Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my facebook page. Otherwise use my whatsapp number to contact is 1(405)706-2328. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it. This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Saturday, June 25, 2011

Psi power balls

  These things are really psi balls that are 'placed' by a mental hand into your body. The mental hand you can control and make it do as you like. It acts as a normal hand.

  In order to do this trick, all you need is to imagine a hand form in the air and near your body. When you imagine the hand, imagine it forming psi energy into a ball form. Using the mental hand to 'place' it in your body is by mimicking with your real hand the action, near your heart. You will gain energy back in your body. And, you may feel energized for at least half a day.

  When you are imagining the mental hand holding the psi ball, thinking to it the thought, 'don't be programmed except when necessary..' and the rest of the programming is up to you. You may form the psi ball in your mental hand and state the programming or command you want it to do.

  If you want an elemental power ball that projects forth the element you deem necessary to have effect another. Then program the psi ball with the thought of, 'emulate [element]', and either mentally toss it at someone or something or imagine a 'beam' shoot forth of the element it emulates.

  This beam can lance forth and spear another target. What you can do to the beam, is bending the beam to your will. There is an unlimited amount of things it can achieve to your will. You don't have to use a psi ball as it can be Hara energy. Your Hara is located a few inches below your Navel and has Greenish energy.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Coelescing Power

  Coelescing power be where you collect power in an area, into a coiled  energy form, enough of it that it warps an area. Allowing you to create a pooled will effect and effort is formed by that will. Thus, you can cause any effect, with enough energy nearby. As though it were a coiled snake. This be like the pools of energy from activity, except the coelesced energy is allowed to be greater. The effort is the key to forming the effect. Any effort can be used. Thusly, the way to make the coelesced energy, be to will the energy from the places of existence to start to collect to where you desire the greatly coelsced energy to be. Mainly your willing wild energy from a few solar sources, any anime worlds, gaming worlds and whatnot.

  This energy, coelesced, is very great and will wield you if your not careful. The will is done by programming the energy nearby to coelesce the energy, while thinking of the energy sources. That you can work with at your willing it to do things. When the energy has coelesced enough, then things will happen as you speak them or as you think of them, given enough time. The pooled energy turns into a resource for yourself and others, if you will it. You can even lock it off from those whom you don't want to use it.

 Although, on use of it, there's not much you can do except to will it to do things. Or, to speak of what you want to happen and it will if enough energy remains. Don't draw it into yourself, as you only need to direct the energy outside yourself.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The pass the effect effort

  To do this trick, is to think of the person you want to effect. And state while you are effected, 'I pass it to you.' or 'As it effects me it effects you.' And, the subconscious should pick up on the idea you want to happen, and cause it. If the person is unsuspecting, then they won't mind it and seem to change their attitude or actions to suite the effect. Saying it too many times in a short period of time to a person will get overirritation and will get you weird looks.

  However, as you pass the effect, the effect disappears from you. This effect could be anything that seems to be there. As always, when you want to send the effect back or effect someone else by what be happening to you then say, 'Back to you..', while thinking of the person.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Three Point Protection

  Using objects: This is the three point protection using objects. Get three items, rocks, gems or stones of any sort and arrange them into a triangle formation. Then, touch each object that makes the points of the triangle, and after that, the 1st object you touched. Thinking of an energy stream that passes between the objects, as you touch them. And state or think, 'contain my bad and evil', 'make things safe' or 'make things better'. Towards the shape. Then you should feel safe and all bad qualities about you are in the triangle.

  When or before you attempt this, think that the Bermuda triangle is powering each object. This links a power source. Any disruption of the pattern or area, e.g. the positions of the objects are changed or stomping or loudness happens. Then, the protection must be recast. Using lights in this pattern, you must turn on the light to activate the protection.

  Also possible is 4 objects for a buildup of effects, 5 objects for chaotic effect or 6 objects for sealing and elemental effects. With 4 objects you may use a square formation, 5 objects are with a pentagram, and 6 objects with a Jewish or Davids star formation. Amazing effects you can get with this, so be creative.

  The human object: Also possible with the 3, 4, 5 or 6 point effect is using humans or beings as objects would be used. But, they must be willing to help first. This is to think of the person and sending energy, to link to the person. Then act as though the other person, and think energy to pass as a stream from the person to another. Repeat the act as that person and make energy linking come back to yourself. Or, let the person decide to link and pass on linking energy. Be sure to explain your intent and have them explain their intent. After which, you state your intent to occur it. As in the 'make things better' or 'make things safe'.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

One with the Land

This is a technique to double your energy possibilities and to gain awareness of the land. Mostly with allot more energy from the uniting with the earth and nature. This is basically touching the grass, rocks or ground with your bare feet. And feeling the upsurge of energy as you will yourself to 'be' one with the earthly nature energy. Touching cement won't do it, and your connection with the planetary energy is mostly blocked.

Thus, you are connected to the earth network and are aware of what happens to it. You can do powerful or nearly impossible things easier. You also discharge bad energies that lead you to negative results. And, renew your positive reserve of energy while you do your connecting with nature.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The easy void meditation

  The easy way to actively use void meditation, is that which causes less strain and worry while allowing for more energy. This is to decide to meditate, then don't think and just do, allowing your instincts and intuition take over. As your subconscious guides the moment, then you will have less problems. There's no stress and your body can adapt to anything. If you allow your body to react to things that tend to happen. Then, the body will do the 'right' thing that you or others condition yourself to do. This gets rid of headaches easily. With this, just breathing in and out as usual feels different. Use that method to do magic easier. So as your body reacts, you can do as needed without thought.. unless its pointed out. Then you can tell yourself to do things to correct the situation at hand, if a correction is needed. That's when ya subconscious takes over and when you just do things. The less thought you have while doing magic, the more effect you get from your magical action. As, its very good for visualization, and its quicker than standard meditation.

Mirror Trap, Astral Mirror Dynamics

 Difficulty: Intermediate
  Prerequisites: Casual Conscious Projection, Energy Manipulation/Vampirism

  I first came across this technique during an encounter on the astral. I would rather not detail the exact circumstances, I'm not particularly fond of this memory. This being said, I did not invent this technique. This technique was stolen, then refined in practice.

  In reality, a mirror is just a sheet of glass with a coating on the back that allows photons to be reflected back at the viewer. However, the mind when viewing a mirror creates a subspace behind the mirror from the illusion created by the mirror. Energy flows where attention goes. Resultantly you may project your consciousness on the flip side of the mirror, and collect the energy that has pooled there. Astral mirrors create this subspace with greater intensity, and efficacy.

  Using this magickal property of mirrors, you can exploit, and amplify it's effects with simple construct programming.

  Here is one technique to get you started with this skill. Modify as needed to suit your optimum functional state.

  Step 1: Obtain an object with a mirror-like reflective surface.

  Step 2:
- Option 1: Project your mind into the mirror subspace and wait for someone to look into the mirror. When the psychic stream of attention enters the mirror, use it as a link to pull as much of there energy in as you like. Note however that pulling too much energy in a short time may alarm the target.

-Option 2: Create and program an energetic construct to wait in the subspace and absorb energy as it comes. The construct can be farmed later. This is very effective to deploy in public areas such as washrooms.

  Note: When this technique is used on the astral rather then physical, the effects will be dramatically increased. It's so naturally effective that it commonly creates a state of mindlessness and submissiveness in the victims. This is especially prevalent in astral beings and occurs almost instantly. As a physical being you will have a moment to avert your eyes, when you feel your life force being drained from you.

  From here @ the Magocracy.

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