Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my Discord chat page, if still up, that is also here if you need invite and here if you are already a member. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it.
This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Friday, March 26, 2021

Anti-trust magic

 This is a form of anti-trust magic, that is where you think to trust your friends and work with others by feel. What you trust or don't trust doesn't matter. This is where you feel things can be necessary, so what you think you know by idea. This is where the spirit or soul creates what you intend and need to make occur. This is an occurrence, so think and you know what to do.

This is some things that can be created by the point you make..if you want to create a result.

Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for the effect  or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This is in effect by what is what where you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, by what you don't want to happen won't occur, except by ghost.

these are essences of the mermaid, pixie (mean spirited trickster) and light faery said as you want to say them..

mermaid=ecta mae mer

light faery=ecta lit fee

red haired pixie faery=ecta pixia

ending; the point at the end as you think of the moment and you get the idea.

ecstacy; this is not a drug, yet you can see sense in not doing it.

The point; the point is a justice amongst men, think and you know what to do.

The idea; the concept that exists as a being.

the point; yes I think so.

depossession; those that are possessed, are depossessed by the creator.


end point; productivity is done with the idea, think and you realize what to do.

vaccination; the covid vaccination is gotten today.

motion; the point of the idea is the motion you don't have to do things. think and you know what to do.


Manifestation ability; Thknk of what you need and want the idea manifested, then you create it with the power of the spirit and soul. Sometimes its not instant, yet Is that like whatever you want, that you find or create by your energy that's there.

thought; the point is done, think of the idea and you can get a good result.

fact; I am not surprised by what happens and I know things by the spirit helping you realize things.

belief; I will get what I can, when or if things are possible.

stimulus; I will get the 1400 on the 17th of march by feel.

inflation; the inflation of prices are under control.

there; their is no extra pressure to get things done.

people; those that get metabank are aware of the card having funds.

things; things work out by feel for me.

jay m; he gets his stimulus checks.

think; the point is mute, if you think to hear telepathically you can understand them.. so begone.

focus; think to get money and your spirit uses your soul to manifest it in some manner. this means the money can come to you. if your lucky you can get enough money to support yourself. think and you know what to do.

telepathy; think about them and state your message to them. think you can hear them and your spirit causes you to "realize" their message. this works as you are calm, cool and collected.

invega; I get my invega shot today by feel before 11 am or earlier.

thinking; if you think about it, then the spirit creates the effect with or without the soul.

relationships; my relationships improve and things work out in the end. the anger subsides and things are alright..the problems subsides and things are what you want.

liquid diet; this is where you focus on not eating much and drinking enough to get diarrhea, then you drink allot of liquids. as you drink enough, you cause liquid shits and that is liquidy stool. so you end up not eating much, this is where you think to eat less and you lose weight.

thought; the point is done, if you think about what you may need then you create what you want by the power of the spirit and the soul.

the idea; if necessary, things will be done so no worry, things will work out.

money; I manage to save up and keep the rest of the money that I have, no matter the point.

transport rune; this sigil creates instant shift and leaving through the entry point causes you to goto the originating reality.

think amd go; if your faced with a bad situation, go and seem somewhere else as you think to do what you want somewhere else.

the mess; the treasury stimulus mess is sorted out by feel.

the end; the people get their deposits and checks of stimulus.


money; I get back two to three times the amount that I spent or gave away in funding.

manifestation; Think of what you want and state out loud, "make what I want and need" as you think of the want as a need. this is using the subconscious mind and the point of creating by the spirit or soul making your want with the subconscious guiding your point. it's unlimited and you don't really need a subliminal.

sn11; they stop pushing back the date and time that the test flight occurs as it happens with success.

watching; I get to watch the shows I intend to watch without problems.

writing stuff 


bring me the horizon tear drops

chevelle self destructor

rise against nowhere generation

seether bruised n bloodied

pressure point; the held pressure point as you think of energy creating what you intend for it, makes what you think.


ghost world; there is noone on the planet, there is only ghosts and the souls that remain without bodies. so in truth there is noone in this timeline. think of the idea and you could get a ghost or soul to do things for you. however, since the world has noone on it, there is likely ghosts and souls that are solid energy. that doesn't mean that they are bodies, as they can shift by will and do what they want. they are a point of fantasy, the games about them are amazing, do what you think is best. however, don't get them to tell where they died. the point of death could occur to you as well. this is a point in idea. the ghost world is perceived as a point and the third eye creates what you want there, so think and you know what to do. think of an entry point and exist point, to enter and leave the ghost world. as subsident as it is, the ghost world is what you think, a place that once lived and that is all it was, living.


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