Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my facebook page. Otherwise use my whatsapp number to contact is 1(405)706-2328. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it. This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Thursday, November 22, 2018


If your looking for meditation techniques on my site, then look at the how to do meditation and feel free to use this article that I got from scribd:

The article listed herein is free meditation techniques.

Love learned love lost meditation

Here is a sample by what you can use or do to show what i mean. The love meditation is use by this meditation to correct things by love. We are going to focus on the love in our hearts to heal any physical or emotional pain we are experiencing. Through practicing this meditation, it will allow you to bring more love into your life and experience a more joyful existence. Healing occurs a bit like the layers of an onion.

When we release one layer, there are other layers beneath that. These other layers will be triggered to be released at the appropriate time. This meditation is quite powerful and it is important to focus on one layer at a time, otherwise the healing can become intense and uncomfortable.

Begin now by taking a slow deep breath in, and exhale gently. Bring your awareness to your heart. As you breath in and out, visualize the petals of your heart chakra gradually opening. You may feel or sense your heart chakra opening. Feel your heart filling with light and love as strongly as you can. Allow the love now to heal your heart of any past hurts. If you have any pain or disease in your body, how you visualize is this love travelling thats to the area to heal things completely in use.

Visualize this part of your body healing now. Visualize this love expanding out from your heart and permeating every cell of your being. A feeling of love and peace washes over you. You may feel some emotions rising to the surface; this is completely natural. Be an observer and allow the emotions to surface and release. Remember to breathe and allow the emotions to subside. Your body is filling with light and love, healing all aspects of your being. Simply allow yourself to be and enjoy the healing.

The following are some affirmations to assist with the healing process. In your mind repeat the following affirmations:

My body is whole by feel, the mind and spirit are healing now.

Any past pain or upsets are being released now.

My health is returning to true health and the blueprint of perfection.

It is now time to release the past and embrace the present.

The power of love is healing me now, on all levels of my being.

I am now healed and grateful for this healing.

It is now time to leave this meditation. Visualize the light sealing your aura and returning your heart chakra to its normal state. When you are ready or are to get away, for a time realize what you are using then think, bring your awareness back to the room then gently use what you think to work with by feel. You can open your eyes and give your fingers and toes a wiggle. This meditation is a thing you use to heal or recover by feel. Use is for other things then you might get bad or good results. Such as anal sex or lox that is easily avoided. As things are by the feeling you see or express. See you can accept by whats avoided as their way is their own. This is proven with science by the feel.

"This is their way to love sometimes. So if think their way to suit them or work with your own idea, this is a long lost lesson of wisdom to the point you can see made. This mediation if you think there is a chance will have a love lorn effect as love lost or felt causes need to have love. So think before using as the meditation. So don't think there's a chance then you won't need physical love or brutality, as some emotion is there by some thoughts with sensitivity. This can seem a feel for life. I think so i see things work better when you meditate.

Then you avoid the trap unless you have a true mate that understands you, by feel think to avoid things or you might find your life costing more by the point you do. Think to avoid the cost with the living then you avoid love lost moments with no affairs to do with the point you get or by now. By now your wondering what i am doing, i am avoiding the problems i detect that is the point to this ideal. Avoid the love avoid the trap. this is my last lesson by now so now as there is time before the eruptions i saw go for the point to meditate by the feel.

Think so you avoid: 1 think non pounds or pounds if english by $ or no more no less now its set there you see? There you go by feel. This doesn't have to be there. I mean the body living forever or not forever as you think its necessary to use. This means the source of all money is not corruption. This is the creator that creates what you wish or think, so if things are corrupt by use you can clean it up this is then or now. Think to you then so it is or isn't according to what you think. Fine is the point then as its with the use, this seems by the feeling you think too much or just enough for yourself. However this is a point that stopping will be good to keep the semblance with peace." Written by the pointer spelly and this is sometimes unless you see responsibility with love this is useful.

Menu of meditations:

Meditation technique: Beginning
Meditative technique: Listening
Deep breathing
A quick diaphragmatic breathing exercise
Active meditation
Focal meditation
Dark meditation
Kundalini Meditation
Contemplative meditation
Chaotic meditation (sight and memory style)
Passive and active relaxation
Deep progressive muscle relaxation meditation
Visually guided relaxation meditation
Mini meditation - 'Ways to do a mini'
Candle meditation to clear the third eye
Eating meditation
Eye shading meditation
Walking meditation
Weightloss Meditation
Magic Meditation
Seeing meditation
Standing meditation
The brain hemispheres meditation (semi-dangerous)
Neuracannula (brain stem) meditation
Pheromone meditation and scents
Body arts meditative rite
 Alternative body shaping method
Color associations and reactions thanks to kissme
The knowledge gaining meditation
The recovery relaxation exercise
Pressure Point Therapy (in standing meditation)
Void meditation
Meditation to regenerate physical wounds
Regeneration meditation therapy
Blue rain meditation
Color therapy meditations
Mindfulness Meditation-(useful in quelling desires)
For protection with earth meditation
For suggestion voice meditation
For cleansing by light or dark
For raising the dead or healing meditation
Nirvanic Meditation
Akashic Meditation
Listening meditation
Opened Heart Meditation
Aspective Meditation
Elemental Meditation
Meditations for Emotional Grounding-Grounding meditation techniques
Active awareness meditation

Enjoy them as they are there, for if the site is there they will last.

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