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Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Unlocking an objects power

  "A Dark.par.wood dar.wo par.darpfr (diaper) dar darp4r to be dark. To be inconsistent or consistent, to be persistent. To be of it, to do and be if it does then it of works."

  A dark power of wood brings dark woe. Partly of a dark fire and in a diaper where dark, a dark power is to be dark. To be inconsistent or consistent, to be persistent. To be of it, to do and be if it does as then its of works.

The objects magic is kept for at least 4 hours after its used unless its focused energy used in it, the object. It based on the three parts of the effect of it as the founding, the grounding, and the condition. The mention of it having power is what causes its own ability to be upsurged or made to happen. In effect its being stirred further by your ability and action that puts your energy into it unless its an energy trap. Where it traps your energy to do what it was going to do with it. Its your energy that mixes with the energy of the object that causes it to do actions and unlock the ability of its magic. If you think it has magic, then it does and if you continue to think it has magic then its ability is there till its a no longer needed. As its your will that makes the magic obvious. To cancel out the objects magic you might need a closure spell of saying three times to the object "The reason as of this object is now done."

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