Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my facebook page. Otherwise use my whatsapp number to contact is 1(405)706-2328. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it. This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Tuesday, January 30, 2024

moment magic

The moment can last forever, so think about what you do and you create what you want by need in a moments notice.

Here are some spells..
Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for the effect  or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. So you know what it does.

See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells that you like as though you will the effect to exist. So if given enough time, the effect happens for the energies will surge and do the idea for you. This is done in effect by what is what where you think.

Ward; think to ward away danger and you do.

Warded; the warder is the thing, you direct the warder by idea and expression.

Energy spheres; they form the idea you get or have in mind. 

Thaniel; he is fine and wherever he is he survives no matter what.

Travis; the travesty of the moment passes by and he finds his wallet no matter what quickly.


Heh; the point of what you do is noticed and you get your just reward.

Strong; I look good even if strong.

Target; I am not a target.

Focus; I am enjoying myself as I focus, this is fun.

Falcrus; the horcrux no longer are horcrux no matter what the point.

Hitting spree; this doesn't happen, no mmatter what.

Corey; he cooks my shrimp earlier than usual today. No matter what.

Ricardo; he leaves danese and me alone no matter what.

Corey; he is easy to contact no matter what.

Delivery; the delivery from Walmart happens right after or before deb takes me to the store. No matter what.

Deb; she takes me to get my stuff from the store today as quickly as possible. Her daughter takes her shopping after she takes matter what..

Walmart; they deliver by feel my delivery of food to me no matter what.

Feel; this sinking feeling is gone, no matter what.

New mgr; the new manager for nso is good and stays no matter what in work here.

Moose; he no longer considers me lying no matter what.

Manager; they get a good replacement nso manager for pd2 and pd1.

Entery; the delivery man can easily gain entry to the building no matter what..

Entry; the entry is easy for the delivery man no matter what.

Virginia; I got the Amazon gift card from Virginia and Paul no matter my email.

Ss; there is no cut to social security of 22 to 25% no matter what.


Lafayette; he gets nothing from me after this point. In exchange I get what I need or want.

Thought; you see what I see if it is necessary by feel.

Thinking; thinking about things makes it happen easier and only if you want it to occur.

Metamuscle disease; this metaphysical muscle gain disease causes your excess weight to turn into muscle as it uses the fat on the body to convert it with no bad side effects. This results in bigger muscles and lesser weight.

The mail; the mail comes early, Travis and I get our mail delivered to me. No matter what it's quicker than usual.


Pharmacy; they ca get the shot I need and things work out in the end..

No slow; this is where you think of creative approach and make with what you can.


Debby; she takes me to get my package from the UPS matter what.

Thought; think and know as your soul tells you what you need to know by insight.

Travis; his call is answered earlier than usual no matter what. His problem is fixed no matter the point.

Thought; think and you know.

Cody; he doesn't ever get tired of allowing hot chocolate service. No matter what.


Descrepency; this is what you need that you get no matter what.
En; undone penalty 

Thursday, January 25, 2024


 Some suggestions are good some are bad, think and you can make a suggestion as though an affirmation to your subconscious. This means your subconscious mind creates whatever you desire if you intend the idea or need it to happen. Some spells happen after you suggest things to yourself or others. This is the power of the subconscious mind. You can use affirmations in a subliminal that you or others make, and get easier results from its use. This is a known effect as there are possibly 10 or more affirmations in a list. This is interesting, as all you need to do is listen to it to get a result. This can work for magic as well. You can list commands that you want to manifest as magic as it does. However if you don't need the effect, you can block the effect, suggestion or affirmations. Think and you know what to do. Some spells follow..

Here are some spells:

Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for idea with the effect and that's use of the trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells as though you will the effect to exist. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This is done in effect by what is what where you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, what you don't want to happen won't occur, except by ghost. These are the things I think are possible here.

thinking; the point is cost, what you think to cost yourself is what you gain.


fat; mem entertainment no longer is making us fat.

the fat; the fat on our bodies goes into the magma, no matter what.

focus; if you focus, then you get what you wanted.

idea; the idea is simple, think and you get what you intend.

the win; bg3 fights that seem impossible are no longer fought or impossible. no matter what you tough that fight.


fat II; Nitelife records ain't making you fat.

