Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my Discord chat page, if still up, that is also here if you need invite and here if you are already a member. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it.
This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Saturday, July 13, 2019

Text additions

This is a list of idea in action, think to use the point and state the intended idea to have the effect. This effect is done of focus with the third eye pinneal gland, that's used create the result and that is a manifest.

Self; that is a point to do by the pinneal gland so its the self.

Charlie; he doesn't get into a wreck. This happens by feel and self created points, so there is no stress.

hera; this is a prayer spell using hera and the moon. This goes, "Oh hera, use the power of the moon to create what I think or need, otherwise what I feel is needed. Thank you oh hera." That's stated as you look at the moon or look at an image of the moon, otherwise feel the nfluence of the moon and that is the light, then state that idea.

Con; a posie or positive idea.

Rat dealing; let it deal with itself.

Gate; this uses relational points, mention the point and your subconscious translocates by shifting your energy you.

Bank; the funds are recovered that I "lost" by what I did. This happens without stress. We find it acceptable in viewpoint, they unfreeze my account.

Time trick; the spirit can see any time point, so think it sees the time you need to see, this is done as you instruct the spirit by idea thought or stated idea, that is used to see what may occur by realization of what will happen.

Leaving; I see them leave and also approach the door of exiting.

Mail; I am aware of the mail today, then I know it comes early today. I get my packages by ups and USPS. This happens without stress.

Inspection; by stating done, I am passing my inspection done by the manager. That happens without stress.

By the power; this is done by the power of the being or the person to create what effect you need or desire. The effect of not being effected, this is where you'd say, "by the power of yourself your unaffected by transformation."

Vicious; the chemical interaction to cure vicious behavior is some copper nitrate, this is produced by using water and copper powder. The nitrogen you take in through the air, this combined with the copper powder. Mixing in the blood and calming the mood. This can effectively cure nerves and nervous ness disappears.

Fake; really this is pseudo effects, that is where you think to imagine something, this is done in detail. Then focus as you state or think a thought to create what you visualize is you, those that do those things created as you did the result and created on idea on a point by feel.

Iced coffee; if you take in the whole pot, that is where you shit.

Eating; I eat less and less until I lose weight by feel with what I have gotten.

The ending; the ending is known without having to see the point.

N = nucleated body, the body has energy and creates energy waves by feel. This is the result of a body nucleus being free. As the nucleus makes it's way out of the body, the body could experience energy spurts. Especially true as its moved.

Thinking; the point you think is the point you create, this is the basic idea that your subconscious does. That's unless you intend to know things. This is a point in the past, that I recognized by what was done.

Recognition; this is where you wake up and do what you can. That is without stress.
Intuition; I focus and know by intuitive feel or intuition.

Alright thine; this creates an alright point with the effect of what is created to effect thee.

Commonity commodity; this spell creates commodity or item exchange until denial of having something. This ends by using an uncommonity commodity.

Electrical; the electrical short doesn't happen in my room. This works with no stress.

Difficulty; the difficulty of things get easier by feel. This happens without stress. Things are easily done, this is with PayPal.

The power of trash and objects; this is where you use an object or waste object and get a result, that is done by tossing the item into the trash as you think of what you need.

Tinge; everything has a tinge of good luck. This is with no stress.

Done; things you have to do are with the person's energy, when you think to do the deed you make use of that energy. So basis in reality means, that allows you to use extra energy to get the job done. That's the basis to this reality, anyway. The basis to the point is sometimes your reality.

Think; this is where mail arrives, that you want or feel is coming. This happens without any stress.

Excavator; this lifts dirt and stone from the ground. There's a mini excavator for tight and smaller spots.

Compulsive; I don't feel compulsive after every time I make a mistake.

Preint = President; preempt, when the old case is brought up, this is done to prove out the new case. Otherwise, this is a leader figure.
Prat = kid; troublemaker
Goup = goop; accessory, extras, extra things that could help you out.
En; en or at the end, think and you feel what is done. This used entropy and what you think to create by the subconscious. Suggest the point, then you know what you get.
Adv = Advocate; relationship manager.
Dood = do food; an anachronism for dude or make.
Pug = puwee, gag; an anachronism for poo or bad scent.
Bok = botch; mistake or book the person.
Foc = foci; Focus and relax the mind, then remembered is the term.
Stro = Stroke; struggle, a stroke is a struggle to get over. The stroke signs are shortness of breathe and heart palpation or erratic heartbeat. Sometimes if you breath in and out and think the problems pass you by feel, the struggle ceases and you are alright. So since you can be presented a struggle in the mind, if you have forgetfulness with tiredness this could be a sign of an oncoming or had stroke.
Thi = the point is this where you create a concept by doing. This is when you create the idea by visualization of the moment, imagine the idea and you are creating. Think of the point and imagine yourself, then you are creating yourself as a point to do. This is using an idea to make what you need or want as a need exists.
Se = set, this is where your set as a point and create as an idea comes to you, unless you don't need the point then if in idea you create by the point that exists what is necessary.
This helps set a character while playing a game in the path he or she chooses. So what you think or do, that is a concept by the character choice that can set the alignment ending if I do.
Sefoci = self-focusing to create and your aware with the body and use the sea as a extra source.

Well that's all for now, enjoy yourself and ciou or farewell till later.

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