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Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Matter materialization, manifestation of technology technique

This is of the matrix use to generate the idea into a form thats like a production to you. Used something that with it is to manifest free stuff. To manifest items, use a crystal and/or gemstone that you like with metal to channel energy think of what you want or even describe what you want and let the crystal cause it to manifest it for you. I had one ring sent free as if made for me. I believe in progressing humankind and I believe harnessing the matter manifestation technology is the key to freeing the human race. I don't know who sent it, the crystal caused it to be made for me and sent.

Its all in the process of it, as it also caused a bird to appear in the house and all that was needed was to think emotion, touch the crystal to cause it to direct the energy through its metal wrappings and send it bouncing along in 3 or four streams. Till the energy becomes so great it dissipates into the form using the crystal by tapping it for energy, and the metal wrap of course served as a focus. although, the bird felt evil as I used bad thoughts to be directed as a energy stream. When I use positive energy thought it the object turns good to the feel.

What kind of crystal and metal wrap did I recommend to be in use? Gold for men energy and silver for women energy and it was a obsidian crystal but you can do it with any other type of crystal. I used silver because that was all there was. Look online anywhere to get the silver wire or gold wire as it can come wrapped around the amulet crystal. Its proved that a bigger crystal has more power and the flaws in the crystal matter. Well the flaws only put intelligence into it but the more flaws and the more its likely to break, and a bigger crystal has a lot more energy transfer capabilities.

To transfer energy within the crystal, think what you want it to do and the crystal does. Crystals do run out of charge, you have to be touching it though or the crystal can be touching make it more effective. In truth also crystals don't run in outta charge. To focus the energy further and speed up the manifesting, say what you want to appear. It channels from your energy source so if your source runs out so does the crystal, so if you run out then the energy does. The crystal can crack.

How big a crystal do you think you would need to manifest physical objects like gold etc? A medium crystal is good for medium sized objects as it effects a decent energy flow. Added to this is what kind of energy source could you use for the crystal. A lamp would work, by shining the light through the crystal an as you say what you want to appear, to imagine it appearing to you in anyway that you want. Its well that crystals have their own energy added to the effort of a external one so yes it would.

So a higher wattage lamp would have better effect I guess? As a plant growing bulb and yea if you wanted a large chunk. I created a seven inch to 1 foot bird.

How long did that take? what crystal/energy did you use? Using a crystal and thoughts alone, the crystal was obsidian and it took 1 minute. The crystal was mid sized though if you get a small crystal then it could burst.

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