Warfight; This is a point you think, then do if needed or unless otherwise noted its done.

poof!; This spell causes whatever you don't like to disappear and things you like are there instead that remain. This can even make targets disappear. Think of the disliked idea and state "poof" and the disliked things disappear by the power of the spirit. Otherwise if its needed its restored by the spirit.

landing; you land on your feet and don't break your foot.

replenishment; this effect is a point you do things and by bless you, you cause a positive feeling that replenishes their energy along with the area.

aura of command; this is where you think of the idea and need it to get done, that's as though what you say causes the target to do it using the energy you send from your aura. the target is whomever you speak to. this can be resisted, so if they don't agree its not done.

focus; think and do..if you do you won't have accidents.


45; creative number, it happens.

32; its just a number.

roll; we got our rolls in order.

think; the idea is this, the original shadow curse is gone.

thought; the point is this, if you create that idea you make a result.

en; enn

thinking; think of what you need and want it to create it in effect.

whatever; what I think or need I create as I want with the power of the soul.


wolfheart; he gets infernal iron and upgrades karlach no matter what.

nikki haley; her policy gets better and thought of what she does is what turns off voters to voting her in.

weight loss; This effect causes the body weight to lessen and your stomach is as thin as a pancake no matter what.

en requirement; This ends all requirements no matter if your running the point and it counts as no requirements.

encouragement; I didn't encourage them.


I think; lauren boebert doesn't win the election no matter what.

Light; the light is shining from the body so think and you know what you can do.

change; the change is the thing to create change in character of what you want. so any changes you wish are done if you have change.

thought; the point you do things, this is what causes other things. that you need to occur and its a form of manifest.

I am; I think this where I am shifted to another planar existance, so see ya all. ciou.


finn; finding things out by feel

thinking; the point is done, think and you know what to do.

thought II; this where you think, not him, so you need to make them think.

support; this I know, you do things there is either rewards or stipends that occur.

thought III; This is the end of the game, enjoy yourself.


shrinking; if you shrink something enough by magic, then it explodes outwardly.

shrinking II; this lowers your bodyweight and shrinks your stomach just enough. no matter what your stomach looks flat.

survival; if you think about it, it disappears and you survive another day.

your will; if you have a will, its read so that is done as a point of expression.

self-serving; the point of what you want is achievable by what you do, think and you know what to do.


the; the explanation is simple, what you think and need is what the subconscious creates it if you desire it to occur.

calm; think calm and you are calm..this is it.

nightdome; this spell creates a dome of night energy, that's done by thinking the idea to form a dome from darkmatter. that causes you to not be hurt. however, if you get attacked the dome deals double the damages back. if no damages are done, no attack happens.

no damages no attack; think and you have protected yourself from harm.

indescreption; this is using illusion to cause what you wish and keep your privacy by focus.


car accident; this is where some car swerves into the other car, unless its averted.

wolfheart; he saves the nightsong. no matter what.

thought; this peace lasts forever.

corey; he is willing to do my shrimp meal in cooking it. no matter what even upon request.

effect; whatever you type or state, the consciousness of the candle and candleflame picks up on the thought and creates it by energy influence.


wolfheart; he does the karlach quest and finishes it no matter what..

interest; its a zip file if you don't mind it.

voter fraud; they find no voter fraud no matter what.

larger; the larger you get the smaller in body weight you are.

thought; the thought is what abounds, think and you know what to do for now.


lying; I no longer lie to moose, our relationship improves.

moose; he doesn't mind what I do or did, no matter what.

situations; I always know how to handle situations. no matter what.

thinking; the point is an idea you express, so if you need what you want you get what you want.

maxwell; he is pleased with my work and keeps making matter whatr.


issue; the midtown drugs doesn't have an issue with the invega shot and I get the shot no matter what.

no issue; this is where you give credit where credit is due.

The point; I think therefor I am, so the great leader speaks.

UPS; They deliver to the UPS store today as early as possible and I get my packages no matter what.

