Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my facebook page. Otherwise use my whatsapp number to contact is 1(405)706-2328. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it. This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Thursday, August 29, 2013

The element

   The thought is what you consider of the element that is formed by thought and manifest and made by what you will as to think and form with thought. The concept is in the idea that is what you possibly need, the element of change as you are careful makes thought in motion as this cause in form is a element considered a 5th element, or inexpression of iron essence as the effort is there to create better, in an idea that is sound yet not sound as you are thought and action in by your own mind. What is mention, is thought that is only sometime reacted not by thought except by what is different. If recognized, you can know what property the element is capable to emulate the element you thought up and is what can become different as you need something different.

  Stop a violent mood formed from black energy that is formed by death and no violence done, by discharge into an area by what you can seem as thinking clear and what you need is there as your thought becomes an object and not gift as you are acting good for the purpose and this is as you are easily worked with. Thus, you are acceptable by what you are willing to do. Thus, in a moment disharmonious things are not ever done. This allows what you create to not begin to come into perception unless you need to make this in reality seem real as this an what you want is the cause of what can make you do as if thinking. The element is actually time by temperment but you don't see it as you are not observing and thus, this isn't distractive as this is the element of true love seeming by thought in handling as if you are able to enable ability with clear thought, in mind by clearing your mind as you are thinking of dismissing thought as you do things and guided by your spirit guide.

  Until you think as you need to and get better results. The results are felt, this is what is thought and mention and then if you need it then it is. The element is weight consistent of what you want can shapeshift you in an effect, as you think it this happens what you want and need as intent is created the end result becomes of the element of what you think of whats at the end as of en. The element is not real unless you believe in it.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Blu Zapper

   The blu zapper, is the thought that is where you came from is the origin of what you are as in the thought of en what you need to get and then some force creates by force, what is in use is as a force of energy. As you you write stuff up and use it, you can disrupt it as you hit an object and it slaps a bug to kill it. As you are easily correct by this idea caught in motion, you killing it without killing or hurt of the person it is linked with will remove the thought of what is there, as you don't get the bad energy in perception by spirit as this is removed by the mind with use of the subconscious. This fix is a temporary dimensional pull of the energy, to the dimension thats unoccupied and this is unviewable.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Short collection

  This is what is used for any thing you want as an idea that is worth the effort. This is a collection of things to use as you are willing to use the spell techniques below.

Thi Thu Tha
   The celtic lord comes to aid as needed as you can make the effect an you need him to create for. These are the commander, in thought that work as is and you are in a moment of time. This then is thought, of the celts as it is remembered and then you are able to get able minded results. The Odin appears out a moment of truth and works with what want, as appearant in the concentration of the name 'Odin' as you are able to make will with will granted by Odin granting to the giver is taken to the old thing that is needed in mind. This is with realistic results, that allow you energize easily.

  As, you are not calling Odin for things that aren't needed and a waste of time. That is the true moment that you want revealed in time. The concept is the moment, of something given by anime and probable film. The fire of what you will into thought is what you get. This is will in thought to be up and concentrated, don't do it again and in thought to be as released in physically in concept needed to move as you intend, release the intend as you are asked to or not as the spirit asks for what they want, Thu The Thuer will revert the edwards field of the condition that is from time effect in a magic field of energy. Just point it out and it stops.

  As soon as you want, then you say Theu Ther No as you reach out you are in motion as a going forward release spell to do and this reverts back forward as you don't panic and you hit the motion button and don't worry after this is down. The emachine idea, an is where you do it and you don't as if you don a workman clothing if you are vampire and you do this you are fixed in no time. Saying or thinking 'Chath' - Calls to reason out, that is by what you see from those that want to work with you and causes the spirits to come as if though out of the ground as this is Hades army, that works when you need it to work as to exactly work and needed for some reason.

  To cancel the effect that uses offense, Your spirit makes sure you don't strike out as it is to say with thought this is by thinking thought to Hades, 'don't have needed a strike out of conflict' for people's inflection that is out and this is cancelled out in line of thought . Or, whatever you want is given. As, the effect is well this thought is effort to get good results of protection, as you spell things you there are beings as guardians that are understood except as you talk to them using psychic intuition, and this is protection as Hades makes the ghost Army earth to be as a protection to you, as you need helping out you serve the planet as an exchange.

  The nightmare lunacy effect, is what you need at the moment and you don't say as you quote or think 'Lun Chaxx Chi' and the moon seems to shift you to get things to do, as though thought is where things manifest as though the thought made things purpose it is not given thought. Otherwise, you say 'don't mention it' as the act and you are better off, for personal reasoning you can act and not hit out of no emotion, or qualified not in this is value of a personal reason as you are asked.

  This is where time is not physics and thought is motion of the body. However, 'Do not think it' and you aren't deliberately hit. The quality of life makes the thought. However, to cancel this effect is, to state 'Unnlunx Chaxx Chi' and its gone as you are back from the moon. The moon has to be full, and you can get there and back again by taking a cleansing bath and thinking of seeming there.

  'Let see' is the concept of what you need to see and you can get result, of a second sight effect. Reverse fear, and you can get the effect of what you enduce you want. Say reverse and think, of the thought to remove and the effect reverses itself. If a fey appears and doesn't want you there, saying 'Maes' is to put a person into a prison meant for people. 'Unmaes' is used as to get out again, as though no as your relent and your mind doesn't keep you there as it is a prison from a personal price. And, your pride isn't ego, and you are gone and then you are not anywhere near a mental dangerous path.

The Fire Fox
   The fox of fire that is formed of fire to make at will the will of what you want, as the will of fire. Don't knock the will, and you win through the moment. As, the will is what you don't get you get no fire on yourself. And, you can make the desire as though you were very intelligent by fur by excess essence of what is there. However, as intelligent as you are, you are able to drink water and you can make energy come into you. As, you are able to get what you need this can seem very understandable and can't do things unless you believe yourself, and you can do as needed. This magic fox can do things with illusion. The fight is knock out every time, and you can transform things by what you will. The story is not done as you can do what you will, and yet life is a story that can be portrayed. So, pick a story and you are not dead as you take requests.
  For you to not be killed by this, act as smart and you can continue as alive. Smooth movement is mirrored and you are able to win a thought to help a person out. This can act as fate, and do wishes that won't always happen. Unless, you are able to remember, then you are doing things in thought. As you do, then go out and work it out with those that are willing to work with you. As you do so, your form you create with a thought of the real work, is there as this is the required thought of the sequence that is in a real scenario, is what happens as this was done as though a real thought and the concept in idea is as though a through concept. In a marked formed and otherwise known, as you are true to your will that you speak you can get true results. This fox mark can transform, anyone into a fey of choice that the spirit chooses with hot air and things to do and the effort is what you in the end of the story. Which you can become as you want, and dimensional places are believable as the act is good, this is with subdimension pocket planes. And by a mention you get thought to create as from thin air itself. Whatever they do, the firefox are mischievious. For more idea on Kitsune which are firefox, look here..

Tha Thu Thur
   This is the concept done by the statement 'Tha Thu Thur' wish of death like in hollywood that gives you a death scepter from any death wish movie, but not any effect happens if you don't need it. As you need it its there, beware the dead man walking. As only he knows all, but asking death for life you are able and minded for the thought as you are gifted by Life. As you are dead you are not terminally ill, and yet you are enable as you then are known for thought as you are in understanding for what you do. This death wish disappears as insanity goes with the sicke idea, as you are now more willing to do as is then needed. This is where death releases you from a death wish, and you are able and minded with sicke mind as with death reaper sickel power that undoes anything that is not needed. This is the concept of useless things made into physical objects, thought that is useful is made and you are very capable to make the path of life as by life energy. Admitting a thought makes them live, as there is tha theu thur as this is admitting a thought you can create a form of cat, familiar or lunch at a lunch area.

Dead man walking
   This is a point where you are dead and yet alive and this is undead as though you never died. These are points that make that actively done. What, you do is what you go to in thought as later on, the effort is spirit and soul. The area you go is by what you think about. This is the point there as the thought of Thanatos will create what you call by yourself in result by thoughts. This is what cures it. So, releases you from the thought that you are in, as you are doing stuff for what you think for those that request and know you are doing things as they admire your work. This is where you are seeming alive and not ever died but immune to almost everything. As, you pass the diseases and things, to people and places that are decided to have it by fate. Thus, if you don't need it then you don't have it, as this is the concept that is a war on crime. Only, the truly violent creatures from other dimensions, as in a violent mind creature can hoax as this is where pestilence is and as pestilence will get these diseases. And, the death that you would get goes to those that physically hurt you unless yourself aren't effected. This is all done by thought of death, and a swirl drawn with a finger of focused air energy by what you intend as you stomp on a leaf. And, a finger of death touches the criminal. You can except computer crime as this is unusual and exempt. This can used for any idea of a parlor trick as this is useful there are 3 ways to raise yourself, and thanatoic trance that can seem to make this feeling of death that is simulation until not a state as you are alive as a parlor trick.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Acceptable approach

  This is the ninja way as you get places and make them work for you, as you direct by will and this can even result in no anger by someones subconscious. This is the patterning effect of different results that work out in the end by ordering. This is to think your in the moment of power and just think it and you do it. Write a rule down that you observe and it counts as an order to do star trek things. As you do them you incite action and make the effect of the moment to embellishing and draw a symbol, that is thought to be empowered line through extruded energy as you wish or make the right ninja moves or signs. And, anything you say is done without being appearant as to being the one who did it and you are done. The cause reality to do things effect is to make three signs of your choosing. And, you choose them as you do them in order of appearance. This is three naruto signs, that you can get from the Anime. So, this forms any reality effect of the future to effect the past. Otherwise, you can use reason in the past as you power project to the future and create a reult to effect the future to be worked with better, as this is response that you get you can improve and rewrite the history as though you are reality hacking.

