This is where you focus and need the idea that you feel is needed. Then the effect is something that creates by feel what you needed. If you focus on one thing too much you miss the point or idea that also could be occurred. So in truth focus and create what you feel is necessary.
Morgan; she goes to her classes and stops skipping. She goes to isr.
Reneau; he doesn't mind what I do.
PdII; pd II people no longer have bad problems.
Witch iris; she casts the spells I require.
Russia; Russia doesn't avert the financial woes it has.
Apple; Apple iPhone gets the parts for their phones.
Trade; barter n trade happens by feel that takes the place of money.
I manage to keep money by feel and make more for myself.
Waiting; I can wait for results by feel and only if necessary.
Money; I get double or triple in funds than what I need to spend, no matter what I do.
Whatever; i don't mind stability.
Focuser; I think so I know, this is the point in regards.
Ficuser; the effect is an answer, that you want is created by feel or idea pointed out.
Ficur; the final curse is done, enjoy and you can get what you wanted.
Rain; it stops raining for the daytime.
Stacy; she gets off the phone with mj and I get my hot Apple cider.
Ebd; I get my order from Walmart this morning. No matter the point, this comes earlier than usual.
Border; I am not bored by feel.
Chris; his relationship improves with Ricardo and others.
Discomfort; Whatever happens I have no Discomfort from things that exist.
Kevin ellis; he doesn't mind what I or songcastmusic does or did, no matter the point.
Fat; if said that "I am a fat.." , "I am fat" , "you are a fat.." or "you are fat..;" then I am no longer fat no matter what.
Jamie; she doesn't mind what I do and relaxes near me. She doesn't need to hit me.
God magician; he doesn't require me to pay more money. His curse of an evil spirit he mentioned is easily removed.
I see; I see that things are working out by feel and creating with energy is easier done.
Paul t; Paul t receives his check mailed to him earlier than usual by feel.
Money; my money demand doesn't overwhelm the amount of money I manage to get.
Energy will surge and things I want will happen by feel. I free my debt and this effects wherever I am wanting to effect.
Russia; Russia no longer wars with Ukraine and other countries by idea.
I am an enn now.
Life hacking; think of what you want or need and focus upon the words you write. Then think about the idea happening to those you intend to effect.
Stacy; she doesn't mind the heat and doesn't turn down the thermostat.
Thermostat; they replace my thermostat with a digital thermostat.
Funds; I regain my funds that I spent by double or triple the amount coming to me.
My money; my money i don't see that I have i get by feel.
Paul t; I get paid tomorrow by feel by Paul. He gets his check in the mail by feel earlier than usual.
Instant karma; i no longer have karma or instant karma by feel.
Democrats; the democrats get reelected or elected by feel for the mid term and presidential election time. The president gets reelected by feel in reality.
Mattman; he gets to me 30 dollars donation by tomorrow.
Travis; he gets what he needs with medical attention.
Delay; there is no more delays to shipments or orders.
Paul t; he he gets his check in the mail earlier than usual. He doesn't mind what I do or did.
Fixed; times are getting better, think and you know what you can get.
No suing, no problem. this is a positive end.
Money; I get my 70 by the matter the point.
Water; its turned back on and the maintenance guy gets his part then completes his repairs to danese's sink.
Theo; he does the keurig machine right.
Travis; he needs me to goto the store for him.
David elliot; he needs me to goto the store for him.
Loan; i manage to secure a loan, no matter the point.
Enn; ending you think to create.
Del; delivery, they don't take it out on me.
Pelv; pelvis or dick on the body
Eld; old, oldness, old body
D; die, dying
Shino; Shinobi, mage ninja
Trav; Travis, travesty
Edg; the edge..
War; doesn't happen.
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