Thought; This is a point you know about, so go on and enjoy your life.


Whayever; Whatever is keeping the amazon gift card from reaching me in email, no longer is keeping it reaching me no matter what.

delivery; The delivery of my giftcard in the email sent by virginia and paul is no longer keeping me from getting the giftcard no matter what.

faulty; I am not giving up unless its necessary.

integrity; I pass any test, no matter what it is with flying colors.

Whatever; what ever the root, cause is not acted upon no matter what.


torment; I am no longer effected by torment no matter what.

insert; insert it and you can create with the knowledge that comes to you.

glitch; the glitch in the system is an effect that you can control or cause for a period of time with focus and thinking of the idea.

focused; what you think you create if you need it formed.

glitches; The easiest way to glitch the system is to create an overflow error where a number counts higher than it is supposed to.


WEight; If fat or needed, everytime I am about to eat or drink, I suddenly weigh less no matter what.

I see; I seem reasonable no matter what.

No matter; No matter what if I don't like it I can always reverse it.

Right; right as I eat or drink I start to lessen my weight drastically if I need to.

reaction; the reaction isn't bad no matter what you get.


space-x; they have an easier time communicating no matter what.

for dnd

wave of effect; When you do something, the energy recreates it on a greater scale as sent out in a wave pattern. Wherever you want. So if you wave your hand, its done as a wave of energy somewhere. This wave of energy causes whatever you think it does. When done to a target that's there and human, it causes them to be easily suggested to as you think to state what you want them to do.

Energy; This is a boost of energy, that comes upon your body. the source is the creator. Your energy is 100% suddenly. Otherwise, energy is there by focus and replenished in the air as heat. You can do spells easily after this, all you need to do is direct the energy to create a result..if you need the result then its done and if not then nothing happens.

Thought point; The point is energy, you eat or drink it in and you can create what you want with it by feel. This is where you get food or drink, then you create with its particle energy. Be sure to exercise off the excess energy you don't use, thinking to keep off the weight gain due to excessive eating. However, eat healthy, then you won't gain weight.

Glyph of warding effect; This warding glyph causes the effect of energy doing whatever you program the energy to do by the thought and the energy perceiving the thought you need it to do. This makes sleep possible. This makes created flare up of energy that causes fire to effect the targets. This makes cold damage done and its all in a 40' radius.

Magic mood lights; These appear in the aura shining a color, and that is done to effect the stat rolls of those it effects that you intend to be effected and shines upon. This is also done in the form of orbs sent from the aura, that increases stat rolls for allies and decreases stat rolls for enemies. This is based on the color. So the increase/decrease is +/-2 in its boost for levels 1-9, +/-4 for levels 10-19, +/-6 for levels 20-29 and +/-8 for levels 30+. 

It can last till a full rest or until its not needed elsewise. The catch is that it works on friendlies and your team because the light knows what you want. It follows the ROY G BIV color system, so Strength is red, Dexterity is orange, Constitution is yellow, Intelligence is green, Wisdom is blue, Charisma is Indigo and Violet can be luck. 

The light can shine ultraviolet color too to do other things like drain enemy health, all the while restoring team health to full health. The health drained/improved is -/+10% per action for levels 1-9, -/+20% per action for levels 10-19, -/+30% per action for levels 20-29 and -/+40% per action for levels 30-. 

The Infrared color reveals all the invisible enemies, while cloaking friendlies and making friendlies invisible to the enemies. If it is set to the X-ray color, then you can see everyone's bones. Giving better crit chance by a rolled 15 for the crit. The puce light can emit microwaves that damage by particle damage done per round to the targets you intend to harm. At levels 10-19, it emits alpha particles that deal damages to the targets you intend to harm. These particles deal x2 damages. At levels 20-29, it emits beta particles at the targets you intend to harm. These particles do x3 the damages. At levels 30-, it emits hawking gamma radiation that effect the targets you intend to harm with x4 damages.