  That disappears after you are correct you stop the effect by negative three signs. The - _ ^ idea. Afterward, you appear somewhere nearby outside, and walk away. You only hit when you are irritated. Cleaning you start to fix things as they are needed fixing as this correction is to the energy field nearby. To make it positive from negative. If sneak away is needed walking on the balls of the feet you can sneak out or you irritate someone, as they now you can get rescue to thin and shift away without being captured by being someones area that is subconscious, only sneak when you have to as in subsconscious minds the effect of sabotage is often to get satiate the mind. If you don't want to be as beaten, don't be remembered for doing things that you did as they are likely to accuse you if you were near as though you don't go rambo on them. Think soothing thoughts, and you are able to get things from thought and the subconscious will create what you want if you can need. No matter what they do to you in your subconscious, they can't effect you if you don't purchase, and they aren't aware of you as though you were real as wizard taught in need you need they do. By a touch, the person can work through a circuit known as a moment the subconscious shows you this can be as though real as long as the fruit effect is real, thought can be real to you as space and thought changes things by what you work out by need.

   Yet, mind direction if they can ever figure it out, displacement as a thought effect happens if they don't want you in their mind. This is to cause a curse removal of anything that you not want them to use, and you don't want found by them is by suggestion. Then, you can be easily thinking done as thin and not worry about the effect of familiar idea being recognized as a threat to them. There being a threat, is where you are arranged as though even though you are not the one. That did that effect, you are able to be kicked out of the area as you there are asking for arrest as you aren't wanted and something that are needed things like food are missing. To use the food as a power up is natural, useful and desired by thinking about what you need as the food is of to use as a empowering field of energy. Then you work things out, by removal of your presence and you are not remembered for what you that someone did. To cure someone of a problem, you are striking out the problem, as you think of what is there that causes it. Then soothing calm response, as if you seemed to die then you are what they correct for in their past as they find a purpose if problem persists then you can, think to do things to correct by energy sent to them.

   With a thought correction, that you use as a point that is spoken think and send as an unusual point to utilitize. They easily work with the correction, as the energy works its magic that is by voice and they work it out where they see the problem is being beaten in their mind. Beat the thought sense by what you see is reason, by thinking of the concept dissolving into water particles and disappearing after contact. The subconscious mind is where able to knock out any thing as figure and reform it at will, as the will is there you can ask it and it will do, no worry as you tell it what you want and if your subconscious sees the reason to do things it will. Ask them to figure out the problem and they may speak it out loud, as they are near or away you can still hear it. Then, use what you will as psychology is necessary and you can get what you want as well return as long as you get better food as then your mind is substance and they are the use.

Monday, August 19, 2013

The Heretic effect

   This is thought on the hexen game use and uses heretic as a point in comparison. This can if you want by the eccentric moment on to teleport to a needed role of a heretic in a battle zone. As you can tell and teach of magic, if allowed in a area that you goto and you come back as a person of choosing by decision to be original good in act by person. You get a spell effect of the Goddess hand, to bring light and compliments as in a light hand and in a dark volcano mood where you can kill, or in pulpulsion where you use impulse energy to pulling back out of the way that can get anything killed if a target as if a demon struck or not be.

  The pulpulsion is where you cause things to glide on impulse control by idea in what concept that is in mind space thought. What you can get with a thought without messing around, an you are not hitting as is this. As what you thought out, as an unusual property is about something in a beautiful game of life if form from point of view or some form is thought to seem to be up. In this is an 'Antra On' for a final win, and with this is a point of result as this is a flavor of what you use in any network as 'Networx' and this is electricity that is an active pulse, and this is with energy as that is in with life.

  And doing things directed, to do with idea to create, as your will is what elemental effect is there and as though 'en' by thought  is to awaken the mind as you direct the element to do. And in this you are will to allow a directed elemental form and positivity to will things ends as you direct it and the being you use does as a guide to do a stop, as this does things to create by tracking time in thought by an of things with in an idea this is by thought, an as this is not used in thought energy there will be direction to direct it and this will not destroy things as it uses things as is gone. As the basic problem is time tracing the timeline to follow and changing the path, that is sent to be looking into things as this effect is in to do not do.

  Will to direct by use of the right things as the thought is done needing to be done and the power thought in mind creates shaping up to be as the moment is needed. As it is also, an ability of create a preferred element effect as you are, as though a concept in the right concept of an area this  place is to consider what to use as an idea in use, as the right things are as used in thought to kill and directed in use that power is with the mind follow the will power in thought motion as use the will of the thought of the neutron is in enhancing a thought in concept in thought with available view avoided by what is in conscious thought or not by nothing in existence.

  As 'Life energy', chi is positive energy flow used regeneration for thought for work to do as to understand life by tracking its pattern, to unravel the pattern by removed prejudice to prevent damage and make, then its settled for then as for now what you need to know in thought is death doesn't touch you and you learn from from immaterial as this is a game situation as in you don't kill by what you intend to take out and use on an attacker which is destroyed, to go beyond a loop in effect and do go by their own energy being used against them and turn them against christ and use earth to reallocate by blessij creates positive buildup moments, this makes heretic is make no sound and cast an vile idea for anyone with no religion is immortal. There is no bad things that happen to you if you are able to be useful in will and you know to do things as you need to do them and not suggested by thought to do and not think badly of what is there, to keep an idea moment is to remember to think to do of movement an positive thought by attitude. This cancels the party button effect, and when they are not as though another button thats blue an not restore as things are in need.

   As you are a judge by more nature in what idea, you have as though a point on time through an experiment in concept in life, known except to understand the concept of faith of action in yourself to create magic light action with dark nature unless light nature of effect is needed for an unlimited spell ability by light action, with good or in no bad coping as you get omnipotency intended as in a god mode immunity by idea. As the magic used is to use elemental, no to manipulate this shoot with energy is with insult to something with pride, then you might not die and if need be, you die off things such as cats or roaches as things such as 'En moment' and perhaps and it will stop.

  As no bugs are here of some point in time and now you can come back as this is different and makes nothing as though in idea this point is using a concept, that if you are in idea and you do things as you accept and you die and you collect back your death essence and use life to raise as needed from excess you put it in your aura as it is choice necromancy in original nether concept, an in negative witchcraft in the motion is an energy idea that this lore in efficient is as with wecanis. The people that look human, act human and aren't really as they are fey or magic fox to human and with thought you can make.

  But no, what there's 'Entrax' is in something thats needed there's like heresy as this is like health effect being except with healing response you can heal in a moment and by targeted practice, is by equipment in instant death energy of what you do have to heal, with criminal action there is no caring as caring this way is preferred correct vision death view, and win the bad parts in good view in first shooter game as each their own use of necromancy, is to be not trapped in bad health is needed healing by nulling disease and this is needed as to use life to restore yourself in an instance of rest as is for the body to recover in assignment to do as is. You don't have to die, by the fate to shift dimensions as you are only accepted and otherwise visitor.

  Then is right there are, as energy of chi is used as life to proponent. Also you want that wizard view to be unlooked at so you can heal, as you can manipulate energy by thought of the wounded man healing by energy that is corrective in the scene to make a single blow not become necessary. You know all magic ability, saying 'nope' so this happens good competant effect as you use a source that is by use of sated compliment and 'pseudo' is not to ever be in original concept, this is original wishcraft as it is by putting a wish without "dimes", as thats where you get things from nothing, this is true unless in need by no targeting except care for the right thing as in thought corrective energy concept is as correction by progress within positive magic, an skill is with core energy with plate and object table energy without overuse is un no able.

  To create that can pull you there in moment, if you want to be there the moment your in need and in a moment as an end of game, cancel the real action in time to manipulate the past and abort what happens if necessary and in moments your returned from where you are to be back to find your own time. With no beating, no gore and no death as this is good emotional ego boost as you use it by idea in other things like tactics or a game that you don't hurt those that help but not to insult forever those who are prideful. In a moment, you can think as you generate a character in as a game character that is but isn't there that you want to live it in.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

The doom game effect

   This is like a demon temple or doom game effect, your use in fire energy helps to clear out parasites and as then you will and you get in use as this is the thought of what you are and out in the street in what you think as you do things out of time in action as you move or stand still and think. In concept you are here as you act right with considered belief of you. As you will, you get the result of what vigil of saving humankind that you want to save. Otherwise, you can hasten events as you create an idea action from materialization with source. You have any magic, you don't change if you don't want to as then you can do that or monotomy, as it is fire or elements in use, as a concept is finished and the element is useful temporally to seem good and make things of use, as you get wards by thinking you have it and make use of it to power things you care to use. This includes things that you thing with skill. As in a party button, that's okay as it removes by kill of the pure impulse as you want something as to nulle in concept with an effect.

  Of instructing the body, and to use is to remove its demon as its slap or a party button touch then the unwanted is in a sun containment as they're removed and now you explain as you are to effect an idea change or make a living effect someplace as people want to live in exchange for killing creatively with use of pressing a creative button. If it is real then you can make use, otherwise you can try and do to create with the thought of it unless it doesn't happen, then it won't have occured. Otherwise its believe, and its sometime play in action by console game that is what can be thought and used as thought in idea to be careful done and if unruly its different as not done activity. With thought its an idea, that is treated like a suggestion that is done if it is wanted by art. As you hold up activity, using some imagined hand you aren't effected as its not harmful.

   Then you are done, as by stating use as an end result you get an effective pure result. This doesn't make you possessive, this ends jealousy as you can white lie and prefer things to make the truth to get your way. As long as you understand and accept yourself for what you are in use as you are what you make as is, then you can win and work things out by using up your problems energy. This is the use of Space rangers in action. In a moment, you can make use of effects as you find them and be understood as you intend the things for time to make. This is where you can get a moment done, now I'm returned as in thought you are hunting demons and removing pests. You explore other cultures, in thought by listening and expanded in purpose is in your mind to disguise and not never as you never return to where you go and make bad thought concurrent.

