and when their due. No matter what occurs.

not; not nothing I do againt the bedbugs is matter what.

andrew mcdowell; he remains my friend no matter what occurs.

Slickdown; This is where you put mud or summon oil or shit to form a coverup of yourself except your hands and feet, think to act and clean up to get out of the grasp of those holding you below the stomach. If you slick yourself you summon a hawk so think and hope its dealt with.

Andrew; He is no longer tired of the game and its spells matter what.

Andrew; he downloads the latest of the games files no matter what.

Andrew; he can view the online version of my homebrew game no matter the point.


hives; I no longer get a hives reaction no matter what by any energy in the area.

focus beam; this beam causes the target to not move as long as its focused.

barrier; this is where you shield yourself by energizing your aura, that's thinking the energy wards away the troubles.

General; this is general focus and thinking to create. you can heal, create elemental effects or cause a hold on the target or targets.

General stomp; this is general focus and thinking to create as you stomp or clap your hands. you can heal, create elemental effects or glass shattering.

shock or summoning circles; This causes by imagination, the area or areas you think the circles appear around the targets causes energy to shock the targets you surrounded as you can think create glass shattering effects on the targets by focus. these circles of imagination move to where you want them moved. the circles can summon any effect you desire.

Energy restore; this is where you think energy comes to you and you restore your stamina as you restore your lost energy.

polymorphic blob; this is where you think of a blob, as though formed of energy in the area of the target and it causes bludgeoning damage with energy strikes.

andrew mcdowell; he is not minding what I did or do no matter what.


June 11th Fortuna rite of luck:

The rite: Do it in a one liter erlenmyer flask to win at life. Take some filtered water, as pure as possible, then hold it up and shake it repeating: "Faith, Hope, Love, Luck, Abundance." Think or say, "Fortuna make it so." Then, make the water as positive as possible, that's done by charging to to moonlight or something. That would be the ultimate liquid luck potion.

--Andrew Victor McDowell

lafay; he pays me the 25 that I am owed no matter what.

focus; the things you do are there in view. so think and you create what you want as you do things.

paul t; he avoids breaking his pitcher I gave him.. no matter what.

Feng-shui; The four luckiest colours are Red, Yellow, Green, and Orange. The shade of them can balance chi energies. So the idea is to balance, not stack so Red goes East, Yellow goes West, Green goes South, and Orange goes North. According to the Three Bags school of Feng Shui. As you advance in the Chinese Geomancy you can use objects as a compass.

defined in ancient language

ai = trap, laid

the ancients just knew things psychically, yet they were sometimes wrong.

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Julian magic

This is Julian magic, the making of a moment and causing it to work. The repair is needed if any so think of the moment and you create what you want.

Some spells follow

Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for the effect  or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. So you know what it does.

See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells that you like as though you will the effect to exist. So if given enough time, the effect happens for the energies will surge and do the idea for you. This is done in effect by what is what where you think.

Story; the story I tell is accepted by feel no matter what and wherever it's told.

Their idea; they don't inform everyone about what they think or know I matter what.

Jamie; she trusts me no matter what..and no longer blames me.

Moose; he doesn't mind what I do or did. He no longer blames me. No matter what..


Toxicity; no matter what I am no longer toxic and can do what I want without getting in trouble.

Jamie; before she makes too much of things, moose and Jamie moves out no matter what..

Nice; if you can't say anything nice, then don't say anything at all.

I am prepared for anything that will come matter what.

Thoughts; things will work out in the end and I will not be arrested no matter what.

Whatever; whatever the cause they don't search my records no matter what.

Thought; this was not meant to happen, so think about it and it will go away.

Thinking; the point is of idea you do, if you don't understand what I mean don't mind it as you ask.

Bedbugs; all the bedbugs die or disappear from the same room and no longer emerge to take matter what quickly.

Bite bumps; they disappear and no longer itch no matter what quickly.

Energy; I get enough money to pay for things before they do inspections.

Things; the thought we do is something that creates interesting idea or what we want is noticed by what you do. This counts as a point done in time so think and you know what to do.