Karlach effect; This effect is where you eat or drink something including potions, then the energy of the substance is programmed by thoughts to increase all your rolls by +4. You heal wounds quickly, that's about 25% health restored per round. Also, you emit a auratic bio energy wave that effects your targets with damages briefly for 1d10 rounds in battle no matter where you are on the field of battle. Also, it heals your team and allies, that's for the same amount you could damage your foes. That's done by the spirit shifting the effect, thinking it goes to the targets you intend to harm. This lasts for 6 hours, or until you digest and absorb the energy completely from the food and drink.

En an Class

Wild mage class

Description: This class is a class born of fey and humankind. It uses a form of magic, that's wilderness based in nature. It can do anything.


Wild magic; This is where you create a magic effect, that makes what you wish into existence. That is using iron or iron particles and controlling the chaos energy with it, so you make a controlled result.

Wild Magic Surge: You can cast spells differently from other arcane spellcasters. You have a chance to trigger a Wild Magic Surge, which causes a random magical effect to occur. That is done by suppressing the chaos energy and adding to it in a philter device, this is an object you focus chaos into and think realease to surge it. That is where it surges the area with a triggered effect. These effects can range from beneficial to chaotic and unpredictable. The chart is here.. {}

Tides of Chaos: The Tides of Chaos ability allows you to manipulate the forces of chaos. By using this ability, they can gain advantage on an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw. After using Tides of Chaos, the Wild Mage must roll on the Wild Magic Surge table to determine the outcome.

Bend Luck: You have the ability to manipulate fate and luck. With Bend Luck, you can add or subtract a d4 from another creature's attack roll, ability check, or saving throw. This ability allows them to influence the outcome in their favor.

Controlled Chaos: As you gain more experience, you learn to control your wild magic to a certain extent. Controlled Chaos allows them to choose the outcome of their Wild Magic Surge. This outcome you state to the DM/GM. This ability gives them more control over the unpredictable nature of their magic.

Spell Bombardment: At higher levels, you become even more proficient in casting spells. Spell Bombardment allows you to roll an additional d20 when they cast a spell and choose which of the two rolls to use for determining the spell's effects. This ability increases their chances of success and enhances their spellcasting abilities.

Chaos gate; The chaos gate is thinking an imagined oval gateway forms in the area of the target. Then, you create what you wish by focusing iron particled chaos energy, that goes into the area that does what you think to program it with in effect. The soul opens or closes the gates as you need to do this.

EX and Sp

Wild Casting (Ex); Attach this to spells by saying "I Wild Cast X.". That is where X is the spell. If you deal more damage than average then add 20% to the damage roll. If you deal less than average damage then subtract 10% from the damage roll. This makes your spell's damage more unpredictable.

Extra spell (Ex); After every spell you cast, you have a 1 in 10 chance to cast a second spell that turn or action. This is where you roll a 1-5 for no chance and a 6-10 to have another spell on a 1d10.

Aversion effect (Sp); This causes chaos to create aversion. That's with you thinking it does. See the creator is making whenever you are to be hit, then something else is hit instead. This can be used on the same round as the attack. What it does is double the damage to what it hits. 

Chaos infusion (Ex); This is the effect of infusing your weapon with wild energy of the faery, so if you focus the energy along your weapon. You can strike with it, then you cause an additional amount of damage. This damage is half level + d6-12(levels 1-9 is d6, levels 10-19 is d8, levels 20-29 is d10 and levels 30- is d12) + charisma mod.

Chaos clone (Sp); This is where you call into iron particles chaos energy that makes a figure that looks like you. It has 100% health, otherwise has your stats and does double the amount in damages to the targets. This clone copies what you do, and does what you want as you need it to do things. This clone lasts until it either destroyed or is dispelled.

Chaos bonus (Ex); You can get a +5 bonus to your rolls, if you don't cast the same spell twice during your turn.

Chaos adapting (Sp); This is the ability to change the damage types spells do. This can be used whenever your attacked.

Chaos shield (Sp); This is where you create a shield of chaos energy. That makes whatever damages done to you instead done to the attacker.  Howver, its double the damage.