  If you do have a demon, get away from it then make a sacrifice of throwing away the last bit of food in the bin as you are then able remember the deal that happened before. Think and you are energy flowing, if you want you are perceived and now you can work and perhaps lose an iron suppose in idea because what you do is in thought that, this makes sorry as in thinking things out you are inner thought and clear in thoughts as this is sicke as not to be bad and no guilt, as this is to seem good and as you can complete actions by what you intend as you clue to work an intent to do in things you do without possess now do. When you want not to play, then you are not playing this game as it is very interesting in life thought it can be channeled for corporeal is physical or incorporeal is spiritual magic to do with Hades in thought. With thought put out you get result in idea, as you can get effect if you make something, now go on as you can get concept you work with perhaps you can make it seem if you want to do things working on it. With thought you do, and let it go to get on with life.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Concession in energy

  The idea in this short article, is to explain time effects that generate itself from that which seem to be there or from energy as though nothing which is used thought and conveyed by a time ripple with a sending of energy thats thought to go forth and do its job, and this can make you is anywhere. The energy that can make you concession to concede a point of coincidence, unless to commend is the thought that you can give to make pleasant thought in conversation getting the result you desire, are just giving thoughts and not giving need by thought being in deeds of magic in deliverable weight gets things unless unnecessary this is as you do things and you get thoughts from what is around you, know your result as this comes from the consciousness of the universe that expresses itself with perceptive thought sent from the object with transmission and this is picked up by your mind perceiving in the thought as a point conceded.

  This energy that comes from the thought progress as through waves of chaos energy that carry thoughts as it is perceived as the energy seems as nothing, this is the soothing energy as from the clearing of bad thoughts and from the dimension of that in mind, its will can convert from concept with energy into calmness. This to bring peace in repose that leads the body to is feeling good. As it feels good, and quick healing and drop with the mind quickly and return can proceed as you concede with reasoning, this is by thought thats expressed as this can is in of the life of perception itself. With this the psi energy use called psience, that can use science changes with the mind around using the subconscious that can do, now as you wish or think to do this occurs happenstance unless its not necessary this happens things as you need them as is necessary.

   As this thought of what you dislike, this can make something that happens it can change your thinking thought pattern in your mind and your pattern of thought of mind is reconsidered in thought and in the thought mode your brain thinks right as there is a way to win able minded by the argument that occurs by disagreement. You can get concession by never apologizing and making a general thought known unless, its a lesson that isn't necessary and this is perceived thought, as believed perception is in thought because in thought its about what you want as you feel validated about or needed for things so your useful. This makes you feel positive, as you can think and do. Don't do it as its not needed to be and is done elsewhere. This in use is Edmond's field as an Edward's field theory and time is an energy, that is in the riptide caused by a solar collapse by a blue white sun in a system that goes supernova, as back in time it travels in a rift in spacetime and it causes things to revert to normal. To each their their own in doing, as time waves result from this each thing happens as though it were recreated by time itself from unusual activity, and this method of time is which makes patience switch on and allow for things, as though nothing made from effort of thought is with idea that is thought about and this energy pattern is caused by energy in the air patterns and waves of energy, and thats used in creating enhancement to people that create creativity activity to become what is at an end.

   This stops the world at a moments notice to create more force of a free electron field energy in stop motions that can emulate time as we each make our own actions to end psychotic nature and as you feel the vibes you can use your spirit to beware to ward away trouble. This stops bad effects from ever happening by some thought percieved and caused by time thought sending unless it was felt to be deserved and is to be felt at a later time, as the timewave carrier wave is the effect of thought projection into the future itself is going to is back in a dimension that then is in time as this by now is realized. Time itself is sacred to the fey, as images produce results of a moment of feeling the time warp that made from the subconscious effort timed essence for which time is positive. Called a 'reiser' and this is spoken or thought by the spirit feeling your need to cast a time effect by thought of what is in need, with an unusual field in of time field theory as this works in thought from an area of energy collection, by the timewave from a few places by use with the spirit with the wish to get effect from the elysian field. Those that think they don't have ability won't is able to manifest things, by thought unless they focus on the effect and do things to build wish power by ki from chi use. This is energy use in an activity from the body to buildup energy as personal power. This allows you to do more things.

Friday, August 9, 2013

The Ler

    The effect is from thought of The Wizard Lord book of this is to make the Ler or life force, as the thought you need is to work. Then as thought the right element or consciousness answers by what its energy allows, as you do things you get concept to do as you get thought to do thought, as thinking creates the effect assumed in thought from consciousness picking up on things in thought. There is the moment and you are given the idea, from the thought perceived from time as it causes the effect using the energy consciousness of the object or wand to create with thought. The object could be plant or the elements themselves. And any element is represented, or not as long as you respect the element. Then, never exclaim coexistant thought can make anything occur, except with plant that is to work with life and animalism is emotion that are from animals for the soul essence that corrects for the moment that you create. The ler effect is to say 'Ler', and think for yourself, as this arranges by respectful inexpressed idea, as to know is to do with as this is a moment of thought that creates what decided as this happens to be from whatever is near that is with energy by consciousness.

  You can wish things an in this is what mode in thought, to make a concept by example and not assault from what you see. As this the concept of what end result is that you can get. If shaping up you assault on the penal code allowance, then you can get nothing as there is no fear as by respect. This is the thought that counts, as you can get money by thought with wishing or asking. Now my positive will is your bend as this means if the coexisting effect is 'life', that creates positive time thought as you can you create with concept. This means if you thought to fly and your subconscious will cause Ler to use the right element, then you would if you tried to. As asking can be a statement and the Ler can fly in energy to do or remove by erasing thought, and then creating is the moment that ends as you are done as this ask. 'Abort that thought', and your purpose by thought with result quit effect.

  This is the code of the mage of idea for thought as the understood language. The Ler know by what aura energy is there as the consciousness of the people around there make things perfect for plants is bioenergy that is thought collected as energy by gathered count as most of them are in a gathering of objects and the thought energy is what is doing things. This increases user intelligence, you concept by cosmic string every thought creates changing waves of time, as you can change you can use allot of time energy and this can turn radiation back to energy that is black, as the idea is the differently thought of thought war that eventually doesn't not want you to cope as this is to want you to end you don't personally do thinking and you end thought of bad thought. As with talking it out, chaos can ensue as inducing assault waves of the moment of assault unless you change attack then assault won't change with every reprimand that bring different results of blackness and hopelessness of thought.

  Mostly, bad thought is dismissed unless the effect is to stop making disaster as each an every different waves of thought continue to cause ever changing pastimes of destruction of thought and general result is considered in a disbandoned positive thought view as different eventual thought with a motion that changes with now is thought difference that is lost thought to a field to make change better and you may care for what is result by thought that is as though havoc of the brain and stomach make different feel for a different thought that isn't there in a moment of the changewind as this can cause whatever creates as a considered moment from chaos light and this is with freedom from what happens of a lost different thought of the future now view as this is from the Changewinds is lost from the 'The Changewinds'.

  This is abandoned with the use and with the word 'Mom', that makes you by thought skill to think your not hopeless in shadows that you may outwit may come to help youp out as though in telling as you warn of what is to come, or try to make charm as to possession as to view with no reason as make a perception is an arranged only use as the difference is cost and unseen you accept them. As they are then possible to view this is mission impossible as then pleasure can come from an impossible concept and then are considered what view that is suddenly to deepen the transformed light as you have to be studied and you have to have  figured out what is in location of what is out think and apologize and then reuse in judgement. This is to give you indication, of what you will find out when you need to now know whats coming up.

  And in thought of some wizard warning, may switch back or may not occur or as many facts appear to be true as things aren't suddenly, what you perceive them with as acceptable to stop view as things can be desperate and very well stop changes in mind and thought is hope acknowledged, as to what different action perceivable, these useful thought of valuable hope will come so just with now thought words with thought in mind, and you can be with the correct thought in mind to win things thought lost that is reusable.

  And will for different views, are what will happen as counted lost and negated distances are what made changes and that depends on general thought in havoc and things in different wave thought power back as to seem normal and what you will of the the building is what they are as though forgiven. This is what they were as differently thought lightwaves as concepts are never triggered born life forms that are from havoc born thought and as use of a memory or gift card in thought is.

  As a considerance, what is thought 'back' shifts you to where you came from, by that the hate perception disappears of light where there is actually smart. You then can see them as thought of them are indicated to be and this changes things of unseen pressures make changes to make different indifferent of pushing negative popular concepts that can make charges through and that make negative changes instant changes by the power of Ler.

  Stop flickering light then that happens after results are done as results are in view. Lighting are then that is of what may change to be then as a victim of blackout is possible there as new thoughts are then except when you act thin possible, as this is then by thought an accost is invocative thought power via combat is  perceivable view, in thought as you are thought to leave the area deliverable. That note changes the light stop and on treated distances that are results there originally in sight, and don't change things that are different thought with an warning idea shape. Considered this is for whatever results of the changewinds is that what you thought and become of your soul. Acting naturally and you do act naturally in, with purpose the spirit in kind and you can relocate yourself by your spirit. Don't act stupid by you know in pleasure that you don't need to act like by your check relocated in thought.

  Dimensions themselves that are there in different plain color. As you stop doing things you stop strange reactions, until the need to go on. There is a different thought per deliberate view and different planet viewed responsible, no insanity and you are acting hostile as you then are travelling you live with results that read your thoughts, with different thoughts reveal the power that is a reality check. Or not in winning change as this is not indifferent, for check and money for a stop action to meet forever sane people that then appear of an idea that is a moment of favor of Ler, that sorceror strong intent makes the person not really admit strong thought by detail to make them fake and you go on and you imagine turning off and on a light to stop gene structure changing. With no reverse, this reverses to nothing thought as you remember a thought.

