Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my facebook page. Otherwise use my whatsapp number to contact is 1(405)706-2328. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it. This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Saturday, January 29, 2022

Focuser magic

 This is a point of focus and the idea is expressed by a look. So when it happens, it's like we're doing magic and the point is made. This is some magic that is possible as you think about the idea and focus is what is commuted.

This is some effects I did so that I get better effect:

Jamie; she is no longer sick and holds my birthday party.

Focuser rank; the effect is easy, think and the spirit creates what happens with the soul.

Drug; the point of drugs is non important. Think and you know what to do.

Paul t; he pays me the 70 dollars sooner than usual. He doesn't try to cheat me no matter the point.

Sickness n diseaes; all Sickness and illness energy dissipates harmlessly.

Disease; any time coma energy and disease energy is projected at you. It gets projected back.

Laptop; it works by feel and things work like a charm.


Paul t; he doesn't mind what I do. He doesn't mind me watching him do his business.

Mj; Sutton gets the check processed sooner than usual.

Ups; they deliver the package sooner than usual.

Ochanet; they don't judge my finances as to cut off rent assisted payments.

Lazy; I no longer have a lazy streak no matter the point.

Focus; the focus on the moment is the point that is done. Think and you create what you want.

The idea; think about the construction and improvements there so you can create better from nothing.

Amazon; my shipping reaches me by feel by Amazon without pushing back the time.

Polls; the president approval rating goes up by the creator allot by feel. The frustration of the democrats disappear by feel. Biden and the democrats get reelected and elected thereof.


Lalate; he recovers quickly in or out of the hospital and resumes the vids. I will know when lalate is back from the hospital.

Weight; i freeze out my excess weight, no matter the point.

Stacy; Stacy butts doesn't get covid again.

Mail; they deliver early on by feel.

Stacy; she gets the Keurig machine put up. She isn't so busy.

Keurig; Stacy's meeting is over sooner than usual and she puts the Keurig machine up.

Antwaine; he agrees to still be my counselor. He talks to me still.

Mail; Paul t gets his check in the mail today or early next week and I get paid by feel.

Schumer; chuck gets his way on changes to the senate filibuster rules.

Paul t; he is not minding me with what I do. He doesn't mind what I do. I don't mind what he does.

Schumer; his bill on voting rights passes by feel.

Paul t; he doesn't mind what I do.

Whatever; Whatever pauses or keeps my magic from working is no longer blocking my magic from effective use.

Focus is achieved,  think you do and you get your result.

Area; the area is easily navigated with nothing but safe driving done.

The point at the end is done if intended. Think and you know what to do.

Shift; shift away, think of the options and high flying is done.

Lafayette; he manages to get the Facebook account to work with ease by feel.

Paul t.; he gets his money in the mail sooner than usual. he pays me the 70 I am owed by feel with ease.

Mail; usps gets to deliver our mail earlier than usual today no matter the reason.

Sheila; she doesn't mind what I do.

Stacy; she has no trouble getting us places.

Trip; the trip happens sooner than usual.

Ron klain; he doesn't isolate the president from everyone else any longer. He no longer makes problems for the president.

Paul t; he doesn't mind what I do or did.

Lalate; he restores volume on his broadcast. After this lalate no longer has volume problems. Everything works.

Fat to slender muscles; fat transforms now into slender muscles.

The; the luck is there and any lucky piece is a bonus to the roll. You can only get the luck roll at its base, the plus is there to make it a success.


Things; things turn out to be alright. Think and you know what to do.

Everything; Everything works out in the end.

Fatter; I don't get fatter as I grow older. No matter the point.

Younger; I don't get fatter as I grow younger,  no matter the point.

Fixed; the stimulus check in cr is sent out from irs.

Space-x; it manages to launch today or when needed and earlier than usual with the right weather conditions.

Strategic; ingenious
Ron = wrong
Clain = claiming
En = the end
Car key; the key to a car

Saturday, January 22, 2022

inner world focus

Here is some idea of the points I envisioned for my inner world and what I could gain from it. I think this is interesting, as magic is spiritual or soul wise, think and you can create your own magic if you feel it's necessary. Here are some idea:

 some magic

state the word to the left of the ; or = sign and don;t state the ; or = as its a separator, then when you state the word or phrase you think of the idea or look at the idea to do.

paul's check; it arrives here today, the mail delivers it by feel.

4th irs msc; they manage to put in the stimulus pacckage recon the irs msc. 

fat people; I no longer seek fat people as a match or mate.

windows 10; the windows 10 speeds up and the updates are successful.

whatever; whatever makes the win 10 slow no longer makes it slow.

yim aul styie rua j n la suna = make 4th stimulis recon pass into law.

linux bootup; it boots up with all the drives mounted, everytime.