Random shift (Ex); The ability to open a chaos portal at will, that teleports you to a random spot. This is up to 100 feet away to escape enemies, or to get more range on enemies. Roll a 1d100 to determine how far. So to determine where the chaos portal takes you, you can roll a 1d8 to determine the cardinal direction. This is where a rolled 1 is North, a rolled 2 is Northwest, a rolled 3 is West, a rolled 4 is Southwest, a rolled 5 is South, a rolled 6 is Southeast, a rolled 7 is East, and a rolled 8 is Northeast.

extra spells

Double or Nothing; Think of chaotic influence as you need to influence your attack with it for random effects on your attack. Roll a 1d4, where 1-2 is half the damage and 3-4 is double damages.

fixation; Think of a room as a dimension and you can cause whatever you need in that room, wherever it is as you think to it what you want and the room energy creates what you desire. The room has to physically exist. They can direct the room to crerate energy effects in it. However, once demolished, the effect can end. If the room exists you can use it as energy and you don't even have to be in it.

Go tank; Have a situation? Then, eat a lil and drink plenty of water to handle it and any situation is okay.

Weightlessness; if you by will lower your weight using the energy as you think it lowers and focus on your body to make it can become weightless and able to manifest any effect. That's as though a spell you point things out, thinking to make it occur with a statement of intention. This is a power word. You can create any type of spell with this effect. The fuel to the spell effect is your body mass. What you eat and drink adds to the energy the body has. What is the power word? Statement of your intention as a word that you think is going to effect a manifest. Like dobe. This is where your thoughts create by a word, thats with your thoughts as energy directing the subconscious mind.

Review board 

Normally this is for the modern ages, that's the way it now is thought as object as it sounds, the creator gives the ability or knowledge to you by vision and you see it in use. This is where the higher power allows you to have the ability. Otherwise, you can learn it by watching vids on the internet.

Then there is a review board, that allows you to learn abilities of any kind. There are people in the review building that hosts the review board and they give you the ability with the creator supplying it and any necessary explanations.. they also have a library where you can look things up in book form or use the internet.

There is a hazard room where someone demonstrates the ability on a combat dummy. So there is a practice room.. where you get to go and practice your abilities and learn the new abilities for your efforts. 

even more spells:

Black light; This uses a blacklight as a component. This light can be used to illuminate things as they are there. You know the effects the item or people can do with this light.

Diamond light; This is a cutting light, that uses diamonds and light as you shine a light through the diamond to beam forth and cut right through the target or if they make the 1d20 savings throw with a rolled 10 or above. Then it does normal damages. 

Black diamond light; If you have a black diamond and a light, then you can create a black diamond light. This is done with shining a light through the black diamond, and thinking deep blue energy also goes through it. This light disintegrates the target, if not that as the target makes their savings throw against magic by rolling a 10 or above on a 1d20. Then think, as it causes double the damages to the targets.

Emerald light spell; If you shine a light through the emerald as you think deep blue energy goes through it, you create an emerald light beam. It shines a light that restores energy. So everyone it shines on can exert themselves more without tiring.

Invisible stalker; This spell causes a stalker being that does your damages, also it otherwise has your stats. This being has an spirit gun, long spear or sword (your choice), that is used to invisibly strike the targets with 3d10 damage each shot or hit. Once you decide to not have it summoned, it dismisses itself. Otherwise it is defeated if detected and it keeps itself invisible. Think and you know what to do.

in en

Silent stalker; This spell causes a being that silently stalks the targets, it only goes after those you want effected by this and casts long range effects at the targets to effect them. That being uses improved invisibility, thinking to remain invisible. It has 100% health, your stats otherwise and can deal interesting elemental damages that effect the targets in idea. That means you can cause it to exist by summoning it, then when done desummon it. Otherwise it must be detected by a true sight or see invisibility spell. Then think, as it can be effected by magic and enchanted weapons. It disappears back to its planar dimension, once its not needed. Dogs and other animals are able to smell the invisible stalker. So, you can use them to detect it. Once detected, it appears as a ghostly outline.

De-effects; This is a spell that neutralizes magical effects like potions or debuffs, that's done by sending death and decay energy at the target.