Jamie; she leaves Palo duro no matter what. This happens quickly and surely no matter what the point is. However I don't leave so I get the benefit of the doubt.

Big lots; they have the large totes I need and I get them delivered to me no matter what.

Dentist; they numb me good enough to get my teeth worked on and successfully is the operation.

Thought; the idea I need is given by the idea I do.

Weight loss; if you cut all the carbs and sugar possible then you can eat 2000 calories and still lose weight.

Bedbugs; during inspection I am not caught with bedbugs no matter what.


Totes; despite disagreement I get my totes matter what.

Kittymoo; he comes over and hands me the 50 dollars donation no matter what as quickly as possible.

Kittymoo; he talks to me about things no matter what today.

Things; things that happen only happens if matter what occurs.

Dentist; they get me in quickly and don't make any mistakes as I also get out of the dentist quickly..things work well for matter what.

Your well yet you see problems so what do you do?

Kittymoo; he gets better with being able to think straight as though he had the right medicine no matter what he doesn't mind what I do or did.

Kittymoo; he gets on discord and chats with me easily quickly no matter what.


All; all the bedbugs die quickly by powder no matter what..

Terra; she feels that the knokkers died no matter what..she gets her formd back.

Andrew McDowell; he finds it in his heart to chat on sp server no matter what.

Kittymoo; he can download the necessary discord files and then we matter what.

Slick; the point is done, think the idea so you create what you want. This is forming a slick spot where you intend it to be formed..this is literally where you piss either on yourself or the ground or you make it to the bathroom on time. Now that is disgusting.

Crap all over; the point you think about things, this releases early the shit you have and you crap all over yourself unless you make it to the toilet on time. Just remember pick up your shit if you crap all over.


Clean; this causes a clean feel and you don't crap all over yourself.

Corey; he doesn't mind what I do or did no matter what.

People; they don't mind me no matter what. If they have mean things to say about me they forget to say it as though they dismissed the idea no matter what.


Inspection; I pass my inspection by feel no matter what happens..with little things.

Andrew; he doesn't mind what I do or did no matter what.

Whatever; what ever the case I am not blamed for having matter what.

Whatever; the insurance for my psychiatrist is fixed by feel.

SpaceX; they manage to get a successful launch of the 2 satellites to orbit. The launch is successful no matter what. The winds and weather is nominal to allow launch.

Bedbugs; they cease to exist by feel. No matter what ..

Andrew McDowell; he no longer degrades no matter what he does.

I; say I am over and over and you get a magic manifest.

Wishes; Also if you want to make the wishes yourself get a laughing Buddha statue. Know how to make the ultimate wishes. Rub the stomach and repeat: "Ohm mani padme ohm.".
Then think of something that makes you happy and make the wish to them.

Easier; this is easier to pay by feel.

Klarna; a split the money amount service in finances by 4.

This  is the idea, you pay klarna and your bills no matter what and easily.

Ww3; ww3 is adverted and things work out by feel no matter what.

Whatever; whatever the case, I no longer have bedbugs no matter what.

Will; he refills the kiosk for k-cups with cocoa no matter what and sooner than usual.

Will; he speaks clearly and louder than usual.. from this point on.


1 pod; this is cocoa that causes by lt allot of caffeine you to stay up all night.

Angel of effect; this is where you think about what you want and get that as a result.

Disposition; Jamie's disposition fixes itself towards me as though she likes me again.

10 min; I only take 10 minutes at Lafayette's no matter what.

Toxic; the toxic relationship dissolves by feel. No matter what.

Gaff 2; the gaffs of Biden no longer occur no matter what.

Focus; think no war and you get no war no matter what.


Coping; think of the idea of being somewhere, this helps you cope by feel.

Doctor; the doctor will see me easily and earlier no matter what.

Focus; the focus idea is not to do damage or anything you don't need. No matter what.

UFO; we make UFO technology available for people to use.. including triangular crafts.

A/c; they fix my air conditioner no matter what and quickly.


A/c; they don't cheat us in repair of the a/c unit no matter what.

Ben; he doesn't come here anymore no matter what.

Ave; hail

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