  So that to prepare as in sorceror power to get what is your want is in a result by willed thought with bigger results in a thought of metaphysics, as stability is sane and by energy psyche thoughts from others, using chaos to bridge across the dimensions and then then you are in and you are fine results done with true thought or your mind now is in every try effort an leave indifferent thought mood whenever its head by use of fields of time drawn by use whenever pick Ler. Quit reacting to chaos.

  This is what can make things are different in time in the same shape as an end with a different term changed by kinetic movement of a different time by technology changing view and different thought are that which changes shape. Change your mind, as you are in mass and no victim ever happens as the pattern and the moment of determined power balance can bring balance by intelligence that is and isn't expressed and is what determines the growth pattern as per each their own per indifferent times.

  So if done then ally, then not as a choice or stop the view in your mind as by what you change your mind to think with and treatment is stop right there, as soon as you stop changing around thing as your changing around things, will stop changes and never know what can happen responsible with voice, as this is study by different fields as different things studied are now thought differently, this just adjusts the things around you. As you think, is program thought what is humiliation is where you are as you are stupid.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

The Particle Field

  The Particle field, this is the particle hydrogen engine to stop or think to change you think to stop field study then allow as you see to use idea. See or think to one from two stop, so think to create or use this article that is able to do your thoughts and sometimes by inevitable extreme body reaction and this advancement is done as a slight dream of the type that unusual body parts are changing. Particle time is time that is thought about as inadventual non hurt time if from mind space, to beat a particle effect think Ce Now as you perceive things.

 This is the area the sun particles are use, your mind is use to what is managed as though you arranged thought by the particles that makes this effective. As manipulation is done to create your results by thinking of the warrior's mind dream as an end result, and never ever force a particle and you avoid effect. With particle time there is no to the mention, there is no bad if you don't want it in mind bade results, in dream country ass and not actually is this true here in this country is what you don't do to others to get better results.

  Those that do things and do them by this, can count it as a germ influence then caused by time influenced mind of intelligence as with particles in space as they are thought in action about what you want. The moment of a dream state arrives smoothly on thought an to 'delink' and think and you can seem in a good dream repose and sometimes isn't by harassment, as the body shows what it did, as harassment is done. To think on something, you don't always do as  you do something or you cause others to do something. Otherwise things form by themselves, as you need them or need and get results.

  Because thought makes reality, or not and in an act to remake or this is as this concept is neutrality and is english as then taught in latin as 'prefabricatio' as prefabrication for prethought concept  to care as to lose your anger to use void, this is particle mai in conceived idea by being in thought as thought becomes as you think about things to come. Don't react there, as your acting and you won't react as to kill now as you care. Take time and to do on purpose.

  Because this can change your nature of perception really easy, so if you can think the effect out and this will make an idea possible. This includes thinking and at least in thought this is a heard thought as a concept or actual feel to do as mage wizard, do or do not as you think to do else and think target someone else. And, this is what will happen or not as you don't want them to do things to you and this is anulling the wizard or mage effect. Any magic makes you balanced, so quit by no movement in any bad mood as this isn't done.

  So, if you think 'how about being nice'. Just as you think to being good and not be hit, then you are not and you think of things as if not then you are thinking of defense or not and you might do something as your slapped in the face then you aren't as you will or leave the energy as its in energy form to go somewhere else. And calmly think, and you don't choose to run into people, as to meet them as they are ready to meet you as you need them to meet with you.

  So consider as you see, why not be nice of things and your nice, as you think of being in shape, and use non violent menace to be as though nothing given to scare them off and you don't think to actually react with a reactive thought via body as its perceived in dream its not done here. This can scare off pests, and things you don't like as in pesky people. As you risk death of the thought you have, if you don't have a thought to be else don't threaten and you remain in good relation.

  If things are interesting, you are able as to think and focus your mind, then you are able to create thought as anything in realism exists. As, the right image is actually a dream image, by feeling the moment out, if it feels bad in vibes, then you don't  feel cool about things as you don't release the energy to protect yourself with the bad idea around as you don't think to do it. This is the best thought, and this is where you quit doing things to know by what you want to do and you feel good vibes as then an idea.

  That you can get good results and you think hot to keep your temper in out of control situations somewhere that you picked up on its vibrations. However, Say in opposite inopposite if think then you don't if in case of point its pretty much opposite rule in nature unless no and not to be polite yet polite and you are dismissing the thought. And if you think they are acting out of control, hit them once or slap them.

  Think as you anulle the dream this is released energy, by wizard thought to do impulse and this makes thought as you seem to be thoughts, as with iron will as the discipline to do the thought of the correct thing and this doesn't have to be stated out loud with the thought to wizard think, and to use things correctly is by thinking thought. This is as to cast off the breaking energy gotten, by being hit somewhere so when breaking something and you then do other dream concepts this is a release of the energy as your preoccupied by an act and you make thought that creates things to perception image shift.

  This dream world allows dream things to be here and so if you think by want this can manifest, think of the pleasant thought as a pleasure manifest or use vain thought and you feel things form by thought. As can, then you can thought pick it up very easily. As if you danger yourself, then you wake up or acknowledge what happened by your dreaming essence. This is information that is due to you by feeling things and they think this is deserved or asking for things that won't piss people off, this is the moment you wake up as you treat this like a dream use and trance in a form you think of as a dream warrior form and use thought to get result. Then, if you focus built up ability, on something or someone, you can cause them to give in or make a difference. Anyway or anything that you are given, you can accept as though a stored idea or concept. And, if you don't need it and this is possible as a pressure slap, think to keep it in nothing illusion by thought.

  By silver energy or don't, you can create anything except a dream pose which is cruel and injust as unusual. Think nothing will happen and it won't, as you think of not reacting you won't act out. Except out of dream where dream energy goes to and then can act to be there, in dislocated dream forms of your reality as you need it to be there. Thought dislocation happens with dreams thought out and the idea manifests as something that you want as though from the dream energy as a financial source.

  See to 'wake dream' up you are coming from a dream state in loose dream sleep, from stimulus or strange drugs to dream walk with, think or sleep walking nothing see done considered lucid dream. Seen as you will yourself awake and stop as you say or do something to wake up, though with an idea of time you think or to stop actually to not cause an individual slap in the face if your vindictive from energy built up. If you find yourself in listening to conceptive or thinking idea thats unique, this is a opposite or not use as a theuraputic state, so otherwise you listen to music to see calm use or chaotic is usable and this is of mind and you can consider.

  Say as a friend this is what fixes a problem and you get results as a soothe feeling creates repose and you wake up as you think awaken or thin and will yourself out of trance. Then, the thought is normal as you get good results and horrible if you feel bad. As results relay on the dream ability, to use the effect of causing blows, as you feel pain you get hit somewhere in the body by the particle field to create the result of pain reduction by what tooth or body feel as a pain is not always to feel in pain. The area I see sometimes is useful, not always to slaughter yet if in pain think to avoid the reason or path of pain. So to get over ggression or feel you have think a mental area combat to feel or get over nothing as you think they see or not see then they will or will not.

  Nor or order to toss something, as the thought is there as though a punch through the dimension with dimentrics to a placed window as this is in thought that is so soothing enough as it can stop harassment. The dream state comes, after you think and do response to things that are not nasty otherwise there is no dream after there. There is a way to clear your mind in thoughts as you are thinking about things, this was a customer based complaint so I think I am better fit or deal or financially fit to work as I think of a loose thought as you are in secret as a spirit that finds your body.

 Think you use shock treatment to separate to your spirit from your abandoned dream to be, in your body as you find it and active acted ability comes over you to do things with true dream ability, seen as though this is the energy you create or work to use is the area feel. This is the dream called bonkers or bunkers to your world as a wish spell with reasonable energy made resource. Sometimes act to do or feel the creator restore you, and you find your body. The stretch causes weight loss by pulling in the stomach to almost taught muscles to release is less weight or create is temporary disparagement that you won't gain back if water is drunk.

 Seen as you are aware, drinking water is use foci is energy to use. Sea water or as you see water to send energy to the area foci think to create as you walk around. This stops the need to eat as you think you focus thought is less weight to your feel your feel is your feel to think to leave so you see this is feeling or you think the area then walk by the air. The area in use is energy by activity see what you think, think to see what is there to see to use is creative or use is not done see to find then look or leave. See to think you lose weight is less food to create with, seen yet think if you aren't effected or evicted so you see you create create something effective or useful is thought by use. As no use is allowed. Comments are allowed, this is interesting.

  As this is nothing halt as this is the concept by ward of whatever you desire is gotten, and if its not needed its not different as included in mind. As this use included in mind is dismissed as this will extinguish the particle fire by energy biume field as produced by sun and as if by that thought. This uses the positive idea tract of muscle thought, to guide the body formed. With use of positive movement, then to repel positive as now non in action this on positioning right to avoid desperate feeling and then on situations. Realize as lets now see physical magic done as a drow idea is a gift done, just like that the moment is the moment that has to be done spiritually, and then converts to physical and removing on a manifest is thinking, this is not of uses by what you do unless needed as this is the torture the issue is then over of nothing.

  The god is useful and here is to make conceived thought result with acrobat balance and to create effects that are necessary. As coincidence is to effort that is perceived in nature thought is active activity to be conceived in mind, is in a conceived point as the in effect experience is making the thought work as is. Piercing illusion is thinking about what pattern is in there as stop and think on it and thought moment as to represent. So be as to note, what is blended in false attribute or thought to feel false in attribute. If retract a thought that reveals this is not what it really is, by observation of matter in thought from the energy pattern in form and that makes it reveal from what really is believed as it really is by design, this is where you act a part in your mind as you thin and you are thinking to take.