The delivery; the delivery of amazon delivery will come as soon as possible, this happens today or tomorrow..

easy shifting; I use the salt and water with flavorings.. in a blender cup. putting the magnet to its side creates a potent brew and blening it allows you to shift as you drink it. Another way is this. ask your soul to shift your conscious awareness to be where you want to see. you ask your soul by stating under your breath; "soul shift me to where I need to be." then if you feel tingling you actually are doing it. you will percieve the reality as you breath in and out and think to see the area. possibly dream of it. the third eye is even better, you can see what you want where it is. he third eye can even cause you to shift to a safer place. also, you can use better telepathy and astral project. is the direct link on the topic.

epic pharmacy; they actually deliver and get me the invega shot earlier today.

focus; the point is done and finished by feel.

trouble; trouble disappears by feel.

trouble II; trouble also disappears in the democrats caucus.


paul t.; he gets his money today in the mail.; they deliver the packages earlier than usual and they don't shift the date down by feel.

thought; the effect is the same as before yet effects different things. this is a known effect.

thinking; they respond to my thinking, as iths understood. so they respond quickly, if possible by speaking or typing the response.



heather; she responds to my query as fast as possible by feel.

danny; he responds to my text by feel.

win10 i386; it quickly updates itself successfully by feel no matter the point.

weight; I lose my excess weight and it's stored in a waterclump in the planet.

inspection; I pass my inspection by feel easily.

the vostro; this dell vostro 1000 works by feel and idea. It self-repairs itself and works better no matter the point.

the bbb; the build back better bill passes the house sooner than usual and tonight if possible.

thinkpad; the thinkpad I got from ebay works no matter what and better than usual.

ron clan; he doesn't hold back the bbb any longer. he no longer isolates people.

writing stuff

various artists - lala's picks

in en en

outer; inner is outer and you are alright.outer; 

inner; inner is outer in idea by feel.

not; inner is not outer so think and do.

Saturday, January 15, 2022

Living points

 Here are some living points, that you can create by feel and focus on what you want as you speak to do the expected or unexpected with concept if necessary. Think and you know what to do. This is what I attempted as though magic were done by the soul.:

Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for the effect  or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells as though you will the effect to exist. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This is in effect by what is what where you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, by what you don't want to happen won't occur, except by ghost. These are the things I think are possible here.

computer; the computer I sold, works and doesn't stop working.

in; the point your in provisions, means you get what is necessary and this is done by feel.

focus; focusing is fun, I can create all sorts of things, however I must do what's right.

moon; al moon takim, this works by feel to make your enemies fall away shifted to the moon.

james webb; now that the telecope has been launched into space, it works without a flaw.

Lalate; I get to see more new episodes from lalate.

paul t; he doesn't mind what I do or did. he pays me what I am owed.

lalate x; Whatever cancelled his broadcasts no longer cancels his broadcasts.


I wander about the room no more. This means I am aware and think of what I need. Think about it and you have your key back. He is only on the swamp, he doesn't serve any damage to you. 

internet; my u-verse internet connects by feel quickly and instantly and stays connected.

lalate; lalate posts vids that are new again soon and no matter the point he delivers.

jamie; she gets to do the birthday party she makes for me sooner than usual.

discord; I do not get in trouble for what I do in discord.

not minding; I don't mind what paul did. things work out in the end. except for fillings in teeth.


it shot up.

paul t.; he doesn't think I am looking just for his money.

energy; I am with energy and thinking, this makes it so I am with enough sleep no matter the point.

mtf subliminal; The mtf sub that's improved is listed to allot.

mail; the letters I am owed in usps delivery are delivered to me by feel.


room 15; the guy in room 15 no longer stumbles and falls upon himself.

conversationalist; I am now a conversationalist, easily.

strength; the strength in my hands and fingers goes up amazingly. strength is not extra weight.


thought; the point is not done, if you think it's not done.

dr. appointment; the psychiatrist sees me and nothing is wrong.

the effect; if you think to live, then you can create a liveable condition. So this ends my reearch.

live; your live if you want to be living in the spotlight.


then is the point and now is the idea, if you wish to live, be willing to work with others in peace.

think; the point is suggestion if you intend to do things by feel. 

writing stuff 

life hacks; here are several life hacks.. 

stevia and erithol

You combine them for maximum taste

it doesn't enter the bloodstream

yes.. any illness disappears if you move around

yet can be what reappears after you settle down

If you dont eat anything for 7 days, your immune system becomes 5 times stronger than before

starvation pushes your body to new heights and limits

it makes you stronger

starvation isn't bad

its good

overstarvation is bad

14 days is the limit

7 days is the healthiest

you not only lose weight

your immune system gets more power

i think starvation + apple cider vinegar increases your metabolism

fixes your acid reflux

and gives you energy

recipes and potions

my weight loss potion works as well for at least 3 hours.

all it is, is celery seed, stevia or sugar and water

gender change potion; mix paprika or smoked paprika with dill weed and sugar or sugar substitute and water for man transformation with extra energy. paprika or smoked paprika with curry powder and sugar or sugar substitute and water for female transform with better memory, yes this female change improves your memory. drink it and you cause the transformation by potion. 

shapeshifting potion; The point of this is easier to know than it seems. its paprika, part of the being or person like their hair and stevia or sugar mixed with water. drink and enjoy by feel. 

healing potion; this healing potion works by feel, mix with water stevia or sugar, vanilla extract, basil or oregano, and turmeric. then drink and enjoy!

