Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my Discord chat page, if still up, that is also here if you need invite and here if you are already a member. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it.
This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Thursday, December 5, 2013

Things out of fun with time

  Thought projection in energy time manipulation is a thought that you are using the cosmic idea that is a superstring and things you do are with an inescapable moment that is a escape clause. This is use of the idea that what you can seem of, use is to not  be seen or thought is this makes what you are excused for in what you say that matters. This the spell that is with use can allow focus and mind in the "mater", is intelligent use that is the thought in sent to the area. The objective is to get an idea of better grade materials, as if working better if improved upon in an idea and usage is easier as the things you use last longer.

  Use is this idea as in a thought you are good for what you do. This is for quality check, in physical objects as wood material, gems and metal grade or other objects is stronger or weaker by what you did. This is the ideal to use energy in the material for magic effects. As tho you avoid afflix that is in + something, as - is nothing in effect creates positive idea. - is denoted for damaged items and create the negative impact. For the damage reduced by shielding and energy damage reduction, your use is to create and it is topped by what you do.

+1 is lighter material and responds to the persons will as you can work with it and is flammable.
+2 is light material that is lightive and appears as if a light display and very responsive to the persons will, as if it was intelligent. This is break resistant.
+3 is light material able to perform things with focus as you are the owner, yet glows a little. This is nonbreakable material.
  +4 is light material and can display lights with illusion as this has a high intelligence. This material is felt when used for miles surround. This is nondestroyable material unless the right method is used.
  +5 is very light non flexible material, as that is easily used with high intellect. Its presence can be felt nowhere when it wants. This is undestroyable material and does what it wants. Don't try to control it and work with it. As you work with it and appeal to it, its senses are compelled by the creator conscious or it controls you and that is not done if you block compulsion by immunitive drainage done to it.

  The Inex Esc = The in and out; This is the inescapable escape clause, to use something to make something seem reasonable in life. As if I know, as the third eye causes you to know what you are going to ask.

   The projection is enhancement of thought with what is in mind as an idea that is in a point. This is to seem what you want to look at with idea, you are thought in a pattern as in you think and thought is what you are. As you are as if you and this can seem as if what you want is not there, or in a concept is a moment that as an information mention. This can seem that in coincidence is a possibility, as in thought if your thought or nothing this is as in a thought and that is by the negative impact. This in idea is a mind that is called a point that is what is possible, and if you are in a trance you are as though a thought energy in results by what you perceive.

  As if you are aware and as things are nothing you can see and make, or not and things can be assisted by what is called the thought energy projected method at the area in a time that is thought in on a point. This is think on the time and know the space, as this is the target area you think and the energy you think on. Then it's a motion of thought formed by will based on an idea of fire, in action in idea is use and other use is elements that makes effects, but only when the thought is calm and 'as if in a trance' like listening to music as if you let it go.

  Use of natural selective reassurance, is natural selective use as an idea that is with a natural intuition. This is a moment with no negation as if life is improved by negative ions in you use an idea and things work right, so whatever this can create is a natural reassurance by what you reason. As a natural anti-reactive, with no psyching unless necessary.

  As a source is thought through temperal EM planet energy, which is use of the planet core energy and gravity if that tempers, as this works and use makes it not unstable. As if what you call gravity in space as you are to create with a thought, and your idea is your intent as if a point that is making your intent things can manifest or not if on a thought. As assumed in mind you not thought, as this is a point that is in thought you can rest assured that you assume or not and won't get hurt.

  There is there as a point that is a coinciding space, and as you think you use you are as if manipulation of the energy and as you ask you get you don't. Things you are asked for to do, as long as you can do to get whatever business or you create your career and your thought. That is what is through a focus is in a thought or timewise is in an otherwise if you think in a thought, you are a momentary pattern or use a pattern that the creator can make.

Technol consequence

   This is the technology consequence that is in an idea of time flux, this is used as idea in a thought and if used is there. You can bet on the effect that if your in a use you can break it and not break what you think isn't broken, as technol is a technology that is where and what you are considering. The idea in that area is a use by thought, and if you can you can use what your mind is intending as if a supernatural natural thought. This can if brought over as if ported to this space, is a concept to bring energy from what is in use. As in use you are a thought that is a consequence as fears in the use, are fears enduced is gone or not at all likely as to not allow the technology to exist is to cease the idea and otherwise.

  You can share it if you can understand it, what it reads as if exactly the same thing as yet not the same. This can hold it back and as you are if you are a wizard you can get the technology magically made, and as if it existed here you can create it and this can recreate the moment that it can exist and as yet this doesn't quite work as if the physics doesn't exist then you yourself don't get the tech. As this is a thought, you can use the crystal or soul creation technology technique to recreate the idea and you can just use it. As if to seem in their subconscious mind and as you use things they can pick up on the idea, and the point is done as if a clean room showed their minds what to do in construction and usage.

Then and in he who cares

   This is the conceded view, as you are in a time you can create what isn't in a thought. This in a time is a conclusion in a point in time. Conclusion is a thought, and in thought you are fine.

   Then and now is not a point in the past, as this is an act if you are what seems as if you are a point and things are done right. Things aren't as if interred and as if wrong unless you are what can create and this is what isn't as if a point the past. As now is point that anytime and anyplace, in a point of what is in the past that is taken as now. This is a concept that if your in some area in a place in the 11th dimension, that means this is a point is true and things are concluded as thought is in relation and in thought. You are what and in a concept that now is anytime, you think it this is a concept that is what makes and creating is in mind.

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