 The blow that someone, only if you want it as this is what took place, then your subconscious makes your own using 'wat' in your mind to create electricity as its gained its lost, then you shift to when it happened to happen a stop as it is by generator activity to create the transfer of energy as you are in the person's place as though a matrix effect an its disbelieved in as it goes away and you take the damage as you are dissolved by acid effect and not happened is the blows or damage as its unwanted and you return to your body as though you never got hurt, as an end result of your incident your target thinks you were not there and the person that targets is not thinking about it. Act to be good, thinner is better as you can then do normally what you are wanting as you make, what you want to make and you are not noted, for what you wanted of a conceived point as you enduce a thought and think that thought as you are able to think and act right.

  Think what you want and note the disease, as you thin as you think as you are really in a moment of thought that is telling the person what you want and you leave the area, as you do think about it feel the thought of the disease,  and use thought to feel the disease in them as you drink something you think to the drink, 'charge and take in the disease', as you fill the glass or cup. Then, either pour the drink down the sink or positively think 'I won't get the disease but pull it away from the person' then drink it as you think you drink blue water. Sit down and think, as they 'think about things' the disease pulls off of them through aura  an infuses into you as a thought of 'filtered chemical energy' causes a cure as you do you shift back to your reality.

  Now effect is a moment that is a thought to command someone as pointed out to be correct and this is conceived idea and this makes action if they do want to it is as though instant reaction as a instinct to do but not think about this. Once you start relieving yourself, the effect wears off as you remove the bad energy for effect to end as needed. If denial concept with un or seeming by thought, no or not you can still get what you want and then what you don't want will be at a stop. The effect is to fade in and be there and phase by will in thought to seem what is in need at the moment in purpose of the experience that you have by rememberance. Acceptance is the key here as you are not in form and thinking back, you can give and get as you think what you need and you get what you want.

  The particle field effect of the Electron field and if you don't have any electricity then you can generate your own as is what does explain the thought. You may form with your spirit, at need of progress at thought that nothing speed of need and from energy may form their victory and it is what makes satisfaction in as thought to down a drink. Animation from the idea from what is the subject matter of something is to make something, by thought of what in effect that is there to become as it is. This cures the effect of any in moment that ends in victory. Form 'wat' as you want, and if you can make what you want in something is thought and acting as rehearse, then do an idea as shift your shape as you are willing to accept the act of what you in mind do as act is answer as thought is thought an answer is answer. Whatever you do, you are not enticed by eminence to strike out by thinking cool thoughts.

  Now, is energy command that creates at will as to be effective by will of thought energy, and this apparently is nothing in used thought or combat in an area to form as you will it and as your spirit makes it to do things as in whatever is in mind as material thought to be there with focused energy to form this from the creator's shield that allows the freedom to act, and using whatever effort intended for use by thought to create a manifest as if by the materia essence gotten from the material. This allows you to use the new and the old experience, to get things done. And, this uses the essence of the body fat as nothing existed matter in thought mind pattern. This in mind, is thought to be materia that holds the necessary properties of other places. In a moment, this done as though an instance of thought was there that ends when you think it should end. When in need, the right effect is there that is believed to be the effect and that forms at what is your target in victory to effect victory in the end. In effect, this creates golem from a frame formed of body in parts in need of arrangement via life by what method you want in use.

  As of regard in negative action, and this is used to make it up and it can repel any negative movement as to act normal, then the point of tract vigil is in use as autocorrection path making. Positivity make negative mention as repels positivity, and negativity attracts negativity. As methods used, retracts movie life positive can be used as this repels negative and movie life moves on its own energy and thins by what you thought. But, positive energy can go in negativity by on touch thought transfer to be aura manifest and this goes to the person and then not as they are in the vanishing point as caused by negative space though negative in charge and not to be negative into the backward time. An now you know how to harbor negative thought with a positive attributed poison ability, positive position in life is there by what you do in life an is granted by mention.

  As the event is by the positive power from black to white to think a positive view as though an idea is positive the body that converts it an into a white shade. All you need do is turn sideways, and think to be in another space as time is shifted around you via particles and disturbed as disruption though in the force as activity is done as a Jedi will sense things. Mana is in use as the effect, is what you intend to make and thought become positive thought by creative thinking with thought to do.

  And language in a point of understood concept is as knowledge and is with this. And wherever you go there you are, transfer that is on thought as understanding is not invisibility as its the moment, and as you thought to not be seen this is just a point in the future, as a thought and it can be ignored of and otherwise as opposite in need and thus is seen unless undesired so is seen no more. This is for clairavoyance and claireaudience an this can be turned off with a concept.

  Whatever charge of energy is as a charge on this as is and to charge people physically or psychically and not overcharged in use except if necessary. This can be established business to be avoiding the running and doing things and in as act you are not running into people that is corrected for by correction energy. You still wait and back away for the right moment, as you identify for things that are there for what you identify is there. Then, as effective as this sounds where you can do those things, is the efficient use as if in effect was there if thought if use of people you can sense them energetically. Now, you figure out what move to make, to play the right part as to act natural as and you understand that thought as though people weren't acting in bad order an thought was there to be effect.

  Thought energy is use as thought is energy an use is generated eating and drinking is extra charge energy right fit for your desire as a decided weight there. There is applicable use of alien nation as you read your thoughts and per use they go on to adapt as though norwood. Brainwash as used energy that makes people calm as people perceive thought with psyching out and feeling soothing energy correction. Whatever end, this is a possibility by wishcraft you make physics used as an efficient concept in practice. Whatever business practice, there is charge for things that are payables. Put it back through charge fees that go to your bank.

  And, then in use is thinking of a thought that makes money as everyone who wants it, will buy in plastic or other exchange current idea with an idea to exchange. Whatever you need, you can get as it is there for the thought as its made into what you need to be. To stop attack, wait till your calm as you nullify by thinking you do as you remove the beast being by thought as that doesn't go and rushes into things as people are in their way.

  This thought makes the effect of those that do things and by this expression that makes it can count it as something perceived in thought as the thing thought about appears somewhere. This is the time stream of the particle field creating thought as it is somewhere else. And, you do as thought. And, things thought do as you thought. As, expression is the thing that can cause action magic, as though by this both is possible and not possible as thought about things makes things by this within thought bringing action. As you think of things, you can create clones of yourself considered naruto shadow clones. These are beings that are defeated and with 1 hit to the clones, as assumed thought is thats all thats really is as they learned what they needed from your rom to learn, and you gain the in language and influence that you thought to get is gotten to in others.

  As thought becomes formation, you can be in active particles as a particle accelerator in space an in a space room that you think yourself in, as this comes from the area and people you interact with by gathering energy and cause them to reuse their energy as death comes to make missing something to be elysium fields by interpoling force or time by interchange with emulation of physical beef up body and psychically thought energy force to keep flaring up. Thought is emotion, and you are able to create as shadows do the ideal an you are capable of super genius.

  Creating effect with your focus, on the idea you want to make happen. As you do, you are able to perceive as it flares in a neat effect. Then, the effect is the particles explode in the air, as you think of what you to effect and this does, as then this is the effect in effect with time that effects when the thought occured. This allows you to change time, to make do and this can effect anywhere at anytime with anyone as an indifferent approach to use intention and remain as though you were different but neutral in thought you get the be right so their and thought effect happens of the thought itself. The effect to leave, is to think yourself back in the body as now effective is crystal life energy for now we think. As now the powers that hint is here and this is cerebral. As this, don't identify and you don't get pulled in to identify.

  Ninja life power is the affect on living things, that creates the power to do anything with dream, wish or other elements of what we can summon. They can pretty much do anything to enhance a subject to make and get an effective concept made into life. This is where yo get the effective idea, and this is to make what is thought to be there. This reality is as though, a power from crystal and thought to create as you want it to be. This can cause life magic to surge in the area, and as to do the things easier and voices itself, are born to life as with life we can even make grass grow into trees, as this is every dream come true.

  Some ninja ability is illusion, as this is the thought to create some trick by smoke manifest. And, this makes the effect seeming to be there. As with the effect you can do anything. Ninja styles are done by thought concept, and being unlimited you can manifest them by the energy. This is to make as thought and form allows, as this forms to make things as it is in unusual form this can result as what is conceived in essence. This makes people seem right or wrong to agree even if they don't as they are understood and this is thought that can or not as it can't be done as you are realistic and do natural things that get acceptance and you accept the notion as this is as though if you were things thought with no guilty thought as conscious. Don't do it as it is necessary.

  This is true to life if the particles can form to thought as first particles don't make, we can manipulate them by thought to do as we do things to make life generated, so we can make do with the wish of life effect. This is thought to enhance particles, so they do it instead. Ninjitsu is about the same, as we do things to create with inner life as we enduce in ourselves the changes of the pattern, that make the thought. Use of our aura create, we use the wish effect of what is possible and this supposed to be, as we work cerebrally in subliminal thought. As each their own askence, we get our idea and this is in thought, to think on as that may be what happens to get better by the life energy as to know and be thought as this happens you get taught by the idea thats expressed.

  Results are there as what you want may be in variety, this is as then in time here and that effects by that time as though a butterfly effect that changes things as you type things as you want the words to effect with active ability in use by focus technique. As this is anywhen and anywhere, results may vary are unique due with thought thats expressed. As the activator and anger can arise. A tick cannot occur or a strike to something is possible as that happens as you narrow your focus on an object, that gets hit by energy instead gamma radaring and no ramming into something may happen by thought that with a divert, this is the the whole object instead. This is possible in a moment that is thought and is only by a related ticking off remark or qualified mark, such as what this is to you in thought as a motion forms it to your design.