Assorted gemstone bag; This is what you can use as assorted gemstones. They are collected and placed in a bag for you. This is a black diamond, a diamond, a citrine, an emerald, a ruby, an amethyst, a blue moonstone, a green adventurine, a pyroxene stone, a tigers eye, a black obsidian and various others that you can mention as being a part of the bag.

Its possible to intensify the damages with a gemstone and thought energy. The right gemstone causes double the elemental damage. This is what causes the right effect if you think energy goes through it to get to the target. This is where you can use a ruby to create a fire beam. Diamond for ice beams that freeze the targets for 2d8 rounds in battle, or until thought released outside of battle. Then there's black obsidian for earth beam. 

The earth beam draws together and blocks the targets from you and has an earthy smell in effect, that's with earth energy making a wall effect that separate with energy you and them. The blue moonstone creates a water beam. The amethyst is useful for air strikes as you hold it and imitate striking out, you hit with an air effect as though an extension of yourself. This is like closing your fist to choke the targets to death, that's with a concentration roll and it takes 2 actions to do them in. Last is pyroxene for lava beams that melt the targets gear or items.

Saturday, January 20, 2024


This is the game of life, think and you can get any result, that you intend to get. That's if you need the idea and the spirit forms the point of expression..

Here are some spells..
Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for the effect  or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. So you know what it does.

See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells that you like as though you will the effect to exist. So if given enough time, the effect happens for the energies will surge and do the idea for you. This is done in effect by what is what where you think.

Moose; he drives perfectly at night no matter what.

Focus; think and you get what you want as you need it done.

Theory; the creator makes what you intend as you state it, will it, think it, or need it..however you want.

Mail; the mail comes early today or as early as possible and I get my packages. No matter what.

Terra; she trusts me no matter what..she doesn't think I am the anti Christ no matter what.


Wolfheart; he does what I suggest to his matter what..if needed.

Interesting; the idea is simple..think and you know what to do.

Agreed; it's agreed that things will work out between us.

Think; think to do whatever you want.

Thought; the idea is thought, think and say what you want to cause the target to do it.

Entertainment is easy..think of something fun and you might do it.

Avoidance; the point you need is done, avoid what you can.

Ashley; she gets better by feel. She calms down no matter what.

Energy; the energy of the body isn't chaotically effected by external energy so your always calm. No matter what.

Ashley's bf; he gets back what he needs from her except for a rise or emotional response no matter what.

Wild mage; this mage type creates with wild magic or get results.

Bomber; this is a being that focused enough energy to explode it's body, so I think you know it deserves it's respect as it energy wise destroys it's area.

Crazyness; it doesn't happen. That's unlikely if you think it is occurring, unless you intend it to occur. The dm or GM is immune to crazyness no matter what. So think calm you are calm.

The subconscious; this you tap into and create by what you will.

Thought; the thought it's there, is what allows you to get away with results. Think and you know what to do. As you calm down, dying doesn't seem to you. Instead you can create your own fate. So enjoying yourself is a must, think to create what you can. That's all I can say, farewell.

This; think about the things you do, things aren't so bad as you think to get things done.

Discovery; relax your mind and let thoughts come to you, then you create the moment you realize what you need to know.

Discount; think the idea of discount and the soul creates the effect.

I m yu; I kill you whom I target.

I am; state over and over till you think it causes respect and results.

Iom; I think this one deserves what you consider, the effect is created with an iota of result from your will.

Ium; this I create by what I think.

Unbelievable; this is unbelievable results with what you think to create.

Iamm; I believe in the best things in life, think to discuss things and know better.

I emm; think and it is done. What you want is given so you got your idea in mind.

Birdwatching; this is birds to make what you want. Think about the counter and they stop.

Bids; the thought is appropriate so think and you can get what you want as a need.

I bid; think to exercise and you lose weight if you do the exercises enough.

bad; the bad are bade, the good are left alone.

Meta magic missile; this is where you create missiles of energy from your mind focused energy creating what you want.

Deep fake; this is what causes you to create a need for the idea you desire. It's basically making an image to seem like you or another person.

Faery God; you are your own God. The faeries serve your need and cause.

Warding light; this light effect emanates from the hand and wards away danger.

