Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my facebook page. Otherwise use my whatsapp number to contact is 1(405)706-2328. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it. This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Friday, February 25, 2011

Feeling the waves

  I often think that instead of absorbing energy, in its various forms, as it can lead to vampirism. You may be able to feel the energy vibrations of which come from various elements. So, you can can do that, by imagining and visualizing the color of the element as a wave of energy that brushed against you. When its brushed against you several times, the element energy, can cause you to feel different.

  So, imagine or visualize the element color coming in waves to roll around and away from you. Don't absorb the waves. And the color makes the difference as to the result. Combine the colors to create more combined elements' effects in visualization or imagination. This be called invoking the elements. So be warned, it should be mentioned that practicing this technique can disbalance the practitioner. Thus, I would try grounding to get rid of the excess energy. Basically, imagine yourself attached to the the earth and rooted there, and sending the excess energy throughout that link. It balances out the energy.

Some colors are:

Brown or Green = Earth
Red = Fire
Amber = Sunlight
Blue = Water
Clear white or Yellow = Air
Silver white = Electricity
Light red = Light energy
Black or Dark brown = Darkness

What they can do:

  For electricity: By not absorbing electricity, but feeling its energy waves, you can get energized, you can also heighten your senses and feel more alert.

  With light energy: You can feel cold then hot and then feel lighter. But this may vary on those whom try and feel for it. As some also can feel energized.

  With sunlight: This be mostly fire, but it may cause different results. You can feel energized and clear headed by the amber waves crashing against you, as well as more heated.

  With Darkness: Its voidal and can neutralize any result or energy. By sucking it up into itself. It calms the mind and can cause you to feel weird. There maybe other results with Darkness as well.

  With the others: It varies per person to person, on the other elements.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Chaos Magic and the Subconscious

  This interesting article is by Heronesque, it details safe chaos magic and the subconscious working.

  Chaos magic is a loose, eclectic style of energy work where one enacts effects through whatever magic technique works best in the situation. Although "whatever works" is the simplest definition, there are a certain set of techniques or categories of techniques that chaos mages, or chaotes, often share. These include sigils, paradigm-shifting, pure will, ceremonies of a random nature, etc. One of the most common and effective techniques is causing an effect through one's subconscious.

  The subconscious is the part of the mind that is normally unconscious and thus not directly controllable. The problem of the subconscious part of our mind is of course that default inaccessibility. And sometimes the subconscious may even work against us, unless prevented by magic. A [chaos] mage's developmental goal should be to both free and use the subconscious mind as much as possible, with growing consistency.

  The subconscious is always working and in fact can cause effects all around you that the conscious mind may not intend. ('Around' meaning both the physical vicinity your body is aware of, as well as in places your mind interacts with, such as thinking of a friend who isn't nearby you at the time.) The mage, unlike the non-magic-user, uses his conscious mind for magic, but few people actually deal with their subconscious much. It's important to use your subconscious though! One left completely untouched can betray you because of your subconscious desire, whereas one that is used proper can be key to great magic.

  Gnosis, a nearly indefinable state related to unity of the mind and loss of ego, (and thus loss of fear and self-importance, silencing of the inner dialogue, etc,) is the key by which magic can be caused through use of the entire mind, both conscious and subconscious. You can use all your mind, instead of just the conscious part, or just cleverly dropping a command into the subconscious.

  Gnosis is achievable by many methods and happens in different levels- which may differ in the amount of time spent in the state, the feeling of the state, the power of it, the unity of the mind during it, etc. The possibility of magic is greatly increased when your mind is in a proper state. As well, the prerequisites to a good gnosis/silent/meditative state encouraging building poder, (the personal power a person stores by living impeccably or wastes by being petty.) Poder is necessary for effective magic, and is gained all the time by consistently silencing inner speakings, bucking fear, etc. (See Carlos Castaneda's series of books.)

  Its the difference between just doing things with no result and 'Just doing it' and gaining effects. Gnosis also has an alternative version, to pull thought and idea from the air for meaning and understanding that is gained.