  If you don't want to get angry, then your mind is possible to cool off. This is by a thought being made thoughtform reaching out and handling the object such as a card or removing your extra body weight. This is thought as a 'cool off' period, that is forming a being said or extracted from time thought of. Or whatever makes you calm like a vision of a calming beach scene, otherwise stop regarding it ad think something else as the thought comes to you. This lets emotional reserve be let go as a sudden urge is gone of the transwaves of thought to be representing of anger. This as possible with thought, and is as though with the right psychological idea or thought born out reasoning of the mind, as it is done in mind this is to be made here or wherever you want. This is as though if you can create by the will by heart you can break the heart too without breaking the mind. This is with hearing things you don't like, and eventually you get restored by what is here eventually to return with a package. This is what makes it as realistic as possible.

  Concepts of truth thought about, make things as to treat what is there as a particle. This is positive reenactment, except you can find yourself exploding with anger as you are striking out or narrowly missing by outward bound movement. As that is a particle field thought to be space, creates energy with wild eyed wowing reenactment. This is atomic time, in action by field science as thinking of a procedure. This can cure sometime, as its allowed by thought anger thats received from the airwaves as this can cure anything. Their is a crystal weave effect, that is woven thought energy to become as thought and this creates any effect as in witch power summoned as you can wish. The positive pulse of life is to do a strengthening and making the mind clear with wish spell and ability. Their is life of the fingers, wrist or hand. As well as from the heart, this ability is life that created on thought by belief you did, then you think what you want as you want the thought to be and you get it as is. The heart energy and body energy, is raised effectively to be restored by crystal effectively here and as is celestrial.

  Desparate means is not working on something as the means isn't there but only in unnecessary to get things in a means by the moment that call your need extracted by thought. This is for the bearable means to make use of experience, as use of fire is by elements that effect included albeit thought of sheer need and the right makes it happen. By thinking of a moment that you ends when you are about to do things by a thought of 'subtract that thought as needed else', as you are able to know then as the effect is done. This is method to do particle concept as that which defeated the hook and never was born with used thought to birth by being as defeated with the management.

  And as there is no insanity and no insanity ever shifted you as then no insanity is possible. As you can cast or think and there is thought of a thought. So, to see a scene that calms you in your head, you don't think and you don't time things so you don't think to react. Thats how this he or she isn't it and is done as it isn't hit. Think about it and you can be able, to do things unless you have no intention to do things and this is by use of opposing view as this is it as a warning slap. Don't make bade statements, or the problems will leave you alone. This is as you do you don't as it is and it isn't. Thus is the experiment, as this is harmony disharmony, as the way of opposing realities you can shift to a planet by thought or not as a view you are able to cope. This is a concept that can be used if you sleep on it, as if you had perception.

  Thus to not hold the blow and if you keep focus you keep from attacking and from nothing experienced and that is considered, from the imagined concept that is experiment by thought to buy from imagined of quality things and then try by use of activity which of loss of energy you goto sleep, so as you expect things you experience something else and you shift to your personal point of feeling by view, as avoid a vigilante viewpoint this is from lack of expectation. If you expect for nothing, then you can restore yourself from the returning to the point understood as body by not feel your not feeling things about it and thinking it is gone back to the displaced by fey relaxed as things of thought dislocated things as the other body as you appeared in its place and it shifted to you. As, then if you then try to do now something, and shift then you can get there by feel. But, to do the shift is by thought and feel with only care if its safe as its with noone near.

  This is where you are restored in time and then this idea is concept made in the face value which removes self as you go somewhere else. Thus, its a mistake to speak where you are in time as you accost someone in some other place, from bad created with accident or mostly idea being thought. With the interaction. The effect is a place as you do something and do things american as with tolerance. If you think its something else, then you can become able to think as again you are there and brought back to life, and you are as thought as if restored from cracking your brain or other wounds.

  Which acted up, as you felt pain that causes the metaphysical event to bully as reactions to deny pain happen. Restored conscious thought, is then able to make you adjust your thinking as procedure is restored in thought as to what you want  to do. This is where you are thinking, the voice of the dead is in thought to be heard as gone as it makes things for you as you need them, then something friend from the past makes things as though the effect shifts your perception and your point of view remains as you want, paranoid or otherwise.

  Just imagine the term, and you can shift there on an instance, as long as you hold onto universal energy, think endevour not as you are eating as needing bad things and you can use life energy from what is there. With life, this cures itself, as you need to turn a disease. As you do, 'begad' is the phrase that with what you allow, you hold onto energy and release it. As with chaos energy built up, by incidences of any accident, this is in your body anything you eat will cause the body to make itself more hungry, unless you don't need to by holding it off, for 5 minutes with hold and release of energy wherever you go you won't strike out from not remembering. Clean yourself off, and as you are able to imagine a calm place in your mind this makes thought mentioned, as the point to go back to as the restored point in time of thought to act normal as energy is thought as though a save point. This is a concept of teribithia.

  Then, you can perceive what is said of the soul, and you are able to understand what the people who are realistically talking are saying, if you think to know what people are saying as this is said, then you will pick it from the brain of the speaker as though a thought was telepathy. As this is a perception trick, then you can get thoughts to understand the thought by what they show in the soul and as they speak differently you can use energy to translate it to know as they speak as though a view in the mind was showing their intent. As you save your hide from attacking nature, then you save your soul.

  This is the dreamland by memorized area, as you remember it you are able to return and this forms in a galaxy far far away from here where in the mind, is the special place that is your memory of a special room or planar existance that is represented by the area that you perceive.This is existence, in dream moods that represents the idea that you want by feeling. And if you die there, you are reborn there as keep thoughts of what you do here your doing normally as you explore the area as your room in your mind is your special area. Assault is possible, so if unrealistic hostile, then fight back or get arrested and your cleared of guilt fetish.

  Assume the feeling by mention with the point as a thought for you are assumed guiltless, and think as to not be of offensing anyone of a court or place in action as you assume things are normal and you shift perception to a point that was before. As, this is perception trick, then you can actually do things as though the thought of what was there didn't happen. This is a dream reality, of undreampt of dream power that is real and diverted from use of nightmare energy, if you eat too much with this you will start to gain and lose weight, and if you see things then you might be acute visioning from the energy reacting on the brain, if you believe in this concept. Once you don't care, then you can just use will to shift back you to your active memory as your body shifts to the normal world. Then, in thought you can shift anyone anywhere by what you want to do, as you think the thought to do.

  And as long as you harness the energies of the galaxies by peaceful thought of doing balance as they interact, you can jump across space to a place you want to be there of and hence, the energy released can create another place of reality with thought and by use of intrusion. Seizemic result activity can be created, by any thought or opposed concept is done as this is when felt as thought is expressed a result of cracking or guaranteed if directed, at the planet is a natural earthquake that can be set off by a latin spell or thought by activity focused to create an idea to make with energy as created by thought with no experiment in mind if you don't want to be offensive. As desparate you can do allot more, as you think it with fire energy and sheer need, then you make effect. However, if you make a point of something to do, then they think of natural mistake and shift you back.

  However, thought to be in danger as quick thought is where you think your resourceful, source the thought that happens to cook stuff and, this is un overcooked as it is the extreme need to effuse that is to the the food itself. This turns poisonous, as though infusion were a radiation effect were per use as you made it a poisonous essence, and this can do anything. As, to cause coated essence that effuses everything that it touches and it can cause reduction thats temporary and poisonous essence. This consistent to the poison effect, noted by anime as something. For what is thought as a secondary effect, is body sickeness. This is as its known as poison cooking. This is not used to start strickening, unless its needed to be inimical assault as it can cause illusional belief and not considered dillusion.

  The color of the rainbow, is an effect to make things as it is by thought of the color and this can make the effective belief of an element to be as it is consistent happenstance. This is an beam element forms at a will an makes from a beam effect. The color of the fire makes different effective concept to materialize, at what you need to be. The flame effect is thought and done, this is to become of what is belief by faith in the self to do the effect. However, concept of all the elements are covered, and some don't have colors as they are made from different planes of existance or are variations of an element.

  The warp effect is holding out of your hands, is as though the thought is what you think as you thought of what is to think of warp energy such as chaos being pulsed to cause a shift of body. The body is as a though at the point, where you feel yourself going faster and whichever way you hold your hands out if you feel the urge to slap someone then you are not doing it. Otherwise, you get the idea of this thought from where you think to go. Think of it, and think you go there by thought that you are if you think you are not in danger there. This is visual perception by heightened senses, as though by the danger sense as that may be there and this is as you feel spiritual vibes.

  As then, and as you are there in thought but not in body now think or not as you don't wish to be there and you don't jump there to stay here. Otherwise, you imagine yourself as though with colors to be there by fire energy and otherwise you can focus the chaos waves into a narrow arch that is what appears to you in spirit sense for it truly does in your senses, as serenity by thought is neutral as this comes to your senses by an emotional calm that comes washing over you with a focused repose by clear thought with thinking about calmness as you focus on the area your going to.

  And, you are capable of jumping with flame color as to go there by thought of an expanding ring of color flame or chaos and jumping through the thing as you go forward and slow down a bit, to think yourself there and feel the fire energy as chaos surges around you. As you do, you jump as you go and you are there. Remember to close the chaos energy off, think neutrally as to don't think of it as you let go of the chaos and fire energy to dissipate from you without the feel of the individual body. And, as you 'e' as you eject it from you, as though you were escorted on a planet, and don't defend if your not needed with no danger near as you feel soothing energy to make the feeling of built up emotional steam go as though planeteering as you go back.