Wolfheart; he wins the fights in game no matter what. His quest is a success.

Bad = bade

Monday, January 15, 2024


 If missing something, think to make what you can out of life. This is making things up and created is the result of creativity. So the idea is missing the point, if you think you know then you realize what you need to know by the power of the soul. This is where soul is insight. So think and you know what to do.

Some spells coming if you need them.

Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for idea with the effect and that's use of the trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells as though you will the effect to exist. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This is done in effect by what is what where you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, what you don't want to happen won't occur, except by ghost. These are the things I think are possible here.

thinking; the point is cost, what you think to cost yourself is what you gain.


fat; mem entertainment no longer is making us fat.

the fat; the fat on our bodies goes into the magma, no matter what.

focus; if you focus, then you get what you wanted.

idea; the idea is simple, think and you get what you intend.

the win; bg3 fights that seem impossible are no longer fought or impossible. no matter what you tough that fight.


fat II; Nitelife records ain't making you fat.

Warfight; This is a point you think, then do if needed or unless otherwise noted its done.

poof!; This spell causes whatever you don't like to disappear and things you like are there instead that remain. This can even make targets disappear. Think of the disliked idea and state "poof" and the disliked things disappear by the power of the spirit. Otherwise if its needed its restored by the spirit.

landing; you land on your feet and don't break your foot.

replenishment; this effect is a point you do things and by bless you, you cause a positive feeling that replenishes their energy along with the area.

aura of command; this is where you think of the idea and need it to get done, that's as though what you say causes the target to do it using the energy you send from your aura. the target is whomever you speak to. this can be resisted, so if they don't agree its not done.

focus; think and do..if you do you won't have accidents.


45; creative number, it happens.

32; its just a number.

roll; we got our rolls in order.

think; the idea is this, the original shadow curse is gone.

thought; the point is this, if you create that idea you make a result.

en; enn

thinking; think of what you need and want it to create it in effect.

whatever; what I think or need I create as I want with the power of the soul. however, what you think you create if you need it created.


for dnd

Quixotic Encounter: Start off a conversation with the target willing to believe one lie you tell them no matter how outlandish. This works like a buff you give yourself before starting a speech encounter. Like a +2 to charm.

Crazy strength; This uses the spirit to increase your strength, think and by focus you lift up what you need to carry for as long as you need to carry it.

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

myser effect

The mystery is the thing, misery is not there. Think of the idea you need and you know what is what by soul realization.

Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for the effect  or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. So you know what it does.

See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells that you like as though you will the effect to exist. So if given enough time, the effect happens for the energies will surge and do the idea for you. This is done in effect by what is what where you think.

Stacy b; she gets the Internet and phone to work no matter her office.

Brigandine armor; this is steel plates in 18

Gamesan; full maneuverability under armour..

Jamie; even though she dies in the hospital, she still has friends where she is reborn.


Think; you know what is there if you think to look and catch the moment.
It's up to you to record it.

Debby; she takes me to get my ups package as soon as possible and that's quickly and easily done no matter what.. with no stress.


Think.. if you knew it your not likely to do it..go figure if you do.

Judy; she tells me to go-to the store today and I can get what I need..

Robert; he picks me up for the Xmas Eve party and I get there and back again as I matter what.. Robert answers my text and calls no matter what.. without stress.

Robert II; he doesn't think I am a pest by calling or texting matter what.

Child; the child makes the decision to visit you and enjoys the visit no matter what.


Get; get Orion balloons 

Got; get Danny books

Get: Jay earbuds that are connected to each other..

Get; Angela wants moldavites.

Get: Atticus

Gabe: laser pointers.

Paul: devices like flashlights and multiple head screwdriver.

Virginia: Amazon list..

I; I get my Xmas email from Virginia no matter what..


Moonglow; this creates with the body a glow of the aura by focus as you need to see in the dark.

Enveloping light; this is a light sphere, that is formed by imagination of it and needing it to be there. It's programmed by thought that causes the target it envelopes to go somewhere else in the blink of an eye.

Ashley; she gets her card or her money no matter what. As soon as possible.