  Silencing the inner-speakings > Gnosis/Meditation/Focused inner silence/Trance > Stopping the world

  Yoga, meditation, chemognosis, (gnosis through purposeful drug use, such as cannabis or salvia,) rituals and combinations thereof are all useful techniques for gnosis, if done properly. However, one must find their own method(s) to achieve that state, and an impeccable will and the stored poder that go along with it are absolutely necessary. If one wastes all their poder on pettiness, it's impossible to be prepared for gnosis and proper magic at all times. If one lives impeccably and stores their poder, a quick transition to gnosis and active magic can be accomplished.

  My technique for reaching a quick meditative state is to silence all inner speakings, (this should be done often and as much and consistently as possible anyway,) then assume a comfortable position, close my eyes, and listen to my breathing. A Japanese term is "mizu no kokoro," or "mind like water." You must clear your mind and let it flow freely- not thought to thought nor even thinking on just one thing, but clear. Then, you may take your free-flowing find and put it toward accomplishing one objective.

  The reason this works is because inner dialogue affects the subconscious strongly, causing it to act in a very unpredictable way that wastes energy and can cause unwanted effects. Silencing yourself cuts off the supply of thoughts that stimulate your subconscious to constant, energy-wasting, problematic actions. The subconscious then settles down and works in unison with the conscious mind- great for simple meditation, and great for causing an effect through will!

  Although magic can indeed be accomplished through a deep, focused state, on-the-fly magic is a vital skill as well. This technique is available to one who can use skill and will in combination for a magic action that is quickly and successfully enacted through the subconsciousness. This requires the skill to connect to the subconscious and send your 'command' through it and the will for it to be enacted by it.

  For a metaphor, magic in a slowly generated, deep trance is like jumping in the water to fish with a spear, whereas quick flashes into an optimal magical state are like spear fishing outside of the water. Each is difficult and different in its own way, and it's up to you to decide when and how to use them. The entire point of chaos magic is this: through practiced efficiency, thrust yourself into an appropriate 'mode' for accomplishing an effect, then do it in whatever way works. The higher the temperature the more the feel is. So this is not physical hits.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

An easy perception training and effects causation

  This will explain the process, so you need to set an object to train the mind. And, increase the perception as well as other thing you want to have effected. Just have to 'tell it to', so treat it like a construct. Any small unobtrusive object works beautifully, but you can use larger objects. As its often overlooked, although it might suddenly appear to you as special but sometimes it remains unseen.

  However, the larger the object, the more effect you can get off, as there's more energy in a larger object. Its just more noticeable as there's more energy particles in a larger object that resonate. And, the more resonation the more effect you can get.

  A construct can do this, but a physical object can do it better, and has its own source for the effort and more of its own energy to boost your energy and cause effects with.

  Now the nitty gritty, to set the object to create love can be useless. As some can see love as worthless if it is not 100% natural and free. This be only temporary. I personally don't program objects to create love as its not worth it. I program objects to do other things, and it also depends on what range the object is to act with. Thats what you gotta tell it by informing the object. It can be unlimited in range for as long as the object lasts in quality. Near chaos, the object in use by programming will degrade. As it degrades, it can lose quality. Amazingly quick. Quicker than an 'ordinary' object doing its own thing.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Death Wind

  The death wind is to use the corruption of the area and taking death energy from the dying things to add to it. Then, focusing your mind on the chant of what you need to happen. In which this case is be the causing of death by a supernatural wind caused by ritual to go through the area and effecting everything you want to be effected. What helps this be the use of intent and directed energy by words dedicated to the effect and stated as though to cause the effect. What also helps this be the chaos in an area, as it is the primary fuel that allows for the effect of the death wind. Very important, the death wind is most likely to corrupt anything it doesn't kill, in the area of the effect.

  Thus, the death wind is very dangerous to the area and causes degradation, nay even death. It is very much as though a moment that is paused and death itself passes through. This can kill computers and people alike. Albeit its sometimes slow to cause a reaction. I personally, would avoid the effect and push death away from you, as it occurs near you. When, you find a death wind near you. Also wear a shield to prevent death and corruption from touching you, by causing it to be pushed away.

  Due note, the death energy won't faze the undead in the area and it might strengthen them instead. Some go out their way to avoid the death energy.