  If on a thought, as you think about your location and then you will as to just do it as you are doing things naturally here. As you basically built up enough chaos or fire energy, then this is all you need to do things with, as though not needing rest as you can act right in public. Otherwise, you are able to hold your hands straight out physically or with your second arm set in back and imagine warping by intensified chaos energy propulsing is by a pulsing beam effect that is an attack, that can cause you to move forward quickly there where you are. Now if you wanted, this can be an assault as you can use the beam effect to lance forth and strike a target, if you wanted to send out the energy and make the effect of thought with a thought ' knockback' or non crippling strike. If enough energy is focused on them, then they are knocked out cold, as though a Cthulu affect.

  And this can be alternative mind trips or actual planets but different planets, unless they are treated differently as variations to the main 4 elements in theme. This can formed from any object as it is believed to be by faith in what this is in thought or to be from the general concept that it is observed unusual to do. This is the general property, of conceived people concept and what your spirit knows it to do. So and using crystals, to create manifest is thought made from particles of preferred existance. Evidence of the thought from observed bad result, are erased by thought. If the time result is not observed its not intended to be, then it isn't done.

  As then, you think of the physics thought about a thought in time that is there, and it allows you to manage the idea of a thought time experiment as not a experience ticker considered a magic tick and if any thing you can handle that what comes your way. As you do things, you are making things happen as think about it this is as you say it does happen truth and go mage things that through using focus go in on thought of the words to you as you think of doing this. However, if you suggest to yourself then you still do what you want as by the third I being.

  That is a shadowhunter effect enhancement, that can time warp shadow energy and twist its effect as to know darkness and be better for the environment as to be death to the evil 12th dimensional demon and to be the shadowhunter and create the cloak of darkness that can make any manifest and warp the body or do things as you. With thought in mind you can dispel the best effect by shining a light on the body, that is possible is use of real experience and to make what effects are possible. There is no cause without resolution, and on the moment as in essence this is what can be done that is the cause. As, the moment is dealt with shadowhunter disappears, with imprisioning by those that catch people.

  Then with the concept this is gone as the moment its gone the we of the planet disappear the time arranges now itself by things as you want and thoughts of pegging drop away, thought changes the pattern of time as this makes time arranged by the time arrangement. And in thought this is with concept, by the thought now in the moment idea as this actually is a thought that can happen. If a headache comes, this is by thought as headache builds comes in focus by builtup pressure the pressure drops and your blood pressure lowers as you think or not as you do things. This is cerebral pressure by focus from attempt to work.

  So as to think release, this releases the pressure by thought much like a headache with soothing thought of a calm area as you lay on it and walk by a beach relaxing with the calming feel, as thought and through understanding and released reasoning now by tensing and releasing the tensed up muscles then this creates a blank vanishing point to create a blank calm mind state of the mind to reduce emotional strain and agony as your imagining a picture an in the muscles, you do not react now as will and you understand those that you do work with, you will do things as you can hurt and strike out by the feeling of pain elsewhere one by one and you can understand as you stop by realization.

  Psyching up is done, by believing you need something and you get a need as done to get the understood thought in done by practice. Tesseraction, then is as done by thought sigils imagined, as a concept of visualized concept thought on empowered lines to create an idea of made effect happen to enhance the separate reality to be in the world of dreams. This is the building itself as though now it were a study and a group of people in it. This makes the concept of the building as though a person that is a human fine enough as realistic realism is enough can enter through.

  A psychic phenonemon of this idea, is the silver tunnel an is by a victim knight named from a place that you were, an calls as this is the door that opens up by going to a dimension. As its called the moment and you feel the need to go to a place that you aren't aware of and the door you walk through is the key to the entry, as with a place to open up on key use that you can imagine to enter the separate reality as it is ingrained with symbols it can be opened with thought. This building is surrounded by silver energy, that does the job as need be.

  Anything that is done in the building, is the making effect that allows you and anything else, to create at will what is isn't at willed result at your own will, by the need intruded upon physical correction there is no problems. As anyone who tries to see it, with the third I can see a ripple of negative space and this is the time shield now made of silver power since it seems you can change enchantment with things to will as defense and this seems familiar to be there shadowhunter isn't there. And, if you don't need Shadowhunter, he isn't threatening or there.

  This is the dark hunter, energy put as its changed into a drink. As, this is the point where no return now is with no reason as the concept is to steal, the effect turns on those criminals that no as silver energy is turning to black energy as you observe and don't know disaster and don't make crime within, then is to make depicted different things to hurt the public by dark and hazardous ways unless their needed to get good results. With reaction to ways in thought this can 'no act' to become thoughts of the money to be gotten by exchange.

  This is a druid group and now in the future public area restroom are in neutral area, that are in space and time that make ways that are be open to travel through space and there we are as thought in normal space and thats what happens if now another one to go now. And now on to more idea to be safe of what is now to travel at ease with expense paid by will of thought money to be sent and in an now formed as by things you can come by. With nature calls, this in idea will subtract by thought willing nature an hint, and you are what you were as you needed to 'ce' as cease now.

  This is what shifts you anywhere, as you think on your planet and shift by thought with those idea in concept making there are corrections by moving around things. Soul space, is then by will to manipulate space and create now events by act, to make pocket dimensions and things by genius through luck with skill act by feats of concept, anime make the effect by ingenious moments that end the moment, the cog of made thought 11th dimension is done to think thoughts and at the moment you are done. Insanity is turned off by the concept in shadow spawn drawn by particles, unless difference that is thought of money made by concept of the green rock stone named 'luck' is turned on as you need it or not as now wizard you don't have sex me moments and now if in no regard.

  You can then use manifested force by reposed mind concert as to create the effect of used wishspell to make alien power creation to becoming of any fire power by zero force element, or not as this is to use core energy and now you return that famous last phrase that is impossible to defeat or not and this stops as that isn't done. And with wizard precognition hence, there is no episode at all and that isn't done. This is in case that was time conflict as this was as is special in thought as though there is a real fight and you know what you will be doing. Now you will be doing so, as this is stealing thoughts and releasing them to them as something else as we will bend in deed by respect to you in respect to your actions.

  This concept is thought of a soothing scene is relaxing by thought, and the body responds by will to act as the want becomes need and this can induced, by impossible motions will make what happens by what you do in thought understanding. This is the will to act, to share reacting thought in motion as you do things as deserved to be shown. As this presents to you the stimulus by being a will to act, as you want it to be then as now considered as done. Unless, you don't need it to then this will provoke. As then the idea you want is to make things respond then ask as its picked up. As sometimes, then it does nothing out of frustration. Then, you stop suggesting things to do and as to be doing idea by arrangement as thought in a wave of suggested time as decided in time.

  'No' will cause this to stop, as a read thought of stop will stop working, hence the thought of a good condition, is set on the end moment of energy to not wreak hawk and not have included an attack. Whatever, if any radio signals are identified in particle space, as they are there then the particle space will make you perceive what they are. Wolves can be made from aptitude as you can get the effect, made to create with concept and returned in thought and as the spirit is willing to become one it as it is and the knowledge of the ancients is returned in thought to be as this is any game in play as in play one to zero.

  As things are thought of in your mind, you pick them up like a transceiver that is like a broken antenna so go no and this stops. Complete the choice in thought as you return to your right mind perception. So focus you mind on the particles, in the air and think to flare them up and you don't particle space things anywhere. As you suddenly clear up all emotional and battle problems, as you and the dimensional natural viewing, suddenly disappear by the condition thought about to go. You don't think about particle space as you go about places.

  This is a psi procedure, to get any tension gone and things you focus in naturally on, you can will to happen the idea. Considered braintwist in time, this is an like before moment as this is an illusionary field by being given a grand of money but only no good actions and by the influence or not as you sacrifice not but a small bit of food to the trash and your body loses extra pounds. Fill up with fire energy in your body with the particles of fire and you might drop weight as you are starting to react to the energy of food fire weight that right there is forming as particles form objects and you make a particle form.

  And right there, get out and then your fine as this drops off you as right there you are almost in fright of gaining stomach mass for forming fire particles form the condensed weight into objects and form of what builds up unless this is not in the area of where you ate. The different area of energy particles are charged differently in different area that you go to. So, this discharges time energy as the excess buildup goes away as you you are gone. This is almost instant overweightness, that is caused by condension of the fire into height or body changes that begin to flatten as you will it away by focusing technique with a think this and then reverse by thought effect.

 Then in thought you make contact to a realistic living being that by particle discharges you or the other can rid the excess of energy and prevents damages to the body from not getting any disease in thought, by thought of particles being active. This is to go to the person or not as its particles put to continue live action do not contain that action. As ignore religion or not as as  'not' not anymore lies and you return to normalcy. As if disrupted, when doing something and finding out something and stopping bad value you could work with change, by thought to change the results by effect this is with reduced weight as induced weight drop change unless not needed. There is no bad  from particles, as bad is bade from suggestion with the mind.

  And, your view reverts to normal situation, and the identified mood retract your situation in a differently thought matter of moments. Then, your world reverts to normal around you. Oh, if focus you have is with thought as you are in focused on the idea think of 'shield' then you do align yourself to the area energy as a mental prowess, as there you think on your memorized area as the identified time and you think, you shift there. As you navigate around the area, this is felt stimulus for an autonavigation effect area.

  And so if you are relaxed in mind, you don't think on what you need or kinetically chi moved. As this is movement by doing things to focus your mind. You can run faster, by skip or whatever use you do with chi. That can intrude and do things, because this allows particles to bounce off the negative shield. That may cause you dimensionally to appear and ram into things as you materialize in place. If you act, then you can do negative things in reaction then you don't think that you are doing things. Then, you are not aware and you can do them as you are insignificant in form. All particles, in the field are doing as you said. As you said, you make things occur by giving and taking energy. This is particle space, from the lack of itself as nature as diseases form believing you have them, from the creature that is there that appear from the body aches. Postulate a thought and use its typical strength as energy against it as it is drained as you are using it up.