Friday, January 5, 2024


This is a point done by feeling..the mysic moment is a concept you want and you get results by what you think happened in feeling or sense. Think and you know what to do.

Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for the effect  or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. So you know what it does.

See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells that you like as though you will the effect to exist. So if given enough time, the effect happens for the energies will surge and do the idea for you. This is done in effect by what is what where you think.

Mystic abuser; this doesn't exist. It doesn't happen. 

Sheila; she answers the door by opening it and gets the stuff.

You escaped it; this is where you escape and it ends.


Thought; the mail gets here as quickly as possible..bringing pauls check and my packages. 

Think; the point is ideal you express so you get what you want as you describe or desire it otherwise if you don't need it you get nothing. 

Matt gates; he goes to jail and gets expelled from congress.

Paul t; the mail comes earlier today and brings Paul's check. No matter what. 

Paul t; he willingly may want to pay my 70 dollars fee..and doesn't mind my phone calls no matter what. 

Paul t; he answers my calls and messages no matter what. 

Paul t; he comes back home and gives me the 70 dollars. No matter what. 

Mstic; the effect is interested attention to the fact. Think and you know what to dom..

Mystic; what you own you own.. this is a fact of life.

Mys; mystra is a great goddess to work with by feel. 


War; this stops and any war doesn't occur.

Kevin Wade ellis; he doesn't mind what I do or matter what. 

Guilty; I don't feel guilty about thinking or things I do. No matter what. 

Things; the things that happen are what is done, so think what you do is done. Enjoy yourself. 

Mail; it comes Earlier than usual today, no matter what. 

Weight; I look 70 lbs thinner no matter what and quickly. 

Ashley; i don't have a reaction to her no matter what and she doesn't have s reaction to me..

David; he no longer has a reaction to matter what. 

Machine; it acts right no matter what.

Ashley; she treats me like a friend no matter what..she no longer stays in the main room any longer.

As; she no longer has a reaction to me no matter what. 

Me; I no longer have a reaction to Ashley no matter what. 

Aily; the ailing point and person is not effected by disease.

 Vox; Vox Akuma meets up with sanguis no matter what..

Mail; the mail comes earlier than usual today with my packages no matter what. 

Paul t.; he doesn't refuse to pay me 70 next time..also he changes his mood to better no matter what..

Judy; she asks me to goto the store for her as soon as possible and doesn't mind what I buy. No matter what. 

Hardness; I no longer have hard feelings no matter what. 


Chain reaction; this is where you focus and create with what happens by feel. It is medical if nothing else. 

Longetivity; the drugs are there if you need it by magic.

Essential oil; this can cure anything..

Mailman; he or she comes early and brings me my mail. No matter what. 

Thoughtful; Whatever is there is there.. however we get it.

Ended is the plot, think to use what you may.  It is all in the mind.

Think; the end is over. Think and you know what to do. 

Focus; think and see if you need to go and do.

This; the point is done if you think it is..think and you know what to do. 

My own; think to gain money and you do.

Chamo; hiding material and essential makeup. 

Sheila; she can wait for her order from Amazon no matter what. 

Fights; the honor mode misses for wolfheart party no longer occurs. No matter what. 

Household entertainment; this is the effect of will over matter,  guess who..

Smoke; i get no smoke scent no matter what. The smoke scent fades away no matter what. 

Weight; the weight of the body disappears by feel from the body and stays off.

Phone bomb; this is where you call someone constantly till a few hours later. 

Food and party; they have the  Xmas party as quickly as possible. 

Overeating; i do not overeat no matter what. 

Soul; whenever I hear "your soul is mine" I receive it back.

Mail; this comes earlier than usual today with my packages..that i get. No matter what. 

Visa card; I manage to get the money off of it no matter what..

T-Mobile; they see me quickly and I get what I need by feel no matter what. 

The thing; the thinking is used to work with what I get..think and you know what to do. 

Revvl phone; my revvl phone lasts a few years and I pay it off in time, the phone battery and battery charge lasts matter what. 

Paul t; he doesn't mind what I do or did.

Judy; she needs me to go-to the store today and after matter what.


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