  There is possibility of this spell being useful, if a good sized group focused it on political leaders who abuse their authority. Then they could stop the abuse or even, warfare by them.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Tension magic

  Tension magic is slightly hazardous, as it can lead to health problems, if overused. But, it can get results that you normally wouldn't get. So, I will go into how to do this trick of using your tension. And its thus, to feel tension and of your body. Then to project your thoughts on air itself and will an effect. If it works, to focus your mind and body reactions, then it can also work to make a result of magic.

  The spiritual tension is what your trying to get to cause a flow of energy and you can use this trick to cause effects in a realm, too. Consider this the spirit pressure as its projected forth on a flow of soul energy and the spirit tension is caused by body tension. To speak your purpose, may help direct forth the thought energy that is also allowing spiritual and other summoned energy to cause effect. Where your thoughts are, is where energy can flow.

  To use the body tension to achieve effects, feel tension along your nerve and body, in the area its needed and use the heightened feel you may get from this. To just do the effect and this effect is a physical action thats become more easily achievable.

  However you can use the energy from other sources of feeling, also. As, you can use the energy from anger or happiness or anything of the sort. This is just one aspect of magic that be of use, to you.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Summoning Elementals

  Some might think your summoning elementals as in element spirits. Where, in reality they be elementals as in a live element in the form of your need. The element is partially powered by your spirit and the element type energy in the area, that you chose, on summoning. As well as its home plane, so your spirit gives it strength to survive here.

General info and summoning:

  So in order to do the effect of summoning, think of the element and imagine it formed into the shape you need it to be.. (mostly humanoidish), and state or will it to exist near you. It will appear, if you have enough personal power. As personal power accounts for allot. For, it will make certain magic possible.

  When you state the effect, for it to appear, state 'Oh tengri (pronounced taen-ri), I will the elemental being I need to be here.' Or otherwise, in willing it there, try to really NEED it to be there and as you will it into existance. This will go easier.

  Some people might think your summoning other gods. Its not a god, its a being that is made out of elemental energy. Talk to it, or command it to do things, through stating what you need. It should respond. Again, its like the normal element, but its living. So go ahead and try for it. As its a challenge to talk it into things.

  If you need a lasting strength, make it come into you, and air elementals are great to work with for support. Fire elementals are also good and the elemental can sometimes be mistaken as a demon. Just to let you know. Oh yea, to control it, think you control it and command it by speaking to it and your subconscious will make that happen. Sometimes the elemental will appear only to you and effect you. Not always does it effect the area. You need to feed it energy, summoned or your own, to get it to do more.

Questions on them:

  Where does this elemental originate? And what is its affinity? The elemental plane of existence, and its affinity is the element it represents that you chose. Its not as hard as it seems, to understand. For example: The element I chose, in this case is fire. So it will appear in a firey form that I needed it to be in.

  So, you choose to summon an element and how does he help you with it? The elemental is the element, as the key to this is that the element you chose to summon, appears and comes as a living elemental form.

Controlling elementals:

  The fire elemental needs a strong will as its harder to control, as it leaps about and sometimes tries to usurp your authority. If you deny it what it wants to do. Consume things. In fact, fire elementals are notorious for trying to usurp control over someone. As in posession or upright rebellion. Fighting. They would fight the person who summons them, sometimes.

  The water elemental is an easier to control thing as it works with what you say. The air elemental is needing patience as it can go about and sometimes do its own things. As in, making actions that weren't exactly what you said.

  The earth elemental is very solid and will work with your request no matter the thought expressed. Rock elementals are a bit different, as rock energy is formed as a 'spirit' of rock in the form you need to exist. It will do as you want and need at the moment. The other elementals are various and for some harder to control, and for others easier to control. Again, the elemental can summon the element its affinity is, sometimes at your command. To appear as you might want.

To unsummon an elemental:

  To unsummon it, will and need it to 'exist' or 'be' in its original plane of existence. Then its where you want it to be. Or, dismiss the elemental and will it to unform. And, get this, the elemental will subsist where it is till ya dismiss it to its own plane of existence.

Physical manifestation of an element:

  To summon flames with the elemental to become physical. Summon a fire elemental and have it influence the flames into being where you want them. Fire elementals are more able to form them. If you got enough will to summon it, then good job.

  To summon other elementals, to create other physical manifestations. Try to summon the elemental and tell it to manifest the effect you need. Feed it energy to cause it to do more. This feeding works with the fire elementals, as well.

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