  Feeling can get cancelled by this act of no response of repose and this activity stops reaction of any monster that you perceive, even if human shaped. This is with realization of which can expand ability and your hitting thought and in thought then you can retract. As, this is imaginary thought space, any thought you want can manifest via particles and you didn't get it an then as you think it you can get any transfer done by thinking 'twist'. You can make and abet deals, during times of what you imagine. You can thought transfer from whomever you touch as described as from what the place is, as a linked exchange and dimensionally thinking, will make this exchange effect by card as credit.

  Bursting your aura outward and you get an expanded concept as filter effect, as in that concept you are able to do amazing tricks that purifies your aura by thought of fire in a ring. This can easily incite anger, or rage by the particles in space reacting to fire or area vibrations that is done where you are in area. If you find someone died, by precious stones in the area influencing the person, now you are space and candy can cause them to lose weight when you need to. The point you use as thought, can work a point to create anything as a want if use is done and thats all correctly done.

  Whatever you think, is with particles of space inside as its the subconscious that does it. Think 'fixed' and it will be fixing the person effected from realized trauma as though a mistake. Whatever you realize, you thought of exhausted. This is as you make the concept as you lose the thought indifferently or anything in need is done. So, write down what action is done and you can rethink and rewrite your thought as it disappears the thought of exhaustion and things mentioned from being in mind. Thinking positive, keep your body from avoided space, as you can avoid things in thought from things in thought that make you avoid things. And sometimes running expendable batteries, is thought or you act informed by observed body from shift running into people or not as you chance to avoid it.

  This will revert the concept of head trauma that happens in people. This is to be normal. As, you don't think to meet people. This will revert people, to think like you. As you don't think to bear pain or a hurt as then it reflects in your soul and builds the pressure in the head. And, then you can bear pain as cause reaction by no stop thought to the body. So meaning to say yes to those near you is the affirmative action or the right action, and you are a cure. As this is to be aware to think and as your thought becomes as a person your normal and you react by doing.

  What your body senses of your thought, is what you do. So if you think 'awareness', don't think it if you don't intend it. Or not, as you are thinking that thought and you are there as you observe as someone does things and thinking 'reversed' and you make a reversed head injury and release the pain and it disappears as thought becomes energy that leaves the body and liquid thoughts make particles reform around you. Thus, you can reshape to your mind thought, as treated insanity is corrected as you do your correct concept, this is fun as you use the source of a malignant energy, an negative field of proton reaction is used up as reason as you deny agony. If you don't need, to feel good this agony gets away from you as a strange dog that runs away, and you remember to overpower the ideal you want as is to do and think as act not to ruin in normal act routine.

  As you think you do, this can make you become aware and this reverses a head injury. So, think about things, and think that thought and you continue moving or otherwise you stop arrested thought. This causes insanity, so stop, think and do either things or stop. Now that you do what you need things becomes clear, with a familiar past image to help you focus. So with awareness, nothing but gnosis is what is done. Or you reuse the particle space, by thought air particles perceived to be getting along with people and getting information from the air. This is getting information, and gnowing it is achieved by what you think. As though this is from the person in thought, mind and otherwise.

  Now moving along, the particle space is not the dimensional ramming space as you can tend to think about it. As this follows certain rules. Those that are guiltless, are able to be innocent of crimes and nice as they don't feel tense by anger. The affect is done, by thinking about what you are hearing as you listen and glean information. This technique is capable of hearing any thought. The effect, to do things with is to get better thoughts that aren't hostile. The effect, of being proved a concept lyer in particle energy space is to hear thoughts that prove they are hostile, mostly to not give off by the minds of other places or not as you prove yourself innocent by what you say anything out of context is true as supported a thought in 'reasoning'. This is not considered as it is there taken out of context.

  To let it go is to stop in something and use a thought of something in motion, and let go of the thought will come to you of what you want to get some thought with reasoning. And, any pressure drops away with the influence of the thought with concept fading away, as you can get to think about it and it will stop as anything you think is necessary to be done is done or you know what to do by thought and intrinsic or intuitively applied approached concept that is applied to be of a usage. And with any sound thats soothing with any future weight dream, pressure drops away from the cerebral part of the brain. If you care you are responsible, so you are your own thought if you don't then your irresponsible as in thought you can get careless and sloppy in moments of caring for yourself. If you take care, then you get careful about what you do with yourself.

  This 'alleve' gets the idea of what you want, as if you get the respect and understand the situation. And, you can get to reuse the effect by the right mention, as this brings the right result by feeling it out. Then if you identify, and its using too much of your energy as thought, then you stop reuse by 'stop' and by thought 'us' with use of energy, to make things magic by mention and end the result is no thief action as if they were project 'done'.

  This is by a stop action in mind. This is to use thought energy, to correct physical initiative activity thats weight in use by exercise or kinetic activity by individual action with by those who are thought of to be of use. And, this of thought to get activity done, and different though as thought is finished up. Stop the enemy, by use of whatever means you use done by your identified spirit. This is by use of natural inclination, cast by suggested action to their brain or not as they can be useful. This is stopped in mind by a dropped thought in thought, is different in thought for something else that want to act out.

   And, indications of the effect in mind as good for you, as you get the different feel that is the same to those that need to see you as they would recognize you as acceptable in thoughts of opinion. And, you get perceived the right way to be doing what you need to be doing, as nothing thought of you is opinion. This is as though they bought your act and is accepted for what it is believed to be for tact. Your action is action, that is thought to be either done by yourself or your spirit.

  This is like a real life situation, that is put down as a line of thought, empowered by your will. And is treated like code that suggests itself to your mind. Self-explanation is achieved by reasoning with it as you read it and you get imprint information off it to see as a vision with a view in your head.

  This is a long shot, that is a thought to do and it can be a thought viewed, at length to make use of as though a movie. Played, at a movie screen that you can be leaping into and back again, bypartisan as it is with particles that shift you and back

  This is thought in motion, as it is the adventure of a scene and you play it out there because thats usually how it looks, as if in your view in your head. There is little danger to this, as you can energetically use the movie energy. Then, when you are done, you shift back as if watching it.

  This is at the mercy of the believable scene that your brain can act out of course with the spirit. As you get adventure and then you get the point where you synchronize with yourself and by acting yourself out, you shift back as if nothing happened.

  This is code in something, that is concert to be played with like a song in the mind the brain perceived by the thought to be there and back as you need to be as a back and forth motien of the spirit. Sweet rewards save you from trouble as the purpose is to live out your life as though nothing went wrong and you were a stranger in a strange land.

  This is programming self-image as you need to do it as suggested to be responsible with wanted things. And damned things stay there. If your spirit allows for it as if it wants it done it is to prove the mission. As the mission is flawless as its done need arises and you can get things done easily if early result. Time travel is east and west identified as you need them to be identified. This is where indication provides good reason to autobutton and 'navio' to be autonavigated by subconsciousness that know the imprint as to guide you about as if you were there.

  This is the dark mage approach to demon hunting, with killing by fire energy and this is by usage of movie equipment with video enhancements to provide information that is provided to them, to see the future that they need to know as though you were fate.

  They know now as by reading your mind as to what will be so you only need to act it as a part in play. As, the thought of the money is there, you can get your money and use it to buy good things of decent value, with surface value of a conscious thought to transfer it to here, after you off the account. Released in secret you are an allied idea to be true to your foes and best friends to them who trust you.

   This is as if the spirit suggests itself, as though the right of words that were used as though thought energy. And as if you were listening, used in thought is used in body, so enjoy as you use in the mind. And, in use this can be dismissed with ease. No mental intrusion is done to be dealt with after this as you have disappearing weight. As, if by concept and reaction if necessary were right for the the moment. By outwaiting the problem, this as though to solve the conflict. That in truth is used for energy gathering. As after, use this is promoted to be of an idea in a concept, and an end concept.

  The mental intrusion influence is blocked in your head. As though this didn't get into your head. Unless needed by desire, as after the usage is over, you turn into the best avatar you can by thinking of and can be like as thought made permission by particle field effect. Usage is done by degree of use and the spirit made the thought happen, by metainfluence. This is also fact written down. As fact in code is fact in life hustle as need be but gamble not. And, you won't get the going to get the god in trouble.

  This is where the enemy thought of in this dimension, was dealt with by a teribithian and in the moment and not regarded otherwise. This is not socking you as though the eye wasn't socketed right as thought made electricity powers your super body. Abandon nightmares here, as everyday your ready for a new place to visit, as this is a house pocket dimension that you live in to experiment with saftey idea in mind. Use is empress of avalon that makes thought and suggestions as you can get the identified thought to complete.

  This is thought carefully thought as to be a mind room complete, by example proven to be of value, by allied people. Belief is necessary to get there effects with the right object to draw in energy of the place in mind. There is a place to sleep anywhere in you mind, eventually to fill up and thats that. This is thought, in the mind as you go there. This where you do things are eventually able to make you suggestion by method as a code of living lividie action. This is reliving your coded line as a thought used imprint can be used and this brings up the mind view or not as you don't need to see. Mischief can still be done, as you are needing this and you are able to manipulate to get results.

  This is where you do things to relive stress thought put out is there as a shotput out as though you deserving it go about your daily idea. Known as the thought zone that is as though also there. This is that as if you thought no, no it in mind if you were as you in mind thought are in action, the code represents you if you thought to do things that were unnecessary. Adhoc is there as a support effort, intruder alerts are not appreciated as they drive away the intruders, this is in here as thought was to do. Manipulation is as easy as distract and do to be mischief known to affect intruders. A kitsune is possible to manifest as were there to make illusia count. Illusion is served as need on being slender. Thin is good as you are needed to by yourself. Warning thought to serve as though you as an I being, they serve the vampires and dhampire that rule the house. However, fey are there to serve as aid, as thought not to be harrassed. And, they can charge things as to help out. This is to stop dimensional assaults, by those people that hurt you with a fight technique.

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