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Wednesday, June 3, 2009

How to eat energy

  When you think of the old men in the mountain? What do you think of? You think of impervious old men who don't have to eat. It's true, they are the old men of the mountains. I will attempt to explain how they do it.

  We eat because we need energy from the food. We also need to survive. Thus the need of survival will drive a person to the food and drink he desires. This includes comfort food. We seek comfort to survive the fear, hurt, pain, and other such ideas of emotion. When emotion is effect, we use a different survival skill. We mask the emotion with smothering or in avoidance. Smothering is the expression meaning of overcompensation through blindness by pain of some sort. We could get fat because of this. When we eat, the process we go through is that the body demands it due to desire. We respond by eating more. Then the body, if it is pain it is in feelings that we will overcompensate and we won't realize that it tricked us to eat more to smother the pain of living. People by their own nature will avoid pain in any manner they can. When a pain killer is used the hunger is lessened. This is because of the fact of the emotional and the physical are closely linked by how much stress we have. When a pain killer is used, and the pain killer is possible of water as well. The pain subsides and the body needs less to heal itself through overcompensation. Thus we can safely resist pain and eat energy instead without gaining weight by it as energy is also like in a pain pill.

  There are yoga, meditation, imagination and other means to get rid of pain though its more to relax by. Meditation is the base method. But one thing is constant, the light and dark states control how much we eat. When we eat at night, the darkness will smother our fears of overeating. It becomes painfully clear of the bulkyness of the body at light time. Darkness keeps us from seeing ourselves. So, guilt will not be so painful. With that lessening, we feel free to do what we want in an compensation action. That is, we eat more than the body demands. Unless wee eat without fear and guilt. Because it is like swinging pendulum. The body has us in the day and we have ourselves at night. To stop the pendulum and maintain our form, eat as in the day. Don't eat any more if have to eat at night. 

  Thus we keep the pendulum from swinging too far. When we do this, the body will lose weight by itself and all you have to do is continue the eating habits as in the daytime period. Note do not overdo the eating and eat under your weight unless you want to maintain it. We know we have overdone by guilt. More guilt means the more we overdid it. No guilt means we ate not over at all. To drink water will smooth the overcompensation. We lose weight faster and chronic pain, chronic headache, diabetes, moments of tiredness disappear as well with any disease. This is not overnight. It takes a week and 6 to 9 glasses of water a day. Soft drinks don't count unless you water it down. Carbonated water doesn't count either. You can get drunk on water. Just charge it enough.

. . The way the old men of the mountains ate energy is thus; in compensation they kept the above information in mind and meditation. They were always near open water. The rest is simple they charged the water and drank it. They then meditated by staying absolutely still. They made meditation on imagining a table of food of their choice. Then they imagined eating that food. What would happen is that the food would take form in truth as energy and absorb itself into the body. This is due to the subconscious mind being instructed to make the food appear in that form. 

  The food becomes a part of the body through the energy infusion. Thus you are fed by energy. Don't over eat at that table. The portent to become fat quickly is quite possible and harder to get off as it is more concentrated. When the mountain elders were finished eating, They ended the meditation by imagining the table disappearing. Then they woke up from their trance. Their bodies were fed.. We make it appear in idea by vision, so An act is a movement by due or do by wll and moment and its decided or by well will and prepared nature.

  How to eat objects by entropy alone, energy wise is also a natural idea. Eat objects by concluding the other material is with the energy. Then sip the edge, be of a karmic calm of strength when you do it as it activates your karmic energy chakra points creating a self-fulfilled byproduct feeling. But to feel the energy as if a food is to be able to draw the flavor out of the idea fabric thanks to Steve. Its in an idea of an self conclusive thought out flavor in a point due to evidences. Some say to eat the object as well. As physical object and change noticed and sometimes described. Making it satisfied to be near or have. 


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