Sunday, January 2, 2022

church magic

This is some church magic that I did while in a church and I used the church energy to create it. The god of the church created the results and I was spared energy drainage.

Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for the effect  or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells as though you will the effect to exist. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This is in effect by what is what where you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, by what you don't want to happen won't occur, except by ghost. These are the things I think are possible here.

Delivery; the Amazon delivery today arrives early and I get the delivery by feel.

Money; i have more money than I can spend or give away.

Plan; They get a plan to pay for it all.

Inflation; people aren't crushed by it.

4th recon stimulus; it gets passed despite the cost.

Republicans; they get voted out by feel.

Dems; they get forgiveness and voted into congress.

The find; he finds his wallet and I get paid today by antwaine if possible.

Xmas gifts; I am at least paid 50 dollars Xmas visa gift cards.

Stacy butts; she gets better. She recovers her health.

Presents; I get my presents today by feel.

Mj; she locks up the lockable closet today soon.

Bbb; it gets passed by feel. It doesn't get pushed back to January.

Jo Biden; his meetings with jo manchin is going well and they agree.

If; if the idea is passable, then the point is achieved by feel.

End; What you get is likely if for democrats. This is the end of the list.

Bbb; in a bill form this is a point that makes a law.

Clayton; he gets his credit card in the mail today.

Cheese; he doesn't mind my manifest or manipulation of him.

People; people don't mind what I do.

Nothing; Nothing bad happens to me no matter the reason.

Cheese; he doesn't think I am limiting his beliefs no matter the point.

The president; he no longer has a fear of failure. He calls the bbb bill to a vote.

Thoughts; the Thoughts we have are the points we observe. Let's hope to see something good.

Win 11; I get Windows 11 os update by feel.

Toxic; all Toxic relationships disappear by feel with idea.

Being; the being disappeared and does things elsewhere by feel.

Antwaine; he gets what he wants and things work out in the end.


Win 10 i386; it runs better and works with or without win 11 updates. It fixes itself by feel with or without my intervention. This is done as though the right things were done.

Bob; unnbob me.

Win10; the updates go quickly and successfully are installed.

Naphelem; cheeses naphalem side is blocked from from this point on.

Cheese; cheese treats me better no matter the reason.

Focus; on focus the proof is there to sustain your idea until not necessary.

Manchin; his no to the bbb is turned into a yes. On his no is a yes.

Schumer; chuck Schumer calls the vote.


Focus; on focus create what you think.

Thought; the thought creates what happens so think its acceptable and its likely to occur.

Oakstreet health; they don't screw me out of business and they don't try to cheat me out of money and service. They arrive to pick me up sooner.


Antwaine; he gets his cards in the mail quickly and pays me off.

Paul m; he verifies successfully what I can have as though in weapons I can have my shortsword and katanas.

Angela or Jay; either one tells me when the event is by feel and expressed idea. This happens a day before the event of earliest possible.


If you resist eating then the amount of weight that you would lose en masse is lost that the food would make you gain.

Angela; she replies to my texts or calls quickly no matter the point of activity.

En point; the Xmas eve party is gotten too and its hosted by Jay and Angela.

Whatever; Whatever causes Angela Moisant to not answer no longer causes her to not answer.


Jay moisant; j answers his phone or texts replies to my text quickly without stress.

Jay; he is relaxed tomorrow and works things out by feel.

Xmas; either way, Danny or Robert can get me to the party at Xmas Eve. Getting back is easy. I raise funds to get this to happen.

Eating; eat the right things and the body unswells.

Focus; the points of light are where to go. Think and you know what to do.

Right; right thought Creates the better results so think and you get a good result.


Robert; Robert arrives and takes me to Jay's house.

Jay moisant; he gets enough sleep done so he catches up to sleep.

Never; you never miss him.

Dark money; it pays for the bbb recon to be passed.

Focus; the point is done. Think and you are fixed up by feel.

Whatever; Whatever wells me up no longer causes me to swell in idea.

Think; the thought is there, if you do things you get results. This is a good karma that comes your way.

The point; the point of consideration is idea to make what you want by need.

Thin; I am ultra thin no matter the point.

I am; I am  able to get good results no matter the point and tolerate this feeling i have.

Payment; I am paid for what I did and do.

Lafayette; he manages to pay me at least 7 dollars or more.

Jamie; she goes to give me a party today and I enjoy it.

Things; things work out in the end.

Stacy; the meeting in the office with robbie is over.

Mj; she is ending the meeting positively.

Stacy; she gets over her illness and she doesn't have covid-19. She comes in tomorrow by feel.

The post; the post is the thing you say or tell things about. Think and you know what to do.

Jamie; she feels better,  enough to hold my party.

Focus; the 3rd and 4th hands can directly and spiritually direct a weave by feel. It can hurt to use them.


Definitely; the point is known. Think and you can get a response.

Cured; my body is cured of its illness and I am whole quickly.

Disease; i give my disease to cure myself instead.

Party; it is no longer delayed anymore by feel and idea.

Health; my health improves allot. Although I am sick i can still cast spells.

Nokt; no, not
Nost; mast
Bakt; back
Bokt; blocked

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